- 名oxyhemoglobin

Objective To establish a novel in vitro model imitating part of the vascular wall that can be applied in the study of cerebral vasospasm induced by oxyhemoglobin ( OxyHb ) .
Caspase-3 and Cyt-C activity in apoptosis of brain microvascular endothelial cells induced by oxyhemoglobin
The participation of TRAIL in oxyhemoglobin-induced apoptosis of vascular endothelial cells
Gastric Cancer Detection Using Diffuse Reflectance Spectral Ratio R_ ( 540 ) / R_ ( 575 ) of Oxygenated Hemoglobin Bands
Decrease in oxygenated hemoglobin at the trunk muscle is seen in patients with LBP .
They also calculate derived variables , such as plasma bicarbonate concentration ( HCO3 –), base excess and saturation of haemoglobin with oxygen ( SaO2 ) .
This research applied near infrared spectroscopy ( NIRS ) and surface electromyogram ( sEMG ) to clarify the characteristics of muscle oxygen content ( oxy-Hb · Mb ) and myoelectric activity of the thigh vastus lateralis muscle in during exercises on the cycle ergometer .
The near infrared spectroscopy was used to measure the change of muscle oxygenation during exercise .
Studies on Kinetics of Reaction Between Tb 3 + and Human Oxyhemoglobin by Stopped flow Fluorometry
Objective To investigate the effect of oxyhaemoglobin on proliferation and apoptosis of cultured rat brain microvascular endothelial cells .
Result As the intensity of exercise was increased , blood lactate concentration , blood volume in tissue increased , while concentration of HbO 2 decreased .
During the maximal lateral bending , the extent of decrease in % oxygenated hemoglobin was significantly greater in the contralateral muscle than the ipsilateral one .
The Raman spectra of nitrosyhemoglobin ( NOHb ), methemoglobin ( MetHb ), oxygenated hemoglobin ( oxyHb ), and de oxygenated hemoglobin ( deoxyHb ) were comparatively studied .
In addition to NADH , we measured , optically , the microcirculatory blood flow and volume , as well as HbO2 oxygenation , from the same tissue area .
The changes of oxygen saturation and heart rate were also recorded . The variation of oxygenated hemoglobin , deoxygenated hemoglobin and total hemoglobin was expressed as the percentage to the value during rest .
In this paper , the enthalpy and the conformational volume changes induced by laser photo-dissociation reactions of oxy-hemoglobins of mammals , such as human , bovine , pig , horse and rabbit , were investigated by the PAC .