
  • 网络gas-solid two-phase flow
  1. 尤其是在冶金与化工工业上,气固两相流的检测对企业成本控制、能源节约、工艺提升和产品质量提高有实际意义。

    The detection of gas and solid two-phase flow can do help to the corporation cost control , energy saving , process raising , production quality improvement .

  2. 引进能量、Shannon熵和标准差STD作为特征量对气固两相流频域空间进行分析。

    Energy , Shannon entropy and standard deviation were applied to characterize gas-solid two-phase flow in frequency space .

  3. 气固两相流k-ε-kp-εp双流体模型及应用

    A K ε k p ε P turbulence model for gas-solid two-phase flows and its application

  4. 基于Fluent软件的流化床的气固两相流模型研究

    Study on Gas-solid Flow Model of Fluidized Bed Based on Fluent Software

  5. 稠密气固两相流中颗粒团运动的DEM模型研究

    Studying of cluster behavior in dense gas-particle two-phase flow by using DEM model

  6. 气固两相流PDF模型及直接点火燃烧器数值模拟

    Gas-solid Two Phase PDF Model and Numerical Simulation of Oil-less Ignition System

  7. 应用PDA测量气固两相流边界层时壁面的选择

    Selection of Wall for Measuring Boundary Layer of Gas-solid Two Phrase Flow with PDA

  8. 气固两相流中颗粒碰撞的Monte-Carlo数值模拟

    Monte-Carlo numerical simulation of inter-particle collisions in gas-solid flows

  9. 格子Boltzmann方法模拟气固两相流

    Simulation of gas-solid two phases flow by lattice Boltzmann method

  10. 按压力耦合方程的半隐式法(SIMPLE)编制了计算一次风管内气固两相流流场和浓度场的通用程序,对程序编制及调试工作作了分析。

    According to semi-implicit method for pressure-linked equations ( SIMPLE algorithm ), authorwrites a general program for simulation of velocity profile and concentration distribution in primary air pipe and discusses writing and debugging of the program .

  11. PSC型旋风管排尘锥内气固两相流的实验研究

    An Experimental Investigation on the in the Discharge Cones of the PSC Type Cyclone Tubes

  12. DCD格式在气固两相流计算中的应用

    Application of DCD Scheme in Computation of Gas-Solids Two-phase Flow

  13. 本文主要对高浓度气固两相流和电站锅炉中的循环流化床和W炉内的燃烧和污染物排放过程进行了较为详细的数值模拟研究。

    The work is mainly on numerical simulation of dense gas-solid two phase flow and the combustion and pollutant emission processes of circulating fluidized bed and W-shaped furnace applied by power plant .

  14. 介绍了粒子图像测试技术(PIV)原理,分类,设备组成,以及利用PIV分析气固两相流的研究现状;

    PIV ( particle image velocimetry ) and the application of PIV in gas solid multiphase flow in recent years were briefly introduced .

  15. 为了提高城市生活垃圾风力分选效率,应用气固两相流的基本理论,并采用流体力学专用软件FLUENT模拟城市生活垃圾风力分选流场的固相颗粒的平均速度。

    A multi-dimensional two-phase model and a special software of hydromechanics FLUENT are used to simulate the average speed solid flow in municipal solid waste ( MSW ) .

  16. 建立了气固两相流的控制方程和封闭方程;介绍了数值模型的建立、网格划分、边界条件和初始条件的设定;采用SIMPLE算法对射流技术进行压力和速度耦合。

    The control equations and the closed equations of gas-solid two-phase flow are established . The setting of the numerical model , meshing , boundary conditions and initial conditions are described . Using SIMPLE algorithm to establish pressure and velocity coupling of jet technique .

  17. 最后,在系数N和R的指导下,在浙江大学热能工程研究所高温气固两相流风洞试验台上验证测量系统的可靠性。

    Finally , under the guidance of coefficient N and R , experiments were taken in high-temperature gas-solid two-phase flow wind tunnel in Institute of Thermal Engineering at Zhejiang University , to verify the reliability of the measurement system .

  18. 因此,除了理论研究以外,此次研究还在实验室建立了热态的烟气循环PDA实验台,对气固两相流流动特性进行了实验测量。

    Besides the theory study , experimental study under the hot condition is necessary , so there is the cold smoke circulating test unit with PDA system set up in the laboratory .

