
  1. 水泥杆裂纹的防治

    Prevention of Crackle on Cement Poles

  2. 基于电磁原理,构建实验装置,以研究水泥杆中钢筋的检测方法。

    This paper introduces an experimental device used in research on electromagnetic test of cement pole .

  3. 本文介绍了水泥杆的结构,分析不同结构水泥杆的特点及缺陷;

    Firstly , the structure of cement pole and the defects in cement pole were introduced ;

  4. 钢筋是水泥杆的重要组成部分,其质量直接关系到在用水泥杆的安全。

    Steel bars are key parts in cement pole , and their quality effects on the safety of cement pole in use .

  5. 水泥杆是架空线路中的重要构件,其安全性直接关系到输电线路的正常运行。

    Cement pole is an important component for overhead lines , and its security has a direct impact on the safety of transmission lines .

  6. 三位外国先生走到汽车站,仔细看了看挂在水泥杆上的站标,决定了该乘哪路车。

    Three foreign gentlemen approached a bus stop and studied the information on the sign attached to the concrete post and decided which bus to take .

  7. 首先,分析检测原理,由于钢筋深埋在水泥杆里,检测手段必须具有穿透性,综合考虑选择电磁法作为检测方法;

    Firstly , as an principal condition , the testing media must penetrate the deep concrete to steel bars , for this consideration , the electromagnetic method is supposed to be an principal testing method ;

  8. 介绍了用皮尺做带拉线水泥杆分坑的各种方法,并且就分坑的相关概念,皮尺分坑的可行性及安全事项进行了分析。

    The disquisition introduced the whole bag of tricks to the drew line cement pole measured groundwork pit , through used skin ruler , and go along analysis interrelated concept , its feasibility and safety proceeding .

  9. 220kV带拉线水泥双杆的改型设计

    Retrofit Design to 220 kV Dual Concrete Power Pole with Polling Lines

  10. 外加剂对水泥-亚麻杆纤维早期界面性能的影响

    The Effects of Additives on the Early Property of the Interface between Cement and Flax Stem-fibres