
  1. 当发酵时间为9天,水料比为3.5∶1(g/g),PH值为6.5,尿素含量为1.5%时,样品中的腐殖酸含量可达34.9%。

    The content of humic acid in the sample could reach 34.9 % when 9 days , pH 6.5 , 1.5 % carbamide with liquid-to-solid ratio 3.5:1 .

  2. 健康Wistar雄性二级(清洁级)大鼠80只,军事医学科学院实验动物中心清洁级动物房饲养,水料任意,用于复制脑震荡动物模型。

    Totally 80 male Wistar rats of clean grade , provided by the Animal Center of Academy of Military Medical Sciences and given free access to water and food , were used for preparing animal models of cerebral concussion .

  3. 结果表明:在最佳浸提条件水料比11mL/g、pH值8.7、温度46℃,浸提90min,玉米胚蛋白浸出率可达58.46%。

    The results show that optimum conditions of extraction are : ratio of water to material of ( 11 mL / g ), pH value of 8.7 , the temperature of 46 ℃ . The rate of extraction reached 58.46 % at above-mentioned conditions for ( 90 min ) .

  4. 研究了梅童鱼的脱盐工艺和调味工艺,探讨了不同水料比、不同温度下的脱盐过程。

    The desalting process and flavoring process of luedius were studied in this paper , including different ration of water and material and different temperature .

  5. 研究表明,激发剂、成型水料比是影响脱硫石膏、粉煤灰胶结材性能的主要因素。

    Studies have shown , excite agent and shaping concentration are the main factors to influence performance of binder produced by FGD gypsum and fly ash .

  6. 在制板工艺方面,与水泥膨胀珍珠岩系无机保温隔热板相比,水料比和复合胶凝材料的用量明显降低。

    In aspect of the manufacturing process , compared with inorganic insulation board of the cement and expanded perlite system , the ratio of water and the amount of composite cementitious materials were decreased significantly .

  7. 结果表明,羊肚菌多糖水浸提的最佳工艺条件为提取温度85.03℃,浸提时间147.75min,水料比30.58:1,浸提1次时,羊肚菌多糖的提取率为5.305%。

    The results showed that the optimal conditions for MEPS extraction were : temperature 85.03 ℃, time 147.75 min , ratio of water to material 30.58:1 . For the first extraction , the yield of MEPS was 5.305 % .

  8. 主要研究结果如下:1、采用响应曲面法对影响灵芝多糖提取得率的3个主要影响因素即超声功率、超声时间和水料比进行优化。

    The primary research results were as follows : 1 . The effects of different ultrasonic power , time durations and the ratios of solution to solid on the extraction yields of Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides were optimized with response surface methodology .

  9. 靠将水加入料浆中以控制温度。

    Temperature is controlled by adding water to the slurry .

  10. 水转料中氧化钠含量降低了,产品质量得到提高;

    The reduction of sodium oxide in water transformed material improved the product quality ;

  11. 水转料中二氧化硅含量降低了,氧氯化锆的使回收率提高了;

    The reduction of SiO 2 content in water transformed material improved the recovery rate of zirconium oxychloride ;

  12. 简要介绍煤油水多元料浆气化技术,并对它的技术经济性进行分析对比。

    This paper gives a brief outline on the gasification of multi-component slurry , which consists of coal , oil and water .

  13. 饱水砂砾料冻结时之冻胀敏感性,以冻胀率的大小作为分类指标。

    The frost heave ratio , as an index of classification of frost susceptibility for sandy gravel , mainly depends on not only the .

  14. 以去离子水作为料液,初步研究了各种因素对改性聚四氟乙烯膜组件过滤性能的影响。

    The filtration characteristics of the modified polytetrafluoroethylene membrane module was studied preliminarily , and the deionized water was used in the relevant experiments .

  15. 在此基础上,分析了多效蒸发系统在处理油田污水时,蒸发效数、加热蒸汽温度、浓缩比、预热方式及原料水进料流程对造水比及总比传热面积的影响。

    Based on the verified model , the influence of number of effects , heating steam temperature , concentration ratio , preheating pattern and feed water configuration on performance ratio and specific heat transfer area are investigated .

  16. 在2.5kg/cm~2的压力下,以蒸馏水为进料,膜的通量在90至650ml/cm~2·hr。

    Fluxes of the membrane were from go to 650 ml / cm ~ 2 · h under pressure of 2.5 kg / cm ~ 2 and deionized water as feed .

  17. 通过对料浆析水率、料浆粘度、净浆试件抗压强度及水化产物的SEM形貌分析,研究了机械湿磨和化学改性剂对湿排粉煤灰的联合活性激发效果。

    The research on the associated activation effect of mechanical wet grinding and chemical modifier to wet-discharged fly-ash slurry was carried on . And the analysis of separated water ratio , viscidity , compressive strength of cement paste , SEM appearance of hydrated product were carried though .

  18. 为了降低三元料浆的粘度,提高分散性,研究了不同浓度的KCl、K2SO4、K3SO4溶液对煤油水三元料浆ξ-电位的影响。

    In order to decrease viscosity of coal-water-oil slurry and increase its dispersity , the influence of different concentration of KCl 、 H_2SO_4 、 K_3PO_4 solution on ξ potential of coal-water-oil slurry was studied .

  19. 煤油水三元料浆流变特性的研究

    A study on the rheological property of the coal-water-oil slurry

  20. 从而为提高煤油水三元料浆的分散性找到了一种方法。

    So it can increase the dispersity of coal-water-oil slurry .

  21. 三份酒二份水的混合料

    A mixture of 3 parts wine and 2 parts water

  22. 低需水性胶结料的性能和应用前景

    Properties and application prospects of low hydrate cement material

  23. 接水盘落料-拉伸-切边复合模设计

    Design of Blanking-Drawing-Trimming Compound Die for the Water-Containing Plate

  24. 电解质溶液对煤油水三元料浆分散性的影响

    Influence of Electrolyte on Dispersity of Tricomponent Slurry

  25. 低温热改质煤对煤油水三元料浆流变特性的影响

    The Influence of Hypothermia Thermal Transnature Coal to The Rheological Characteristic of Coal-Oil-Water Ternary Material

  26. 膜材料的亲水-憎水性与料液中水、乙醇的选择性溶解及渗透汽化过程密切相关。

    The hydrophilicity-hydrophobicity of the membranes is closely related with the selective solubility of water from .

  27. 高压水射流板料渐进成形是一种板料加工新技术。

    High-pressure water jet incremental sheet metal forming ( WJISMF ) is a novel forming process .

  28. 确定了跳汰机床层密度分布服从乘幂规律,存在一乘幂曲线簇,对应不同入料原煤和不同的风、水、排料制度;

    Make sure that the bed density distribution belongs to the power disciplinarian and we can find a curve cluster through manual test .

  29. 结果表明,通过合理的蓝湿皮的选择与处理、水场化料的搭配、干燥以及涂饰过程中的仔细处理,产品可接近或达到黄牛皮家具革的质量。

    The results show that the aimed leather can be obtained by rational selection of the wet blue , leather chemicals , dry method and so on .

  30. 以水和模拟料液为介质,研究了不同液位条件下气镇器脉冲搅拌系统的几何参数、操作参数及控制条件等,确定了搅拌效果好、经济、安全的最佳工艺参数。

    Using water and simulative fluid as medium , the optimum technology parameters are established under different condition functions , such as size , operation , control , etc.