- shaggy cap;shaggymane, mush-room

Purification and Activities of an Alkaline Protein from Mushroom Coprinus comatus
The Resistance to CMV and Its Cumulative Effect of Tobacco Plant Induced by Salicylic Acid Accumulation of salicylic acid in tobacco treated with polysaccharide from Coprinus comatus
Accumulation of salicylic acid in tobacco treated with polysaccharide from Coprinus comatus
High Performance Anion Exchange Chromatography Method to Determine the Monosaccharide Composition of Polysaccharides
This experiment investigated the relationship between mycelial growth of Coprinus comatus and utilization of holocellulose , lignin and starch in culture materials .
In this paper , the submerged fermentation process of selenium-enriched mycelia of C. comatus and the effect of selenium-enriched products on hypoglycemic activity in diabetic mice were studied .
[ METHOD ] Polysaccharide of fruiting body and polysaccharide of mycelium were isolated from Coprinus comatus , and their antiviral activity were researched . The antifeeding activity of the extracts from Ephedra sinica Stapf .