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The physico-chemical factors responsible for the deposition of gold from hydrothermal solution are temperature , pressure , oxygen fugacity , pH and the activity of ligand forming gold coordinate compounds .
In contrast , negative correlation between Mg ~ # and Fe_2O_3 / FeO ratios implies that the increasing of oxygen fugacity is very likely the main factor to induce immiscibility of oxide melt .
Using the hydrogen sensor method of measuring the permeability constant K of hydrogen through platinum under low temperature hydrothermal condition , the oxygen fugacity in the experimental system can be calculated based on the permeability of hydrogen .
The sulphur in ore-forming fluid is of multiple sources , and its activity is related to the oxygen fugacity . The activity of H_2S is down in the high temperature reduction environment .
Leaching experiments of gold in greenstone were carried out with chloride solutions at temperatures of 200 to 550 ℃ and a pressure of 60 MPa .
Ore forming solution was of the characteristics of low-medium temperature , shallow setting , alkaline and weak reduction Parameters such as pH , oxide fugacity , sulfur fugacity , Eh and δ 34 S varied regularly with the variation of Hy and temperature ?
Using CU-CU2O , Ni-NiO , and CU2O-CUO as the reference buffers of the tested YSZ oxygen sensor , we monitored in situ the oxygen fugacity of supercritical water with a 40 % filling at different temperatures .
Oxygen fugacity of earth 's upper mantle and genesis of diamond
A review of studies on oxygen fugacity of the earth mantle
Development of Oxygen Fugacity Sensor for High Temperature-High Pressure Hydrothermal Systems
An introduction to research on mantle re-dox state and its oxygen fugacity
In situ measure and control of oxygen fugacity at high temperature and high pressure
The solid buffering agents Ni + NiO were selected to control over oxygen fugacity .
Review of Oxygen Fugacity Sensors and Control Techniques Used in High-Pressure Hydrothermal Systems and Their Prospects
Relatively low oxygen fugacity .
The relationship between the assemblages of Fe-Ti accessary mineral and oxygen fugacity in the granitoid of South China
However , the temperatures and oxygen fugacity of magmas at high level magma chamber decreased along with fractional crystallization .
The basalt formed under the particular conditions of temperature , pressure and oxygen fugacity and structural setting of rift .
In this way , the oxygen fugacity in the sample can be conveniently controlled in situ independent of temperature and pressure .
Under the influence of the subduction , the source mantle of the potassic lamprophyres has a high geothermal gradient and oxygen fugacity .
It is concluded that the fluid forming this type of copper-gold deposit is one high oxygen and sulphur fugacity and low-to-moderate temperature acid fluid .
First Symposium on physics of the crust and upper mantle in Nanning Shi an introduction to research on mantle re-dox state and its oxygen fugacity
These factors include magma composition , convection , diffusion , thermal gradient , oxygen fugacity , temperature , pressure , the shape of magma chamber etc.
At present several formulae for calculating oxygen fugacities on the basis of fluid inclusion da-ta and corresponding diagrams and tables have been proposed by some researchers .
Furthermore , calculations of magma temperature , oxygen fugacity , viscocity , density , uprising velocity and the creak width are also introduced in this paper .
The spatial distribution of iron mineral facies in stratigraphic section shows that the sedimentation-ore formation environment had an increasing oxygen fugacity in the course of each cycle .
Based on a brief analysis of the genesis of hematite , the authors hold that hematite in red granite was mostly produced under the condition of high oxygen fugacity .
The amount and characteristics of iron-spherules in granitoid rocks depend on the composition of the material source of granitoid magma , the oxygen fugacity and the temperature of granitoid magma , etc.
Next , the changes of oxygen fugacity and sulfur fugacity are as follows : with the lowering of temperature and pressure of thermal fluid , the oxygen fugacity and sulfur fugacity are coming down .
In this paper , we mainly discuss the electrical conductivity influential factors in the upper-mantle olivine conductivity , including to temperature , pressure , magnesium and iron ratio , oxygen fugacity , and so on .