
máo lǘ
  • donkey
毛驴 [máo lǘ]
  • [donkey] 一种矮小的驴

毛驴[máo lǘ]
  1. 两个戴着可笑草帽的农妇神情庄重地牵着漂亮的暗灰色的毛驴走了过去。

    Two peasant women with funny straw hats passed , gravely , leading beautiful smoke-colored donkey .

  2. “小毛驴农场”的创始人ShiYan说,在美国它叫做社区支持农业。

    Shi Yan , founder of Little Donkey Farm , said , It 's called Community Supported Agriculture in the US .

  3. 阿佩莱斯遇到一只小小的毛驴,当晚就请它去喝茶。

    Apelles meeting with the little ass1 invited him to tea that very right .

  4. KfarKedem游乐园模仿古代加利利人的生活,该游乐园的运营商Hoshaya却紧跟时代潮流,它让游客能够在骑着毛驴时查阅电子邮件、在Facebook页面上发布照片。

    Hoshaya , which operates the Kfar Kedem recreational attraction ( which simulates life in ancient Galilee ) , will now propel itself into the modern age and allow visitors to check their email and post photos on their Facebook pages while riding donkeys .

  5. 小毛驴,到我这儿来吧。

    If you insist , then just come here to me .

  6. 懂了吧?这就是我称呼它毛驴的原因。

    See , that 's why I called it a burro .

  7. 今天我想教你们一首歌&《小毛驴》。

    I want to teach you a song today & Donkey .

  8. 毛驴能负重,但承受不了超过力之所及。

    An ass endures his burden but not more than his burden .

  9. 他骑到一头毛驴上面继续走着。

    He gets on one of them and goes on .

  10. 巴兰骑着毛驴去执行巴勒命令。

    As Balaam was traveling by donkey to obey Balak 's commands .

  11. 我继续看着这头毛驴,不一会,警察就来了。

    I was still looking at the donkey , until the police came .

  12. 但是,毛驴不仅仅是作为背负动物。

    But burros are not only good pack animals .

  13. 整个村子的人都像是逃光了,只留下了几个小男孩和一头正在游游荡荡的小毛驴。

    The village seemed deserted except for small boys and a meandering donkey .

  14. 森林里根本就没有毛驴。

    There aren 't any donkeys in the forest .

  15. 那头毛驴看到了那根胡萝卜就跳了起来。

    The donkey noticed the carrot and jumped up .

  16. 看完了树,多罗米埃大声说:“我请你们骑毛驴!”

    After viewing the shrub , Tholomyes exclaimed ," I offer you asses !"

  17. 住在阿富汗山窟里,骑着毛驴的人?

    The one who lives in the caves of Afghanistan and rides donkeys ?

  18. 路上,我们看到农夫吉伯尔的毛驴在田里。

    On the way we noticed farmer Gimbel 's donkey in a field .

  19. 巴兰的毛驴看见一位天使便躲避开以保护巴兰。

    Balaam 's donkey sees an angel and takes evasive action to protect Balaam .

  20. 参加游戏比赛的人距离毛驴越远,他们偏离目标毛驴也越远。

    The greater the distance to the donkey , the farther they go astray .

  21. 小毛驴,小毛驴,我求求你。

    Donkey , donkey . I beg you .

  22. “小毛驴”有蔑视的味道严格来讲应该称他“野驴”

    Burro is a demeaning name . Technically , it 's called a wild ass.

  23. 就这样最后…小毛驴终于找到了妈妈

    And so , in the end , the little burro reached his mommy .

  24. 然后他又问:“小毛驴,你觉得我女儿怎么样?”

    Then he asked ," Little donkey , how do you like my daughter ?"

  25. 我骑的毛驴慢如蜗牛。

    The donkey on which I was riding moved at a snail 's pace .

  26. 瞧瞧那个沿街走来的人和他的毛驴。

    Look at the man and his donkey that are walking up the street .

  27. 过了一会儿他又数了数毛驴。

    After some time he counts the donkeys .

  28. 这个法令保护公共土地的所有野生马与毛驴免遭捕获。

    The Act protects all unbranded horses and burros on public lands from capture .

  29. 毛驴看见了胡萝卜,高兴的跳了起来!

    When the donkey saw the carrot , it was so happy that it jumped !

  30. 小毛驴为什么要回家?

    Why does the burro go home ?