
  • 网络Aquatic ecosystem;water ecosystem;marine ecosystem
  1. ~(95)Zr在鲫鱼体内的分布及在水生生态系统中的消长动态

    The Distribution of ~ ( 95 ) Zr in Crucian and the Dynamics of its Disappearance in a Simulated Aquatic Ecosystem

  2. 当处于低浓度Cu2+溶液中时,牙鲆肌肉中的SOD较CAT和GSH-PX敏感,因此其可作为水生生态系统中Cu2+低浓度暴露的一种生物检测指标。

    These results also suggested SOD was more sensitive to low concentration of Cu2 + than the others , and it could be served as bio-monitoring index of low concentration Cu2 + exposure in aquatic ecosystem .

  3. 水溶性有机质(DOM)是陆地生态系统和水生生态系统中的一种很活跃的组分。

    Dissolved organic matter ( DOM ) is an active component in territorial ecosystems .

  4. FCM技术与仪器的改进将促进水体微型生物的研究,从而有助于对水生生态系统的深入认识。

    The improvement of FCM technique and instrumentation will promote aquatic microbiota research which providing a better understanding of aquatic ecosystems .

  5. 溶解有机物(DOM)在控制水生生态系统的化学、生物和物理特性中起着重要的作用。

    Dissolved organic matter ( DOM ) plays an important role in regulating the chemical , biological and physical characteristics in aquatic systems .

  6. 本文考虑水生生态系统中种群间能产生抑制毒素的Volterra竞争模型,提出一个带时滞的弱耦合反应扩散方程组。

    A Volterra competing model that arises in plankton allelopathy is considered in this paper . A delay weakly coupled reaction diffusion system is proposed .

  7. 系统地阐述了原生动物在水生生态系统中的地位与作用,重点介绍了原生动物评价水体污染的生态学基础及其优点和PFU原生动物群落特征及其在水质监测应用中的优势。

    This paper makes a systematic exposition on the aspects of ecological basis and application of PFU protozoan community .

  8. 本研究表明,·OH对2,4-DCP的响应比抗氧化防御系统和脂质过氧化更直接、更快速,有可能成为指示水生生态系统中2,4-DCP污染的早期预警指标。

    These results suggested response of · OH was much earlier and more direct than that of antioxidant defense , and therefore , it might have the great potential to be used as the early warning indicator to 2,4-DCP pollution .

  9. 凤眼莲(Eichhorniacrassipes)在水体中的泛滥严重影响到了水生生态系统的生物多样性,并对人们的生产、生活、健康造成威胁,已被列为危害最严重的十大害草之一。

    The flooding of Eichhornia crassipes ( E. crassipes ) in water body had broken the biodiversity of aquatic ecosystem and threaten the human production , living and health . E. crassipes had been list as one of the ten kinds of harmful grass .

  10. 由于ENPs自身具有极其微小的粒径、较大的比表面积、表面含有大量活性位点等特殊的物理化学性质,使其暴露于环境中就会对生物甚至整个水生生态系统造成巨大的潜在危害。

    Due to the novel physicochemical properties of tiny size , large specific surface area and abundant reactive sites on the surface , ENPs may pose a potential hazard to organisms to the whole ecosystem if they are exposed to environment .

  11. 我国水生生态系统优先控制有机污染物的研究现状

    Research Status of Priority-Control Organic Pollutants in Aquatic Ecosystem in China

  12. 我国近海水生生态系统的退化与修复

    The Degeneration and Restoration of Water Ecosystem in Our Coastal Sea

  13. 热排放对水生生态系统的影响及其缓解对策

    Effects of Thermal Discharge on Aquatic Ecosystems and the Mitigation Countermeasures

  14. 底泥重金属污染及其对水生生态系统的影响

    Heavy Metal Pollution in Sediments and Its Effect on Aquatic Ecosystem

  15. 污染对华南植物园水生生态系统的影响

    Effects of Pollution on the Aquatic Ecosystem in South China Botanical Garden

  16. 电厂热排水对水生生态系统的影响

    Effects of Thermal Discharge from Power Plant on Aquatic Ecosystems

  17. 2,4,6-三氯酚在模型水生生态系统中的归宿

    Fate of 2 , 4 , 6-trichlorophenol in the model aquatic ecosystem

  18. ~(14)C-呋喃丹在模拟鱼-萍水生生态系统中的分配

    Distribution of carbofuran in a simulated fish / duckweed

  19. 邛海水生生态系统健康评价

    Health Assessments on the Hydrophytic Ecosystem of Qionghai Lake

  20. 整个水生生态系统将遭到破坏。

    Then the entire aquatic ecosystem will be disrupted .

  21. 苏州河底泥疏浚对围隔中水生生态系统的影响

    Influence of Dredging on Suzhou Creek Ecology System

  22. 海河水生生态系统的研究

    Study on the Aquatic Ecosystem of Haihe River

  23. 数据显示所构建的前置库水生生态系统处于成熟状态。

    The datas shows that water ecosystem in reservoir region is balanced and stable .

  24. 城市水生生态系统最小生态需水量&以北京为例

    Minimum ecological water requirements in urban aquatic eco-systems : A case study in Beijing

  25. 同位素示踪法研究有机污染物在模拟水生生态系统中的行为

    Study of behavior of organic pollutants in a simulated aquatic ecosystem by isotope tracer

  26. 水生生态系统对稀土元素富集作用的模拟研究

    A simulation Study on the Accumulation or Added Rare Earth Elements in Aquatic Ecosystem

  27. 大气湿沉降向太湖水生生态系统输送氮的初步估算

    Primary Estimation of Atmospheric Wet Deposition of Nitrogen to Aquatic Ecosystem of Lake Taihu

  28. 水生生态系统富营养化与细菌群落之间的关系尚不明确。

    The relationship between the bacterial communities and eutrophication of aquatic ecosystem is not clear .

  29. 水生生态系统的结构和机能,在许多基本特征方面同陆地生态系统一样。

    Aquatic ecosystems share a number of basic structural and functional characteristics with terrestrial ecosystems .

  30. 严重的水环境污染破坏了河流水生生态系统,曾造成刁江中上游河段鱼虾绝迹。

    Severe water pollution has spoiled the ecosystem of the river , causing a fish kill .