
The results indicated the possibilities of water quality monitoring in real time and on line based upon SFS technique and fitting Gaussian of the least squares method .
A review on pollutant 's carcinogenicity-mutagenicity - teratogenicity in water with biomonitoring
Drainage Basin Environmental Audit Model Directed by Water Pollutants
Previous studies focused on the overlying water research on the pollutant concentration .
We present the components of our Raman spectral database of pollutants in water .
Purification of contaminated water by ultrasonic degradation
The results showed that water pollution factors can affect survival of tadpole , induce the red blood cell abnormal .
As a new type of zero-valent iron , sponge iron possesses positive capacities for removing pollutants from water body .
The charcoal filling has tenuity effect in the improvement of water quality were only by its absorption and interception function .
The water quality model is an important tool in watershed management by simulating the migration and transformation of water pollutants .
A review of studies on sources and migration of various contaminants in surface and ground waters by using boron and its isotopes
Quantitatively analyzed the contribution of different water pollution sources including industrial wastewater , urban sewage , urban solid waste , runoff of farmland and marine vehicle pollution .
This paper expounds the sources of water pollutant and kinds of , and discusses its mechanism formed in detail and the practicable prevention means at home and abroad .
Based on the analysis on the influence of physical-chemical process on water pollution the basic equations for describing the transport and transform of soluble and absorbable pollutant in sediment flow are established .
Water quality model is a key tool of water pollutant transport and transform simulation . It is widely used in the field of water environment protection and water pollution prevention and cure .
It will make the simulation of the Drift-diffusion more realistic and accurate . Finally , this paper analyzed the applications of the Drift-diffusion method based on the cellular automata instantaneous point water pollution .
This approach of analysis proves to be quite accurate with abundant and precise data on the input and output of pollutants , the inspection information of the accumulation of water pollutants and other concerned hydrologic information .
The molecular sieves of the microchannel of handful natural minerals have the function of purifying molecular gas pollution , whereas the ionic sieves of ultra-microchannel of most natural minerals are likely to purify ionic water contaminates .
With the progress of environment management , people have realized that the objective of the water quality won 't come true only with implement concentration control on pollution source . Implement total amount control on contamination discharge is necessary for pollution control .
The Raman technique has been confined to the only research purpose due to the high price of the Raman spectrometer and the analysis software . It 's feasible to set up our own RS system for special purpose , for example detecting the pollutants in water .
Analysis on DNA content of trasformation cells induced by extracts of water using microspectrophotometer
ASE can be used for an overall monitoring of organic pollutants in water environment , and has a big potential for development .
This thesis constructs a basic spatial database using GIS which includes landuse , type of soil , DEM and sub-watershed , The distribution of fluvial contamination and influence of land use on surface water are analyzed by combining the monitoring data of surface water .
The thesis use " seasonal Kendall " methord combine water quality monitoring data of 2000-2004 to calculate , the last conclusion is that the organic pollution of Baiyang Lake is on the rise .
Biochemical oxygen demand ( BOD ) is an important indicator which reflects organic pollutants in water . The standard method to detect BOD , 5-d diluted culture method , is time-consuming and shows poor result reproducibility .
Influence of Dredging on Releasing Pollutants from Sediment to Overlying Water
Pollutant transport is an important and basic topic in environmental problems .
Prioritization and Risk assessment of Organic Pollutants in Huai River
Particulate Organic Matter and Organic Pollutants in Water Body of the Xijiang River
Reinforcement technologies for degradation of pollutants in water