  19. 本文介绍应用双色激光多普勒测速仪(LDA),测定水平圆管内气固两相流的方法,并对试验结果进行了详细讨论。

    This paper introduces a determination of an air-solid two-phase flow in a horizontal pipe of circle by two-color laser-doppler anemometry and results are discussed in detail .

  20. 通过实验来研究颗粒对流场的影响,会有相当大的局限性。作为一种新的计算流体动力学技术,格子Boltzmann方法(LBM)已经成为研究气固两相流的有力工具。

    The lattice Boltzmann method ( LBM ), as an novel technology of the Computational Fluid Dynamics ( CFD ), has become a useful tool for studying gas-solid two-phase flow .

  21. 应用湍流边界层的两层模型,导出了稀相气固两相流通过具有恒定热通量圆管时的Nusselt数。

    Applying two-layer model of turbulent boundary layer , Nusselt number for disperse phase gas-solid two-phase flow to pass through a pipe with constant heat flux are developed .

  22. 格子Boltzmann方法(LatticeBoltzmannMethod,LBM)是近年发展迅速的一种计算流体力学新方法,在气固两相流模拟方面具有许多优势。

    Lattice Boltzmann method ( LBM ) is developed rapidly in recent years as a new method of computational gas dynamics . Because of its microcosmic and mesoscopic properties of nature , the method to study gas-solid flow problems is a great advantage .

  23. 研究结果表明,SLC型分解炉气固两相流可分为五个区域:喷泉区、涡流区、回流区、稳流区和旋流区;

    The results show that the gas-solid flow in SLC calcinators is divided into fire regions : the spouting region , the eddy region , the back-flow rigion the steady flow region and the swirling flow region .

  24. 基于气固两相流理论和气溶胶动力学原理,建立流化床收集器(CFBA)内气体细颗粒聚团气固两相双流体模型。

    A two-fluid model of gas-particle agglomerates was proposed based on the theory of two-phase flow and aerosol dynamics in circulating fluidized bed absorber ( CFBA ) .

  25. 利用格子Boltzmann方法对气固两相流进行数值模拟,其中颗粒的轨迹利用指数拉格朗日方法进行计算,而流场的计算方法则是基于一种修正后的LBGK模型。

    This paper focused on the numerical simulation of gas solid two phases flow by lattice Boltzmann method . The particle tracks were calculated using a developed exponential Lagrangian scheme , and the approach used for the computation of fluid phase was based on a modified lattice BGK model .

  26. 为深入了解气固两相流的瞬态特性,利用自行建立的粒子图像测速(PIV)系统对出口内径为10mm的气固两相自由射流流场进行了实验研究。

    The instantaneous characteristics of gas-solid two-phase jet flow was investigated experimentally with a 10-mm-diameter jet using particle imaging velocimetry ( PIV ) technology . Small ( about 1 μ m diameter ) and large ( about 100 μ m ) particles were mixed into the gas flow .

  27. 根据Mie散射理论,论述了气固两相流颗粒相粒度分布和平均浓度测量的基本原理和试验方法,利用氧化铝粉末气固两相自由射流试验台,进行了一系列实际测量。

    Based on Mie scattering theory , the basic principle and test method to evaluate air solid two phase particle distribution and mean concentration is presented . A series of experiments have been made to prove the theory with the powder of aluminum oxide in an air particle free jet .

  28. 为测量两相等温自由射流中颗粒相的速度场,作者根据Mie散射理论设计建立了一套激光角散射测速装置,并用该装置在气固两相流试验台上进行了颗粒运动速度的测量。

    The purpose of measuring the velocity field of particle phase in two phase isothermal free jet , the authors have established a laser angle scattering velocity measurement system based on Mie scattering theory and performed particle velocity measurements with this system on an air-solid two phase flow experimental apparatus .

  29. 气固两相流流量的实时测量系统研究

    Study on On-Time Measure System of Air / Solid Phase Flow

  30. 文章概述了气固两相流中,颗粒间碰撞传热机理的研究现状;

    The colliding particle - particle heat transfer mechanism was summarized .