
yǎnɡ huà huán yuán diàn jí
  • redox electrode
  1. 氧化还原电极有时用作内显示器。

    Sometimes oxidation-reduction electrodes are used as internal indicators .

  2. 制备了一种全固态复合式氧化还原指示电极。

    A full-solid-state combined oxidation-reduction indicator electrode was prepared .

  3. 全固态复合式氧化还原指示电极的研制

    Study on a Solid State Combined Oxidation-Reduction Indicator Electrode

  4. CV曲线显示,在磷酸缓冲溶液中,有一对氧化还原峰,电极电化学活性良好。

    The electrode has good electrochemical activity with a pair of redox current on the CV graph .

  5. 结果表明:agarose-cyt-c膜中加入DMF后,cyt-c则表现出好的准可逆氧化还原过程,电极连续扫描50圈峰型无变化。

    Results showed that a good quasi-reversible redox behavior of cyt-c could be found after adding DMF in agarose-cyt-c film , and peak shape would not change after continuously scanning for 50 cycles .

  6. 氧化还原聚合物修饰电极用于NO2~-催化还原的探讨

    Discussion on the Redox Polymer Modified Electrodes and Nitrite Reduction

  7. 酞菁、卟啉和氧化还原蛋白质薄膜电极的研究

    Studies on Thin Film Electrodes Containing Phthalocyanines / Porphyrins and Redox Proteins

  8. 确定了ACF上苋菜红发生氧化和还原反应的电极电位分别是0.6V和?

    The potentials of oxidization and reduction for amaranth decolorization on ACF were ascertained at 0.6V and ?

  9. 氧化还原条件对钼电极在钠钙玻璃中着色的影响

    Effect of Redox Condition on the Coloring of Soda-lime Glass by Molybdenum

  10. 用氧化还原聚合物修饰多孔电极

    Redox Polymer Modified Porous Electrodes

  11. 目的:通过对氧化还原滴定法中电极电位的计算公式的推导,提高测量的准确度。

    Objective : By deducing compute for solving electrode potential of gauging point in the exidimetric and reductometric titration method , raise accuracy of measurement .

  12. 由于氧化还原蛋白质与裸电极很难发生直接电子传递,不同类型的膜修饰电极可以加快电子传递速率。

    Due to the difficulty of direct electron transfer of redox proteins with the bare working electrode , different kinds of film modified electrodes were devised to accelerate the electron transfer rate .

  13. 空气电极是锌-空气电池的重要组成部分之一,影响空气电极性能的主要因素是催化剂的氧化还原性能和空气电极结构。

    Air electrode is one of the most important components in zinc-air cell . The main effect factors on performance of air electrode are catalysts ' oxidation and deoxidization capability and structure of oxygen electrode .

  14. 在此基础上,探讨了该体系在电化学氧化还原过程中的电极行为和均相转化过程,为进一步研究该体系的平衡性质和电化学行为提供了热力学依据。

    Starting from these diagrams , the electrode behavior and coupling homogenous reactions of this system in electrochemical redox processes have been discussed and a thermodynamical foundation has been laid for the further study of this system .

  15. 在提出广义氧化还原新概念的基础上,利用广义氧化还原电极电势判断无机化学反应的方向、顺序和计算反应的平衡常数,使溶液中无机化学反应系统化。

    The new concept of generalized oxidation and reduction is advanced . Generalized electrode potentials are used in deciding the direction , the order and calculating equilibrium constants of chemical reactions . Moreover inorganic chemical reaction in solutions are systematized .

  16. 电极转速对甲醇电化学氧化还原行为的影响以旋转线扫伏安和旋转循环伏安法研究了甲醇的电化学氧化还原过程中电极旋转速度的影响。

    Influence of Rotation Rates on Electro-Oxidation of Methanol by Rotation Linear and Cyclic Voltammetry The electro-oxidation of methanol in aqueous solution was investigated by linear and cyclic voltammetry with platinum rotation disk electrode .