
  • 网络gas-solid equilibrium
  1. 因此,在较低的Zn压下退火(但仍处于气固平衡范围内),能排除晶内杂质。

    Thus a lower Zn partial pressure , but still lies in the solid vapor equilibrium area of the P T plot , can help to drive out the impurities .

  2. 借鉴热力学状态方程在气液平衡中的经验,修改了二维vanderwaals状态方程,并在气固吸附平衡中应用。

    By using the experience of the equation of state in gas-liquid equilibria for reference , a modified two-dimensional van der Waals equation was proposed and applied to gas-solid adsorption equilibria .

  3. 本文导出了描述理想气固吸附平衡的热力方程。

    A thermodynamic equilibrium equation is set up for ideal gas-solid adsorption .

  4. 复杂组分气固吸附相平衡的计算及等温线拟合

    Calculation and isotherm adaptation of gas-solid adsorption equilibrium of complicated components

  5. 温度影响下的气固吸附相平衡及其数据处理方法

    Gas-Solid Adsorption Equilibria Under Temperature Influence and Their Data Processing Method

  6. 双柱定容容量法测定气固吸附相平衡

    Measurement of Gas-Solid Adsorption Equilibria by a Volumetric Method with Two Vessels

  7. 本文提出的方法可用于测量真空及压力下单组分或多组分易达平衡的气固吸附相平衡。

    A volumetric method with two vessels was developed in the study , which may be used for determining the gas-solid adsorption equilibria of pure gas and gases mixture under or above atmosphere .

  8. Li2SO4-EtOH-H2O体系25℃气-液-固平衡和液相物理化学性质的研究

    Studies on the vapor-liquid equilibrium and properties of physical chemistry in liquid phase for the ternary system li_2so_4-etoh-h_2o at 25 ℃

  9. 采用了多孔介质气固间局部热平衡假定,建立了二维的多孔介质中湍流燃烧模型。

    The local heat equilibrium between gas and solid was assumed , and a two-dimensional turbulent combustion model in porous inert media ( PIM ) was developed .

  10. 而对于大负载比气固两相流,平衡流假设与实际情况不符,大负载比两相喷管流近乎等温流。

    But it is absolutely different for nozzle two-phase flow with large load ratio , which is approximate to isothermal flow as the hypothesis of equilibrium flow does not in agreement with the actual flow .