
  • 网络Comparative politics;comparative government
  1. 西方比较政治学研究范式的分析与批判

    Critical Analysis on the Research Paradigm of Western Comparative Politics

  2. 地区研究与比较政治学的理论革新

    Area Study and the Theoretical Innovation of Comparative Politics

  3. 国际关系理论还是比较政治学&简评政府间至上主义与两种治理理论在欧盟机构问题上的分歧

    A Theory of International Relations or Comparative Politics Studies

  4. 地区研究为推动比较政治学的理论革新和知识储备等方面提供了有力的支撑。

    Area study gives forceful support to comparative politics in theoretical innovation and knowledge reserve .

  5. 《比较政治学理论&新范式的探索》是美国著名政治学家奇尔科特的代表作。

    The book Comparative Physics Theory & New Category Exploration that is American famous politician R.

  6. 比较政治学的历史演变:学科史的考察三面红旗形成的历史背景及历史演变探析

    The Development of Comparative Politics : a Disciplinary Survey ; The Historical Background and the Historical Evolution of " Three Red Flags "

  7. 这项成就有力地说明了比较政治学中的辩论,能够深化我们对中国政治的理解。

    This accomplishment is a significant step in the scholarly effort to show how debates in comparative politics are able to enhance our understanding of Chinese politics .

  8. 《读书》所发文章主要包括政治哲学、比较政治学和国际关系等方面的内容。

    This article aims to depicting the history of articles on political philosophy , comparative politics and international relations in Dushu , so as to enable us to .

  9. 亚里士多德作为西方政治学和比较政治学的创始者,也作为古典政治哲学的集大成者,对西方后世的政治思想界产生了巨大的影响。

    Aristotle who is the founder of western political science and comparative politics , also as synthesizer of classical political philosophy , has an enormous effect on the field of political philosophy and thought in the later western world .

  10. 奥莱克西·哈兰是基辅莫哈拉大学学院的比较政治学教授。“你要怎么说服像是伊朗、朝鲜等其他核国家放弃核武器,换取什么?他们应该已经见识到,在乌克兰,这些保证根本行不通。”

    Olexiy Haran is a professor of comparative politics at the University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy . " How are you going to persuade other nuclear states like Iran , North Korea to give up their nuclear weapons , in exchange for what ? They see that in Ukraine , these guarantees didn 't work , "

  11. 本文还尝试比较了传统政治学意义上的政治管理与公共政治管理的一些区别,以期澄清人们认识上的一些模糊,更好理解公共管理视阈中的政治管理概念。

    To clarify the wrong understanding about the meaning of political management view of public management , this article also compared the different meanings of political management view of public management and traditional one .

  12. 边际生产率理论、社会比较理论、组织政治学理论及分配偏好理论也证实了组织收入分配政策中的公平因素的重要性,联合产权更是从产权角度奠定企业内公平收入的产权基础。

    Marginal productivity theory , social comparative theory , institutional politics theory and bias distribution theory also prove the import of fairness in institutional distribution .