
shuǐ yìng xìng
  • hydraulicity
水硬性[shuǐ yìng xìng]
  1. 如何使矿渣的潜在水硬性得以激发、生产出高掺量矿渣水泥(HSC),对水泥行业的可持续发展战略有深远的意义。

    It has far-reaching meaning on a strategy of sustainable development for the cement industry to activate the potential hydraulicity and to produce high-slag cement ( HSC ) .

  2. 采用提高原料细度的物理方法和选用合适激发剂的化学方法,使天然硬石膏的活性得到有效激发,并使其水硬性有所增强。

    The activity of natural anhydrite was effectively activated and the hydraulicity increased by means of increasing fineness of raw materials as physical method and using proper activating agent as chemical method .

  3. C2S在后期则具有一定的水硬性,它对水泥石的长期强度发展是有益的;

    C2S contributed to the later strength of cement because of its activity at later hydration stage .

  4. 结论:1、通过球磨混合与长时烧结的方法可以成功制备国产MTA,表现出了良好的水硬性和凝固均一性。

    The domestic MTA was prepared successfully using ball-milling mixing and sintering method , and it showed a good hydraulic and homogeneity of coagulation . 2 .

  5. 因此,增钙飞灰属CaO-SiO2-Al2O3三无系统玻璃体,含有潜在水硬性矿物,是一种应用于建筑材料方面较好的硅酸盐材料。

    Therefore adding Calcium fly ash belongs to three & component system CaO-SiO_2-Al_2O_3 with potential hydration ability , hence is a better silicate material as building materials .

  6. 对高炉主出铁沟用Al2O3-SiC-C质浇注料的结合相变化进行了分析,其中涉及到溶胶结合、氮化硅铁为添加物形成的sialon结合、水泥形成的水硬性结合。

    It has been analysed the change of bond phase of Al2O3-SiC-C castable used in major iron runner for blast furnace , which deal with sel-bond , sialon bond with nitrogen silicon ferrite additive , hydrated setting bond .

  7. 水硬性石膏胶凝材料性能影响因素研究

    Research on Factors Affecting on The Hydraulic Gypsum Binding Material Performance

  8. 水硬性混凝土支承层材料及滑模摊铺施工技术研究

    Research on the Material for HGT and Construction Technology of Slip-form Paving cementitious and reactive waterproofing

  9. 把脱水水泥浆与水泥熟料或硅酸盐水泥复合,可以得到一种新型的水硬性胶凝材料。

    By blending Portland cement and pulverized dehydrated cement paste , a new kink of cementing material is obtained .

  10. 锰铁合金渣具有潜在的水硬性和火山灰性,可用作混凝土掺合料和水泥混合材料。

    Ferromanganese slag has the latent hydraulicity and volcanic ash , it can be used to build concrete admixtures and cement .

  11. 参照石灰和水泥稳定土的机理,设计了一种液态、可渗透型水硬性材料,并将之用于潮湿环境遗址土的稳定和加固。

    Based on the mechanism of the lime or cement stabilized soil , a kind of liquid and hydraulic material was developed .

  12. 结果表明脱水相和煅烧后的砂浆都具有水硬性,煅烧温度是影响水硬性的重要因素。

    The results showed that both dehydrated cement pastes and calcined mortar behaved hydration and hardening ability , which was greatly affected by calcined temperature .

  13. 现代波特兰水泥是在18世纪末19世纪初随着水硬性石灰的发展而发展起来的。

    At the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century , the modern Portland cement concrete was developed following the hydraulic lime 's improvement .

  14. 针对水泥的无机水硬性胶凝材料特点,通过微观试验,进一步解释了水泥在半刚性路面混凝土强度形成中的作用,并归结为4个方面。

    In accordance with the binder characteristics of cement , the function of cement in semi-rigid pavement concrete strength formation with micro test is interpreted and four conclusions are drawn .

  15. 方法:通过测定材料在水中的凝固速度及凝固后材料表面性状,对水硬性材料成份的种类、赋形剂的种类及凝固促进剂的种类进行筛选。

    Methods : According to their effects on the hardening depth and surface characteristic of the set materials , the water-hardening components , excipient vehicles , coagulation accelerators were selected .

  16. 二是使用具有水硬性表面层和惰性内核复合结构的深加工处理石英集料以改进砂浆试样中界面区结构,研究界面区结构对试样抗硫酸盐侵蚀性能的影响。

    The other is the influence of structure of interfacial zone . Pretreated quartz sand composed of hydraulic surface layer and inert core was used to improve the interfacial zone .

  17. 分析了钢渣的组成,介绍了钢渣利用的可能途径,提出了用平炉钢渣作为普通硅酸盐水泥水硬性混合材综合利用的方案。

    This article analyzes the composition of steel scoria and introduces the way using steel scoria . It puts forward the plan to use open hearth furnace slag in portland cement as the hydraulical admixture .

  18. 柔性聚合物水泥防水卷材是以60%~70%的水硬性水泥及超细矿物掺合料与聚合物、水、助剂等经捏合搅拌、塑炼和压延等加工工艺制成的。

    The flexible polymer cement waterproof wed is manufactured via kneading , mixing , plastication and pressing process of hydraulic cement 60 % ~ 70 % , superfine mineral admixture , polymer , water and assistant .

  19. 本文在掺杂煤粉燃烧残余水硬性研究的基础上,侧重进行煤粉锅炉内工况的研究,就锅炉内生产水泥的可行性进行了验证。

    In the paper , based on the study compound coal powder burned remains ' hydraulic quality , work conditions in pulverized coal fired boilers are studied particularly , and the feasibility that products cement in boilers is verified .

  20. 结果表明,煤粉掺杂量在一定的范围内,经高温快速燃烧可以生成具有水硬性的贝利特矿物,燃煤发电联产水泥是可行的。

    The experimental results show that in the certain doping range of the powdered coal , the rapid combustion at high temperature generates belite minerals , suggesting that the feasibility of joint production of coal-burning electricity generation and manufacture of cement .

  21. 其中,β相硅酸二钙(β-Ca2SiO4)不仅具有良好的生物活性、降解性和细胞相容性,还具有水硬性的特点,有望成为一种性能优良的骨修复替换材料。

    Among them ,β - dicalcium silicate (β - Ca2SiO4 ) possesses good bioactivity , degradability and cytocompatibility , as well as the characteristics of hydration . Therefore , it is expected to be an excellent material for bone repair and replacement .

  22. 半水石膏属于气硬性胶凝材料,其制品吸水率大,当处于湿度90%以上的环境中,由于吸水、溶蚀而导致制品的结构强度降低。

    Semi-hydrated gypsum , the products of which have higher water absorption , belongs to air-hardening material . When environmental humidity is over 90 % , as the result of water soaking and dissolution eroding , the structural strength of the products will be decreased .

  23. 协同水化制备水硬性材料及其水化产物的研究

    Study on preparation of hydraulicity materials by synergistic hydration and hydration products

  24. 矿渣水化形成钙矾石与水化硅酸钙等水硬性矿物,使硬石膏硬化体强度与耐水性提高,矿渣水化与硬石膏水化相互促进;

    The hydration of slag forms water rigid minerals such as ettringite and hydrated calcium silicate , and the strength and water-resistance of the anhydrite binder material are accordingly increased .

  25. ISS加固土具有强度高、水稳定性好、抗渗透能力强等优点,它既是气硬性材料,又是水硬性材料。

    The soil stabilizer ISS , both an air hardening material and a water hardening material , has the merits of high strength , good water stability , high ability of seepage control .