- 网络oxygen vacancy

N doping promoted the catalyst activity at low temperature by increasing the oxygen vacancies . However , N doping was not the more the better .
Internal friction due to the interaction between oxygen vacancies and domain boundaries in PZT ceramics
The Raman peaks for oxygen vacancy and OH stretching mode were observed .
Anatase TiO2 with oxygen vacancy is n-type conduction and with titanium vacancy is p-type conduction .
Meanwhile the oxygen related defect sites disappear in infrared ( IR ) spectrum after high temperature calcination .
Calculations show that both Sc doped ZnO and ZnO with oxygen vacancy are non-magnetic .
Raman spectroscopy showed that the density of oxygen vacancy increased with the increase of oxidant consumption .
It is obvious that optical property of the ZnO is tunable by controlling the oxygen vacancy concentration .
Study on the F ′ color center adsorption spectrum of anatase with high concentration of oxygen vacancy using the first principle
The thermodynamics results indicated that Cl atom will strongly adsorbed on oxygen vacancy , lead to its deactivation .
The Relationship between Conductivity and Oxygen Vacancy Transition in Yttrium Doped ZrO
Analyzing the Oxygen Vacancy Microstructure of ZrO_2 by High Resolution Electron Microscope
Influence of Oxygen Vacancies of WO_3 on Photocatalytic Activity for O_2 Evolution
The x-ray photoelectron scattering reveals that the binding energies of Bi_ 4f and Ti_ 2p remain unchanged after doping , which relate to the special mechanism of the oxygen vacancy restraint .
In photoluminescence property , as ZnO nanowires were synthesized in oxygen-deficient environment , oxygen vacancies which are responsible for green emission are the predominant defects .
The blue and red light emissions originate from the recombination of an electron on an oxygen vacancy and a hole on a gallium-oxygen vacancy pair and the nitrogen etc dopants , respectively .
Effect of Samarium on Gas-Sensing Properties of SnO_2 with Different Numbers of Oxygen Vacancy
The second is that nitrogen-doped TiO_2 has oxygen vacancy , it is close to the conduction band edge and also results in band-gap reduced .
By selectively desorb the H atoms of surface OH groups , we obtained and investigated the isolated O vacancy and OH group on the TiO2 ( 110 ) surface .
In the range from650to900 ℃, rising annealing temperature can also enhance visible emission of Ag-implanted ZnO nanowires due to the increased concentration of activated Zn and O vacancies .
The experimental results of Rh / TiO2 and Rh / V2O5 catalysts can be explained by oxygen vacancy model and complete coverage by vanadium oxide overlayer , respectively .
The emission peaks of the SiO_2 xerogel is related to the oxygen vacancy defects , the silica suspended bonds and the non-bridge oxygen centers formed in sol-gel progress .
And IR and ESR have proved that it has higher density of oxygen vacancy , which results mainly in its good electrical property .
Then the ceram-ics were oxidized by annealed in air at 850 ℃ for 2 h due to oxygen vacancy under a unstable state .
Raman and XPS results manifested that there was interaction between graphene and ZnO which introduced ~ 3 % interfacial stress and quantity of oxygen vacancies ( Vo ) .
Zn 2 + dopant made the FS intensity of TiO 2 nanoparticle increase , due to the increase in the content of surface oxygen vacancies and defects .
That the new absorption band at 400 nm ~ 530 nm is induced by oxygen vacancies in N-doped TiO2 , which exhibits a narrow band close to the conduction band .
The oxygen vacancies concept was introduced into Ce : YIG energy band theory model , to explain the compositions of the sputtering gas was key factor to influence the properties of the films .
Oxygen vacancy , localization and superconductivity in bi-pb-sr-ca-cu-o system
The results show that La dopant can improve the intensity of FS spectra with an appropriate content , which is attributed to the increase in the content of surface oxygen vacancies and defects .