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  • dapsone
  1. 背景:氨苯砜(DDS)为一类苯胺衍生物。

    Research Background : dapsone is a class of aniline derivatives .

  2. 对于线状IgA大疱性皮病和IgA型大疱性系统性红斑狼疮,氨苯砜是首选治疗药物。

    Dapsone should be the first choice in linear IgA bullous dermatoses and IgA mediated systemic lupus erythematosus .

  3. 用MDT时的氨苯砜综合征

    Using T. coli DNA polymerase I , E. DDS Syndrom when Taking MDT

  4. 服用强的松或地塞米松1片,加用氨苯砜50mg,每日2片,口服。

    One tablet of prednisone or dexamethasone and 50 mg dapsone were taken bid orally .

  5. 观察和比较青霉胺、氨苯砜、氯喹、四环素、美满霉素和灭滴灵对PMN产生ROS和非细胞体系的和·OH的影响。

    We investigated the effects of penicillamine , chloroquine , dapsone , metronidazole , tetracycline and minocycline on ROS generated by PMNs and O ,· OH generated in the cell-free system .

  6. 结果提示,青霉胺、氯喹、美满霉素、灭滴灵、氨苯砜和四环素具有抑制或清除PMN产生的ROS;

    The results showed that penicillamine , chloroquine , minocycline , dapsone , tetracycline and metronidazole had an effect of inhibiting or scavenging ROS generated in PMNs ;

  7. 目的:为了能检出石蜡包埋组织中麻风菌氨苯砜(DDS)的耐药基因folP1,有必要建立敏感、特异的巢式PCR,为开展回顾性麻风菌DDS耐药流行病学研究服务。

    Objective : To detect fol P1 mutants referring to DDS resistant to M. Leprae from paraffin embedded tissue and to develop a sensitive and specific Nested-PCR for retrospective epidemiological study on leprosy relapse .

  8. 目的探讨氨苯砜(Dapsone)治疗类天疱疮及类天疱疮样扁平苔藓的疗效。

    Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of mucous membrane pemphigoid and lichen planus pemphigoid and lichen planus pemphigoides treated with dapsone .

  9. 氨苯砜一种抗菌药物,C12H12N2O2S,主要用于治疗麻疯病和一些皮肤炎的本质。

    An antibacterial drug , C12H12N2O2S , used primarily to TREAT leprosy and some forms of dermatitis .

  10. 氨苯砜综合征误诊2例报告并文献复习

    Dapsone Syndrome : Report of Two Misdiagnosed Cases and Literature Review

  11. 目前国内尚无氨苯砜该类型制剂上市。

    Currently there are still no this type of dapsone preparation .

  12. 单用氨苯砜治愈的麻风患者采用联合化疗抗复发的研究

    Study on Anti - relapse of Leprosy Treated with Combined Chemotherapy

  13. 扬州地区耐氨苯砜麻风的调查

    Survey on Prevalence Rate of Dapsone Resistant Leprosy in Yangzhou District

  14. 方法:报告2例氨苯砜综合征误诊病例。

    Methods : Two misdiagnosed cases of Dapsone syndrome were reported .

  15. 高效液相色谱法测定固体分散体中氨苯砜的含量

    Determination of the content of dapsone in solid dispersion by HPLC

  16. 氨苯砜治疗类天疱疮及类天疱疮样扁平苔藓

    Effect of mucous membrane pemphigoid and lichen planus pemphigoides treated with dapsone

  17. 氨苯砜预防麻风病20年的观察研究

    Prevention of leprosy with dapsone in the past 20 years

  18. 广东省麻风病人服氨苯砜的规则率调查

    Survey on regular drug taking in leprosy patients in Guangdong

  19. 作者报告了4例急性氨苯砜中毒的麻风病例。

    The authors reported four cases of leprosy with acute intoxication from DDS .

  20. 西药对照组仅服用氨苯砜和维胺脂胶囊。

    The western medicine control group was treated only with DDS and viaminate capsules .

  21. 氨苯砜和蒿甲醚治疗大鼠卡氏肺孢子虫肺炎的疗效研究

    The therapeutic effect of dapsone and artemether on Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia of rats model

  22. 氨苯砜治疗激素依赖性哮喘的疗效观察

    Therapeutic effect of dapsone for steroid-dependent asthma hormone

  23. 急性氨苯砜中毒4例报告

    Report on 4 cases with acute DDS intoxication

  24. 氨苯砜综合征8例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 8 cases of dapsone syndrome

  25. 美满霉素与氨苯砜联合治疗囊肿性痤疮临床观察

    A Clinical Observation of Combination Therapy with Minocycline and Dapsone in the Acne Cystica

  26. 动物组织中氨苯砜及其代谢产物残留量的液相色谱串联质谱法测定

    Determination of Dapsone and Its Metabolite Residue in Animal Tissue by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

  27. 氨苯砜对高危人群预防麻风效果的前瞻性观察

    Prospective observation on the effect of dapsone in prevention of leprosy in high risk populations

  28. 原发性耐氨苯砜麻风的调查研究

    Survey of Primary Dapsone-Resistance in Leprosy

  29. 新发和复发麻风患者中麻风菌的氨苯砜、利福平耐药基因的检测

    Molecular detection of dapsone and rifampicin resistance to Mycobacterium leprae in newly detected and relapsed patients

  30. 经氨苯砜和转移因子联合治疗后上述17例患者中16例达到正常值(P<0.05)。

    But after treatment , 16 patients increased to normal range ( P < 0.05 ) .