- specific activity

The specific activity is 24 umol . / min / mg .
Its specific activity is 5 500 U / mg determined by the xanthine oxidase-cytochrome C reduction method . It 's sensitive to KCN .
The Determination of Protein Kinase C Activity in the Tissue of Human Myometrium
Its specific activity is 2.05 × 10 11 IU / g.
DNA saturation experiment is a convenient method for measuring the relative amount and specific activity of RNA polymerase .
75 times with a recovery rate of 56 . 25 % and the specific activity of 1 . 02 X 107U / ml protein .
Purified SOD had a specific activity of 5029 U / mg and the yield of total activity was about 34 % .
The IFN can be purified to about 106 international units per mg of protein with about 70 % recovery on the first step of purification .
Cellular alkaline activity and mineralization were examined by ALP measurement kit and Alizarin Red-S staining .
Both monotonous diet and over-fluoride diet can significantly increase the enzyme specific activity of ALP , LDH , CK and GOT .
The recombinant enzyme was purified by cation exchange chromatography and the activity was up to 28.14U/mg .
DNA primase activity was assayed with E coli . DNA polymerase ⅰ Klenow fragment extended primers . The specific activity of the enzyme was 8 753 U / mg protein .
After purification , the specific activity improved from 0.05 U / mg to 7.52 U / mg , about 150.4 fold . Recovery of activity was 19.6 % .
After treatment with glyphosate for 24 hours , the two beans enzyme activities increase 15 % ~ 20 % .
The level of serum and liver NO , liver NOS activity were measured . β NADPH diaphorase staining was observed .
The purified Amy has a specific activity of 84 3 kU / g of protein . It was almost free of contaminating enzymes .
Furthermore , the specific activity of Pt in thin MEA was higher than that of conventional MEA in the range of large current density .
Compare to the lactase from Aspergillus oryzae ATCC 20423 , the expressed lactase from A. candidus have better enzymatic properties including the high thermostability , high specific activity and wide pH range for enzyme reaction .
Results : Under basal states , PKC activity in the particulate fraction of HMC was higher than that in the cytosolic fraction .
Pyrogallol autoxidation for determination of superoxide dismutase showed that the expression products ' specific activity amounted to 90.15 U / mg , 114.06 U / mg and 216.13 U / mg respectively .
The results showed that the activities of PAL , POD and PPO , and contents of lignin in mutant calli were obviously higher than those in original calli ;
The obtained waste cell extract containing GOD was treated by a combination of cold ethanol precipitation , PEG fractionation and chromatography on hydroxyapatite to afford a final product with a specific activity of 190 U / mg protein .
Analysis of the recombinant protein revealed that the protein had the same N_terminal sequence as the native one , its molecular weight was 22 ? 000 , and its specific activity was similar to natural human IFN_ ω .
The expressed rhG-CSF was inclusion body , and the specific activity of it reached 1.0 × 108u / mg after being purified .
Compared SND in the Activated Sludge System with SND in MBR and found that the MBR has a higher removal efficiency of COD , ammonia and TN than the Activated Sludge System .
As the disease developes , the metabolism of the host may be confused due to the changes of the activity and specific activity of peroxidase , the contents of protein , water , N , P , K and carbohydrates in the diseased needles .
And so on . All results of SDS-PAGE showed one strip . The GPD ( reverse ) and GPP specific activities were 192 U / mg and 4440 U / mg respectively .
When the recombinant u-PA product expressed by CHO cells was analyzed with this method , the scu-PA ratio was greater than 98 % , and the specific activity was about 11 × 10 4 U / mg .
Concentrations of serum enzymes ( AKP , CP ), trace elements ( Cu , Fe & Zn ), the activity and specific activity of SOD'were determined , and the daily gain and feed conversion were observed .
The purity of final product reached 97 % , and the specific activity reached 1 2 × 10U / mg protein . Its amino acid composition and partial NH 2-terminal sequence ( up to twenty residues ) were also identical with its cDNA sequence reported for this protein .