- 名hydrogen ion concentration

With the reduction of hydrogen ion concentration in the solution , the absolute value of Zeta potential is increased .
The relation of titration percentage with hydrogen ion concentration is described in the all kinds of acid-base titrations . The expression of the calcuating PH valus is derived and it has applied example to calcuate PH value of the titration process .
Expression of hydrogenion concentrations in terms of molar concentrations is rather cumbersome .
Cooperative Effects of Effectors and pH on the Activity of Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase from Green and Etiolated Maize Leaves
The application of RBF neural network in hardy nonlinear system and the result of simulation is introduced . An example of pH control in hydroxylamine reactor is described .
A new type pH value measurement and control instrument is mainly designed for the purpose of getting the concentration of hydrogen-ion ( the pH value ) in various liquors to supply industrial processes with exact and reliable parameters .
Data of decrepitation temperature and homogenization temperature of main mineral inclusions and of chemical compositions the salinity , and hydrogen ion concentration ( pH value ) of the ore & forming fluid of gold deposits from volcanic terrain in Zhejiang are given in this thesis .
DH-1326 blood-gas Analyzer measures PH , Pco2 and Po2 in the blood making use of the electrodes , offers the reference opinions to salve the patient .
Determination of the total hydrogen ion concentration in rainwater using coulometric titration
Method of hydrogen ion concentration determination for pesticide emulsifiers
But the rate of the extraction decreased with the content of hydrogen cation raised .
A Discussion on Application Conditions of Formula Calculating the Concentration of Hydrogen Ion in Solution cf Monoacid or Monobases
An increase in hydrogen ions within cell walls would decrease ionization of carboxyl groupings of the cellulosic fraction .
The effects of H + concentration in water phase , concentrations of surfactant and cosurfactant on the microemulsion conductivity were studied .
A blood disorder characterized by a lower concentration of hydrogen ions in the blood ( which rises above 7.45 on the pH scale ) .
Using the definition and calculation formula of distribution coefficients , the deduction of the hydrogen ion concentration in solutions will be simple , clear and exact .
The reaction mechanism of the oxidation of thiothiamine was studied , and two kinetic equations that well describe the changing concentration of reactants were also gained in this paper .
Different concentrations of hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid were chosen as stripping . It was found that the stripping effect of hydrochloric acid was better than sulfuric acid under the same concentration of hydrogen ion .
Conditions favourable to the formation of E-Sb are : high current density , high concentration of Sb (ⅲ) and H ~ + , low temperature , low concentration of Cl ~ - with intensive agitation and smooth electrode sur-face .
The concentration of hydrogen ion , voltage on electrobath and the temperature of electrolyte were the main factors affecting hydrogen production from indirect electrolysis of hydrogen sulfide and the voltage on electrolytic cell took a most important part in the process .
It was found that the concentration of hydrogen ion plays an important role .
The results show that the percentage extraction of copper is reducing with increasing of and .