
  • 网络tritium labelled compound;tritium-labeled compound;tritiated compound
  1. 流气式微波激活法合成氚标记化合物

    A microwave activation method with flowing tritium gas for synthesis of tritium labelled compound

  2. 辐射-诱导标记是氚标记化合物制备的一种特殊技术。自从Wilzbach在1957年创立氚气曝射法以来,经过30多年的研究,这种技术已经有了重大的发展。

    The development and application of the radiation-induced labelling method are described . The method is an especial technique for preparing tritium labelled compounds .

  3. 高频放电法制备一些氚标记化合物

    The preparation of tritium-labelled compounds by high frequency electric discharge

  4. 微波法氚标记化合物的研究

    Study on the method of tritium labelling by microwave discharge

  5. 氚标记化合物的制备与贮存

    Preparation and storage of tritium-labelled compounds

  6. 氚标记化合物的辐射荧光显影

    Radio-fluorography of tritium-labelled compounds

  7. 上述十二种氚标记化合物的比活度为14~19Ci/mmol,放化纯度大于98%。

    The specific activity of these products is between 14-19 Ci / mmol and the radiochemical purity is more than 98 % .

  8. 某些氚标记杂环化合物的~3HNMR研究

    ~ 3H NMR Analysis of Some Labeling Heterocyclic Compounds

  9. 微波氚标记法与化合物结构的关系

    Studies on the relationship of microwave discharge tritium labeling and structural compounds

  10. 氚标记甾族类化合物的氚核磁共振波谱的研究

    Studies on some tritiated steroide by the tritium nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

  11. 氚标记咪唑类化合物的~3H核磁共振波谱研究

    A study of ~ 3h NMR spectroscopy of tritium labelled imidazole and its derivatives

  12. 化学合成法氚标记不饱和有机化合物的研究

    The labeling of unsaturated organic compounds with tritium gas by chemical synthesis method

  13. 氚核磁共振技术及其在氚标记化合物中的应用

    Tritium nuclear magnetic resonance technology and its applications in labelling compounds

  14. 氚核磁共振波谱在氚标记甾族化合物制备中的应用

    Application of Tritium NMR Spectra in the Preparation of Some Tritium Labelled Steroids
