
bǐ suǒ
  • peso
比索[bǐ suǒ]
  1. 汉克•莫里森(HankMorrison)的菲律宾公司生产飞机模型,但他表示,如果菲律宾比索对美元继续升值,他的公司可能半年内就要关门了。

    Hank Morrison , whose Philippine company makes model aeroplanes , says he could be out of business within six months if the Filipino peso continues to rally against the US dollar .

  2. 本文在利用GARCH模型测算人民币汇率波动率的基础上,将人民币与美元、日元、港币、菲律宾比索、马来西亚林吉特和新加坡元进行互动性比较分析。

    Based on the calculation of exchange rate volatility by GARCH model , this paper compared RMB with US dollar , Japanese Yen , HK dollar , Philippine peso , Malaysia Ringgit and Singapore dollar .

  3. 比索洛尔可以有效抑制异丙肾上腺素引起的心肌损伤,抑制凋亡促进基因fas的表达,相对上调凋亡抑制基因bcl-2的表达。

    Bisoprolol can effectively alleviate the myocardium damage induced by ISO .

  4. 比索洛尔对心梗家兔血浆CGRP的影响

    Effects of bisoprolol on CGRP in plasma of myocardial infarcted rabbit

  5. 比索洛尔对慢性心衰患者左心室功能变化及BNP水平的影响

    Effect of bisoprolol on plasma . level of brain natriuretic peptide in chronic heart failure patients

  6. 目的比较比索洛尔在不同心律状态下的慢性充血性心力衰竭(CHF)患者治疗剂量耐受情况。

    Objective To compare the tolerance of Bisoprolol in congestive heart failure ( CHF ) patients with different cardial rhythm .

  7. 结论比索洛尔治疗CHF疗效好,副作用少,适合于中度心衰伴心动过速、高血压和心绞痛心肌缺血的CHF病人。

    Conclusion Bisoprolol can be effectively used diminstered in patients with CHF , especially those with tachycardia , hypertension or angina pectoris .

  8. 结论:比索洛尔对DCM心力衰竭患者的压力感受器功能有明显恢复作用。

    Conclusion : Bisoprolol is effective on the recovery of baroreceptive abnormalities in patients with heart failure secondary to DCM .

  9. 结论:比索洛尔可以降低急性冠脉综合症患者的QT间期离散度,因此可能有利于改善其近期临床预后。

    Conclusion Bisoprolol can decrease QT dispersion in patient with acute coronary syndrome , and it may help the improvement of the recent prognosis .

  10. 目的:观察比索洛尔治疗充血性心力衰竭(CHF)合并快速房颤(Af)的临床疗效。

    Objective : To evaluate the effects of Bisoprolol on patients with congestive heart failure ( CHF ) and rapid atria fibrillation ( Af ) .

  11. 目的探讨比索洛尔较长时间(6个月左右)对慢性心力衰竭(Chronicheartfailure,CHF)合并心房颤动(atrialfibrillation,AF)的临床特征和血液动力学的影响。

    Objective To examine the effects of bisoprolol ( 6 months treatment ) on the clinical characteristics and hemodynamics in patients with chronic heart failure ( CHF ) and atrial fibrillation ( AF ) .

  12. 比索洛尔对正常血压大鼠血和心肌组织中NO、ET、eNOS含量或活性的时间生物学特征有影响,灌药组和对照组的峰值时间各不相同,振幅有差异。

    Bisoprolol has influence on the chronobiology characteristic of the concentration or the activity of ET-1 , NO , eNOS in the blood and myocardial tissue of normal rats .

  13. 比索洛尔可降低血浆ET-1浓度,但对组织ET-1浓度不产生影响,对血及心肌组织NO、eNOS的活性或浓度无影响。

    Bisoprolol can decrease the concentration of plasma endothelin-1 without influencing that of tissue ET-1 and the activity or concentration of NO and eNOS in blood and myocardial tissue .

  14. 在阳光明媚的窗边坐下,点一杯咖啡欧蕾(caféconleche)(23比索)和一块月牙可颂(7比索)。

    Sit by the sunny windows , order caf é con leche ( 23 pesos ) and a medialuna croissant ( 7 pesos ) .

  15. 结论:比索洛尔治疗CHF并快速Af,既能有效控制心室率,又能显著改善心功能。

    Conclusions : Bisoprolol is effective and safe in the treatment of congestive heart failure and rapid atria fibrillation . It can both efficiently control heart rate and greatly improve cardiac function .

  16. 比索洛尔(bisoprolol)是一种新型的、高选择性β1受体拮抗剂,临床上成功地用于治疗高血压、心绞痛、心律失常等症状。

    Bisoprolol is a novel and specific beta-adrenergic receptor blocking agent and has been used for the treatment of hypertension , angina pectoris , cardiac arrhythmias .

