
  1. 我国城市的大气污染与气体能源的地下储存

    Discussion on air pollution in main cities of China and underground storage of gas energy source

  2. 在国际范围内开展气体能源开发学术研讨会是非常必要的。

    It is essential to initiate a technical conference on gas energy in the international scope .

  3. 以天然气、沼气和煤层气为代表的气体能源成为短期内最有效的替代燃料。

    And the gaseous energy source could be the most effective alternative fuel sources in short period of time .

  4. 同时,乏风瓦斯的主要成分为甲烷,是优质洁净的气体能源。

    Meanwhile , the main components of ventilation gas are methane , which is the high quality undefiled gas energy .

  5. 清洁能源作为一种新的不产生或者很少产生温室气体能源是迈向低碳经济道路的很好的选择,同时清洁能源中的可再生能源对于缓解未来能源压力有着至关重要的作用。

    Clean energy , as an energy type that does not generate or rarely generates Green House Gas , is a good choice . Meanwhile , the renewable energy which also belongs to clean energy has a vital role for easing the energy pressures in the future .

  6. 但金融创新就像核裂变一样:核能能够提供没有温室气体的能源,但核武器却能毁灭这个星球。

    But financial innovation is like splitting the atom : Nuclear power offers energy without greenhouse gases , but nuclear weapons can blow up the planet .

  7. 目前各种管道运输已成为输送液体、气体等能源的经济安全的运输方式,并在油气运输业中被广泛应用。

    At present a variety of pipeline transport has become a kind of economic and security transportation for liquid , gas and other petroleum products . It is widely used in oil and gas transportation industry .

  8. 管道作为大量输送石油、气体等能源的安全经济的运输手段在世界各地得到了广泛应用。

    The pipeline as a kind of safe and economical carrying means of transporting a mass of energy sources , such as oil , gas and so forth is applied widely in every place of the world .

  9. 温室气体减排和能源的稳定供给是当今世界经济发展所面临的两个重大问题。

    Greenhouse gases emission reduction and energy demand are the two significant issues for the world economy development .

  10. 生物质不仅资源丰富,分布广泛且燃烧过程中几乎不产生污染气体,其能源的开发利用为无数学者所青睐。

    Biomass is rich and distributes widely , combusting biomass will not produce noxious gas , so the exploitation of bio-energy becomes popular .

  11. 运行中不需额外消耗压缩气体、节约能源,设备紧凑,体积小。

    The utility model has the advantages of compact device , small size , saving energy and no extra consumption of compressed air in operation .

  12. 燃气彩偏窑是以气体燃料作为能源,通过对燃烧过程的自动控制,达到温度精确控制,满足彩偏磁芯烧结工艺要求。

    The gas color deflection kiln can meet the color deflection corn sintering technological requirement , attribute to automatic control combustion process for the accurate temperature .

  13. 一是国际背景,在国际大环境下温室气体排放、能源危机、次贷危机促使了碳关税的产生。

    First , international background , in the international environment , greenhouse gas emissions , the energy crisis , the subprime crisis prompted the production of carbon tariff .

  14. 近年来,可燃气体作为清洁能源已在居民生活和工商业中得到广泛的应用,对提高居民的生活质量发挥了巨大的作用。

    In recent years , combustible gases have already obtained widespread application as clean energy sources . This has played an enormous role in improving the life quality of residents .

  15. 而即使我们尚未耗尽地球储油量之半数以上(亦即过了原油存量之峰点值),我们也必须开始寻找不会造成环境污染、不再产生温室效应气体的新兴能源。

    But even if we have not yet passed the point of peak oil , we must nonetheless still look to new sources of non-polluting , non-greenhouse gas emitting forms of energy .

  16. 气体水合物在能源、环境领域有着不可限量的重要作用,尤其是称为可燃冰的甲烷水合物,以及储氢潜力巨大的氢气水合物。

    Gas hydrates have definitely promising role in energy and environment field , especially for methane hydrate which called " fired ice " and hydrogen hydrate which has huge potential for storing hydrogen .

