
  • 网络Pythagoras;Pythagorean;Pythagoras of Samos
毕达哥拉斯 [bì dá gē lā sī]
  • [Pythagoras] (约公元前580年--前500年) 古希腊哲学家、数学家,在数学、天文学方面有一定贡献

  1. 斯皮奥斯和他的合著者帕诺斯·默多库塔斯,借助该哲学背后的人——亚里士多德、苏格拉底、爱比克泰德和毕达哥拉斯等等,研究出10条黄金法则。

    Soupios , along with his co-author Panos Mourdoukoutas , developed their 10 golden rules by turning to the men behind that philosophy — Aristotle , Socrates , Epictetus and Pythagoras , among others .

  2. 毕达哥拉斯底格言是难解而真确的;

    The parable of Pythagoras is dark , but true ;

  3. Devlin说,最复杂的部分便是我们熟知的毕达哥拉斯定理。

    The most complicated part , Devlin says , is our good old friend the Pythagorean theorem .

  4. 在西方,一般都认为:希腊数学家半达哥拉斯(Pythagoras)最早证明了勾股定理,因而都习惯地称这个定理为毕达哥拉斯定理。但这一看法历史上并没有可靠的依据。

    It is generally considered that the Greece mathematician , Pythagoras , first proved the Pythagorean theorem , but this is not reliable .

  5. 像是毕达哥拉斯说过的:“数字主宰宇宙”

    Like Pythagoras said ," numbers rule the universe . "

  6. 论数的概念与毕达哥拉斯数的哲学

    Concept of Number & Pythagoras 's Philosophy of Number

  7. 毕达哥拉斯学派美学的核心是数的和谐。

    The core of Pythagoras ' aesthetics lies in its harmony in numbers .

  8. 毕达哥拉斯学派还从和谐的比例的角度,研究了艺术问题。

    In addition , Pythagorean School explored art from the perspective of harmonious proportion .

  9. 音乐理论的起源:毕达哥拉斯学派的理论(上)

    Origin of Music Theory : Pythagorean School (ⅰ)

  10. 毕达哥拉斯是我的朋友在这些日子。

    Pythagoras is my friend in these days .

  11. 或者,像毕达哥拉斯那样,把紫罗兰叶当作菠菜。

    Unless , like Pythagoras , he thinks of the violet leaves as spinach .

  12. 论毕达哥拉斯学派的教育思想

    On The Educational Thought of Pythagoras School

  13. 近代天体物理学中的毕达哥拉斯主义倾向

    In Modern Times Astrophysics Pythagoras Principle Tendency

  14. 人、尺度和比例&芬兰设计大师布隆斯泰特与毕达哥拉斯式和谐的传统

    Human , Measure Scale and Proportion & Finnish Master Architect Blomstedt and Pythagoras Harmony Tradition

  15. 希腊哲学家毕达哥拉斯是一位素食主义者,因为他怕动物受到虐待。

    the Greek philosopher Pythagoras favored the practice due to concerns about cruelty to animals .

  16. 古希腊审美主义的发生及价值维度&从毕达哥拉斯到苏格拉底

    The Emergency of Ancient Greek Aestheticism and its Value Dimensionality & From Pythagoras to Socrates

  17. 在毕达哥拉斯定理中还有更复杂的例子。

    More complicated example Pythagoras 's theorem .

  18. 毕达哥拉斯主义对后世辩证法、学认识论的发展也有所启示。

    It also made contributions to the development of the later dialectics and scientific epistemology .

  19. 毕达哥拉斯学派的教育思想推动了后世人们对崇高精神生活的追求;

    The educational thoughts of Pythagoras school enhance later generations ' pursuit of sublime spiritual life .

  20. 论早期毕达哥拉斯学派的数本原思想

    A Study of Thoughts of Number As a Principle at the Early Stage of Pythagorean School

  21. 而希腊美学家毕达哥拉斯以及众多的艺术大师都坚持认为美就是和谐。

    However , Esthetician Pythagoras , from Greece , insisted that " beauty is harmony " .

  22. 早在古希腊时期,揭开了古希腊美学思想发展的序幕的是毕达哥拉斯及其学派。

    In ancient Greece , Pythagoras and his school raised the curtain of Greek aesthetics thought .

  23. 愤怒以愚蠢开始,以后悔告终。古希腊数学家毕达哥拉斯

    Anger begins with folly , and ends in repentance . & Pythagoras , Ancient Greek mathematician

  24. 〕古希腊早期明确而深刻地探讨了和谐思想的哲学家当首推毕达哥拉斯和赫拉克利特。

    Early ancient Greek philosophers Pythagoras and Herakleitos made the first thorough study of " harmony " .

  25. 盲听的声音--“盲听”一词来自古希腊的毕达哥拉斯,

    Acousmatic sounds -- well , the term " acousmatic " comes from Pythagoras in ancient Greece ,

  26. 毕达哥拉斯:从人到神的演变&古史层累现象的西方个案探究

    The Pythagoras from Human to Deity : A Western Case of the Accumulation of Ancient Historical Facts

  27. 我试图理解毕达哥拉斯的思想威力,即数字支配着万物流转。

    And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux .

  28. 同时我还力图领悟毕达哥拉斯的力量,即数字驾驭一切不稳定的强大力量。

    And I have tried to comprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux .

  29. 我也曾经去了解毕达哥拉斯给予数的力量,这种力量影响万物的变迁。

    And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds away above the flux .

  30. 毕达哥拉斯的格言是难解而真确的;他说,“不要吃你的心”。

    The parable of pythagoras is dark , but true ; COR ne edito ; Eat not the heart .