  17. 目的:探讨卡维地洛、比索洛尔、哌唑嗪对培养的SHR和Wistar大鼠心脏成纤维细胞(CFs)胶原合成的影响。

    AIM : To evaluate the effects of carvedilol , bisoprolol and prazosin on collage synthesis of cultured rat cardiac fibroblast ( CFs ) derived from SHR ( CFs SHR ) and Wistar rats ( CFs Wis ) .

  18. 里面藏着一个蒸汽朋克风格的幻想世界,调酒师们会用陈年朗姆、柑橘和苦酒调出一杯杯的DesdeCubaConAmor(120比索),它们真的会冒烟。

    Inside is a steampunk fantasyland , with bartenders who mix drinks like the Desde Cuba Con Amor ( 120 pesos ) , a combination of aged rum , citrus and bitters that is literally smoking .

  19. 目的:观察比索洛尔对培养的人脐静脉内皮细胞(HUVECs)在缺氧/复氧(A/R)过程中一氧化氮(NO)生成的影响。

    AIM : To investigate the effects of bisoprolol on nitric oxide ( NO ) production by cultured human umbilical vein endothelium cells ( HUVECs ) during anoxia / reoxygenation ( A / R ) .

  20. 再来几块causa:一坨黄色的土豆泥,淋上包括橄榄奶油和生三文鱼在内的各种浇头(双人午餐售价600比索左右)。

    Add a couple of causas - dollops of mashed yellow potato topped with everything from olive cream to raw salmon ( lunch for two , around 600 pesos ) .

  21. 他那间更为豪华的Aramburu就在附近街角处,但是这间AramburuBis焕发出一种乡间小店式的美感,也是当地最好的餐厅之一(特选菜单的双人午餐含葡萄酒售价1100比索)。

    His much fancier Aramburu is around the corner , but the Bis version , with its country store aesthetic , is one of the best restaurants in town ( tasting menu lunch for two , with wine pairing , 1100 pesos ) .

  22. 在塑胶墙面的货车厢里,无论大狗还是小狗,美容费都是每只100比索(合约7.7美元)。这辆车是一家名叫FluffyShower的流动宠物沙龙的,现在正在墨西哥城的富裕地区巡游,出售高级宠物的香波和链条。

    Dogs big and small are beautified for 100 pesos ( $ 7.70 ) in the back of a perspex-walled van run by Fluffy Shower , a mobile pet-salon that visits Mexico City 's posh neighbourhoods to apply shampoo and ribbons to upper-class animals .

  23. 你可以选择在餐后或者单独盲品三种上佳的阿根廷葡萄酒(200比索),这能帮你学会如何区分特浓情(torrontés)与霞多丽(chardonnay)。

    A blind taste test of three excellent Argentine wines ( 200 pesos ) is conducted on its own or over dinner , and will help you learn to distinguish a torront é s from a chardonnay .

  24. 180例原发性高血压(EH)病人,服安慰剂1周后,口服比索洛尔5~20mg(80%病人服5~10mg)共6周,不服其它降血压药。

    180 essential hypertension ( EH ) patients were enrolled in this study . After a one-week placebo run-in period , they received Bisoprolol 5-20 mg daily ( 5-10 mg for 80 % patients ) for six weeks without any other antihypertensive drugs .

  25. 看看LaMilongadelosConsagrados(门票55比索,最低消费一杯酒水)里的专注舞者吧,这里的舞池挤满了老年人,努力配合着音乐踏出舞步,音乐虽然是用电脑播放,听上去却带有一种留声机的质感。

    Check out the dedicated dancers at La Milonga de los Consagrados ( 55 pesos to enter , one-drink minimum ) , where the seniors keep the dance floor packed , working their moves to music , which , though played on a computer , sounds as if it 's coming from a Victrola .

  26. 前往低调时尚的科勒加勒斯(Colegiales),在餐厅AstorManduquePorte(翻译过来大致就是“本地人用餐的地方”)享用晚餐(双人晚餐含葡萄酒售价1300比索左右)。

    Head to the quietly trending Colegiales neighborhood for dinner ( around 1300 pesos with wine for two ) at Astor Manduque Porte ( the name translates , roughly , to " where locals eat " ) .

  27. 根据梅尔费舍尔海洋博物馆的资料,Atocha号的货物有24吨的银条,1.8万的银比索,582块紫铜锭,125块金条和重达1200磅的银器。

    According to the Mel Fisher Maritime Museum , the Atocha 's cargo included 24 tons of silver bullion , 18,000 pesos of silver coins , 582 copper ingots , 125 gold bars and 1,200 lbs. of silverware .

  28. 直到1984年,几内亚-比索处在革命委员会的控制之下。

    The country was controlled by a revolutionary council until 1984 .

  29. 比索洛尔治疗慢性心力衰竭40例疗效观察

    Effect of bisoprolol on chronic cardiac failure : 40 cases observation

  30. 3种不同配比的比索洛尔/氢氯噻嗪制剂健康人体药动学研究

    Pharmacokinetics of Three Combinations of Bisoprolol with Hydrochlorothiazide in Healthy Volunteers