  17. 能源&任何电气、机械、液压、气动、化学、热敏、蒸汽、弹簧、重力、受压水、液体、气体或其他能源。

    E.Energy source – Any source of electrical , mechanical , hydraulic , pneumatic , chemical , thermal , steam , spring , gravity , water under pressure , fluids and gases or other energy .

  18. 近期循环经济全球化进程应突出保障清洁水源、减排温室气体、新能源开发、绿色贸易和发展援助等5个要点。

    Five key points , such as ensuring clean water resources , reducing the exhaust of greenhouse gas , developing new energy , green commerce and development aids , should be strengthened in the globalization of recycle economy in the near future .

  19. 奥巴马总统的气候行动计划表明了清洁、可再生的风能在包括减少温室气体排放、能源经济多样化以及将革新技术提上日程在内的能源策略中所占的重要地位。

    President Obama 's Climate Action Plan makes clear that the growth of clean , renewable wind energy remains a critical part of an all-of-the-above energy strategy that reduces harmful greenhouse gas emissions , diversifies our energy economy and brings innovative technologies on line .

  20. 欧盟本想在今年12月一个关键的联合国(un)气候变化大会召开之前对外宣布,自己将如何在削减温室气体排放、节约能源和推广使用可再生燃料等方面达到自己雄心勃勃的目标。

    The European Union had wanted to set out how it would reach ambitious targets to cut greenhouse gas emissions , save energy and boost renewable fuel use before a key United Nations climate change summit in December .

  21. 获得的CO2气体保护焊的能源因子项与电炉炼钢工艺过程相关项有较好的相对可比性,这也表明该评估模型是合理的,并使得材料实现全寿命周期的定量评估成为可能。

    The assessment model has been proved reasonable from the fact that power factorial item of CO_2 gas shielded arc welding shows good comparability with correlative item of steel-making process in electric oven , which makes it possible to quantitatively assess the whole life cycle of materials .

  22. 中国目前面临巨大的温室气体减排压力,能源安全和生态安全面临威胁。

    China is facing large pressure on ER GHG and energy and ecological safety is threatened .

  23. 提高能源效率是保证能源供应、减缓温室气体排放和保障能源安全的强有力战略。

    Improving energy efficiency is a strong strategy to ensure energy supply , reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ensure energy security .

  24. 在日益严重的能源需求与环境保护的双重压力下,对温室气体的减排和能源的高效开采利用展开深入研究,具有重要的现实意义。

    Under the pressure of the growing demand for energy and environmental protection , it is practical significant for the in-depth research on greenhouse gas emissions and energy efficient .

  25. 中国必须加强能源教育,以符合国家整体经济发展的需要,并有效应对全球温室气体减排、高能源价格的冲击等。

    China must strengthen the energy education to meet the need of the national development . We should adopt proper measure to cope with the shock of greenhouse gas and the high price of energy .

  26. 利用天然气发电大幅度降低了工矿企业的用电费用,充分利用了排空的天然气或其他可燃性气体,节约了能源,同时节约了排空天然气的燃烧费用。

    Generating electricity fueling natural gas can decrease greatly electricity cost for industrial enterprises , save on energy and cut down expenses on gas burning because of utilization of expelled natural gas and other combustible gases .

  27. 以相对低的成本利用核能的前景无疑对许多国家都有吸引力,这些国家正努力吸引股权投资者,同时又渴望限制温室气体排放并加强能源安全。

    The prospect of nuclear energy at relatively low cost is certainly appealing to a number of states , which are struggling to attract equity investors but keen to limit greenhouse gas emissions and enhance energy security .

  28. 本课题的研究成果可为进一步预防和控制瓦斯爆炸事故的发生提供借鉴,同时,对于研究如何有效地防止工业管道中可燃气体爆炸事故、保证气体能源动力的安全,在研究方法上具有指导意义。

    The results of this topic research could not only be further used to prevent and control gas explosion accidents , but also significant for the study of how to prevent flammable pipeline effectively and safety in gas explosion accidents .