
  • 网络zirconia sensor
  1. 氧化锆传感器在CO/O2的非平衡体系中的响应

    The Response of Zirconia Oxygen Sensor in CO / O_2 Nonequilibrium System

  2. 基于氧化锆传感器的烟气氧量检测系统大容量氧气存储和处理系统

    Oxygen content detecting system based on zirconia oxygen sensor

  3. CO对氧化锆氧传感器的电性能和结构的影响

    Influences of CO Gas on the Electric Property and Construction of Zirconia Oxygen Concentration Sensor

  4. SO2对氧化锆氧传感器电性能的影响

    Influence of so : on the electrical properties of zirconia oxygen sensor

  5. 我们在发动机台架上对自制的氧化锆氧传感器进行了性能测试。

    The prepared sensors are tested in engine bench to gain essential performance .

  6. 平板式二氧化锆氧传感器的研究进展

    Progress of research on planar zirconia oxygen sensors

  7. 安培米制氧化锆氧传感器亚微米尺寸金属氧化物半导体掐

    Amperometric zirconia oxygen sensor submicron scale mos device

  8. 氧化物电极在氧化锆氧传感器上的应用

    Application of oxide electrode in ZrO_2 oxygen sensor

  9. 一种氧化锆氧传感器检定装置

    Application of Zirconia Oxygen Probe Test Device

  10. 氧化锆氧传感器的发动机台架测试

    Engine Bench Test Of Zirconia Oxygen Sensors

  11. 氧化锆氧传感器已经广泛地应用于汽车尾气排放反馈控制系统中。

    Zirconia oxygen sensors have been applied to monitor and control exhaust in automobile industry .

  12. 低温氧化锆氧传感器的研究

    Study of a Low-Temperature Zirconia Oxygen Sensor

  13. 二氧化锆氧传感器的零电位

    Zero electric potential of zirconia oxygen sensors

  14. 研究了氧化锆氧传感器在700℃和SO2气氛中较长时间内电导率的变化情况。

    The influence of SO_2on the conductivity of zirconia oxygen sensor at 700 ℃ was studied .

  15. 氧化锆氧传感器中的银电极研究

    Silver Electrodes in ZrO_2 Oxygen Sensor

  16. 掺锶锰酸镧&二氧化锆氧气传感器的制备及其性能测试

    Preparation and Characterization of Oxygen Gas Sensor with Strontium - doped lanthanum Manganate - Zirconium Dioxide

  17. 对近年来在氧化锆氧传感器板式结构、固体参比层和微型化研究等领域的发展进行了相关综述。

    It summarized the latest development such as thick film oxygen sensor , solid-state reference and miniaturized series-connected zirconia oxygen sensor .

  18. 电化学氧化锆氧传感器的多孔铂电极(连载二)&(二)多孔铂电极的评价指标分析

    Porous Platinum Electrode of Electrochemical Zirconia Oxygen Sensor ( Serial Two ) Analyses of Evaluation Criterion of the Porous Platinum Electrode

  19. 为解决氧测量的经常性监督问题,提出了一种氧化锆氧传感器检定装置。

    A test device of the zirconia oxygen sensor is put forward in order to supervise measuring oxygen content in the Gas .

  20. 北京切诺基牌汽车装配了带加热器的二氧化锆氧传感器,用以检测混合气空燃比。

    The zirconium dioxide oxygen sensor with heater is equipped on Beijing Cherokee car to check the air fuel ratio of the mixture .

  21. 氧化锆氧传感器在使用过程中都存在老化问题,而对于氧化锆元件非反应式老化问题,理论与实践表明:完全可以用再生的办法,使其恢复正常测量功能。

    There exists an aging problem for zirconia sensor during the service , whereas for the non-reactive aging of zirconia components , they can work properly again by being regenerated both in theory and practice .

  22. 介绍了氧化锆氧传感器的基本原理和燃煤工业锅炉送风控制系统,指出将氧化锆氧传感器和计算机技术应用到工业锅炉中,是减少燃煤工业锅炉的排放污染和降低运行成本最有效的办法。

    The basic principal of zirconia oxygen sensors and air supply control system are introduced . It shows that the application of zirconia oxygen sensor and computer technology into industrial boiler burned oral is good for the reduction of emission , and has lower operation cost .

  23. 混合微电子技术在氧化锆基氧传感器上的应用

    Application of Mixture-microelectronic Technology on the Oxygen Sensors Based on Zirconia

  24. 氧化锆定氧传感器微机数据处理系统

    A microcomputer data processing system for ZrO_2 sensor of analysing oxygen

  25. 氧化锆测氧传感器的测量误差和检验方法

    Measuring Error and Test Method of Measuring Oxygen Content by Zirconia Transmitter

  26. 校正氧化锆测氧传感器非线性误差的数学模型

    Math model for correcting nonlinear error of zircite oxygen transmitter

  27. 提出了氧化锆测氧传感器的另一种静态特性数学模型。

    Another static performance of math model for zircite oxygen transmitter was presented .

  28. 极限电流型氧化锆电极氧传感器的研究

    Study on Limit-Current Oxygen Sensor Using Zirconia Electrolyte

  29. 氧化锆基氧传感器对抽气(空气)系统的低真空测量

    Low Vacuum Measurement of Zirconia-Based Oxygen Sensor for an Evacuated ( Air ) System

  30. 氧化锆固体电解质氧传感器可以监测和控制各种燃烧气氛以及冶金反应,因此已经广泛应用于环保、材料、化工、冶金、能源、宇航等领域。

    Solid electrolyte oxygen sensors made of zirconia can monitor and control various combustion ambiences and metallurgical reaction , so they have been widely applied to the fields such as environment protection , material science , chemical engineering , metallurgy , energy source and space navigation .