
  • 网络Underwater Cultural Heritage
  1. 唯一专门规定水下文化遗产的公约&《保护水下文化遗产公约》对水下文化遗产的所有权问题也避而不谈。

    Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage avoids it .

  2. 沉没的军舰和其他国家船舶的法律地位&以水下文化遗产保护为视角

    Legal Status of Sunken Warships and Other State Vessels as Underwater Cultural Heritage

  3. 国际水下文化遗产若干法律问题研究

    A Research on Several Legal Issues Relating to International Under-water Cultural Heritage

  4. 在这样的情况下,对水下文化遗产进行有效保护可以说意义重大也十分紧迫。

    In such cases , the underwater cultural heritage urgent needs effectively protect .

  5. 这些法律构成了我国对水下文化遗产的保护框架,对水下文化遗产的范围和所有权管辖权都作出了十分明确的规定。

    These laws in China constitute the underwater cultural heritage protection framework , the scope of jurisdiction and ownership has made very clear rules .

  6. 本文从水下文化遗产保护、海洋教育和海洋科学研究三个方面来阐述海洋文化法律制度。

    This paper from the protection of underwater cultural heritage , marine education and marine science to illustrate the legal system of marine culture .

  7. 目前,国际上构成水下文化遗产主要框架的公约是《联合国海洋法公约》和《保护水下文化遗产公约》。

    At present , the framework convention of international underwater cultural heritage is the UN convention and the protection of underwater cultural heritage convention .

  8. 特别是对于拥有极长海岸线、水下文化遗产丰富的我国来说,这具备极强的现实意义。

    It especially has a very strong practical significance to our country in which has an extremely long coastline and rich in underwater cultural heritage .

  9. 令人遗憾的是,各国乃至整个国际社会对保护文化遗产的重视程度并不尽如人意,而其中水下文化遗产的处境更是令人担忧。

    However , the protection of cultural heritage , especially that of underwater cultural heritage ( UCH ), is far from satisfactory in many countries and even in the whole international community .

  10. 同时,也希望能够通过对这些冲突的研究,而提出合理的解决方案,从而使得各国间对水下文化遗产保护的相互合作真正成为可能。

    At the same time , I also hope that through these research of conflicts , I can put forward a reasonable solution , so that among the protection of underwater cultural heritage to cooperate with each other really possible .

  11. 教科文组织通过其政府间海洋学委员会并依托46个海洋世界遗产地以及《保护水下文化遗产公约》的实施,在政府间层面引领海洋研究与政策工作的不断深入。

    Through its Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission , drawing on 46 marine World Heritage sites and the implementation of the Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage , UNESCO acts at the forefront of intergovernmental efforts to deepen ocean research and policy .

  12. 但第三次技术革命以后,随着人类的认知水平不断提升,科学技术也得到了迅猛发展,水下文化遗产得到了越来越多的重视和关注,它巨大的文化价值和经济价值也凸显出来。

    After the third technology revolution , as human cognitive level rising , science and technology have also got the rapid development , underwater cultural heritage get more and more attention and concern , great cultural value and economic value also immediately emerges .