
  • Fresh Fruit Salad;Fruit cocktail;Salade De Fruits;Rujak
  1. 要不就吃一个完整的橘子,或者做一份水果沙拉。

    Or just eat and savor6 a whole orange or make a fruit salad .

  2. C:一份水果沙拉,噢,还要一杯冰红茶。

    C : A fruit salad , oh , and one Iced Tea .

  3. 老板在悉尼的家里有一位访客想吃水果沙拉,于是管家托尼•夏普(TonySharp)径直去了最近的市场。

    When a guest at his boss 's home in Sydney wanted a fruit salad , butler Tony Sharp headed to the nearest market .

  4. 纽约长老会医院注册营养师AnnGaba说,在一餐中摄入一些水果沙拉能够有效抑制吃甜食的欲望。

    Ann Gaba , a registered dietitian at New York Presbyterian Hospital , says that sometimes all it takes is a bit of fruit in a salad during a meal to curb a sugar craving .

  5. “Beyoglu”餐厅位于上东城,是全纽约最棒的土耳其餐厅之一。餐盘上摆满了水果沙拉、烤鸡肉和蔬菜。

    Plates are heaped with salad , grilled chicken , and vegetables at Beyoglu , one of the best Turkish restaurants in the city , located on the Upper East Side .

  6. 我吃鱼排和薯条,她吃蔬菜水果沙拉。

    Fish steak with chips for me , salad for her .

  7. 我们准备去曼哈顿吃点什锦水果沙拉,喝点香槟了。

    We are going into Manhattan for fruit cocktail and champagne .

  8. 给我带着水果沙拉和苏打饼干吧。

    Please take some fruit salad and crackers for me .

  9. 做水果沙拉可是得用刀呀!

    Do I have to use knife to make a fruit salad ?

  10. 我想要两个烤牛肉的三明治和水果沙拉。

    I 'd like two roast beef sandwiches and fruit salad please .

  11. 一个金枪鱼沙拉和一个水果沙拉。

    A Tuna GetWord (" Tuna "); Salad and a fruit salad .

  12. 一些人用桔子和苹果做水果沙拉。

    Some people make fruit salad with oranges and apples .

  13. 水果沙拉,炸薯条,一杯可乐。

    Fruit salad , French fries and a coke .

  14. 蔬菜沙拉,水果沙拉,油炸食品,面包涂抹。

    Using for vegetable and fruit Salad , deep-fry foods or daub breadcrumbs .

  15. 油焖大虾、水果沙拉、海鲜等等。

    Braised prawns , fruit salads , and sea food and so on .

  16. 水果沙拉、冰激凌、还有罪恶的巧克力包衣花生。

    Fruit salad and ice cream and for my sins chocolate covered peanuts .

  17. 我们需要多少个苹果做水果沙拉?三个。

    How many apples do we need to make fruit salad ? Three .

  18. 搭配红浆果做的甜点,水果沙拉和果酱馅饼美味异常。

    Serving as red berries desserts , fruit salads and some fruit pastries .

  19. 我有时候把水果沙拉当做我的晚餐。

    I sometimes eat fruit salad as supper .

  20. 适合搭配鱼肉和家禽大餐饮用,也可搭配水果沙拉。

    Its roundness makes it an ideal match for fish cooked in sauce , poultry ;

  21. 星期二:我想我的水果沙拉晚餐给比尔了一个惊奇。

    Tuesday : I thought I 'd surprise Bill with a fruit salad for supper .

  22. 做水果沙拉你需要什么?请问沙拉要什么调料呢?

    What do we need for the fruit salad ? What dressing do you want ?

  23. 我们把水果沙拉当作餐后甜品。

    We had fruit salad for dessert .

  24. 这是一个水果沙拉。

    It 's a fruit salad .

  25. 我妹妹擅长做水果沙拉。

    My sister making fruit salad .

  26. 咱们做水果沙拉吧。

    Let 's make fruit salad .

  27. 4.吃水果沙拉

    Step 4 Eat salad with fruit

  28. 第一份您可以会吃水果沙拉,第二份你可以会吃切块或者切片的水果。

    You may eat fruit salad for the1st serving and chopped / sliced fruit for the2nd serving .

  29. 再要一份水果沙拉。

    Just a fruit salad .

  30. 水果沙拉浇上酸奶。

    Fresh fruit with yoghurt .