
  1. 他们的爱比村里的信仰和恐惧更强烈。

    And their love was stronger than beliefs and fears in their village .

  2. 沿托尔纳河而建的尤卡斯亚尔比村位于瑞典拉普兰地区,北极圈以北200公里处。

    In Swedish lapland , 200km north of the Arctic circle lies the village of jukkasj ? Rvi on the river torne .

  3. 海女可以从如此苛严和危险的工作中得到高额的薪金,她们经常能在一个短季里获得比村里的男人劳作一年更高的收入。

    With such rigors and risks , ama were paid enormous salaries , ofter making more in the short season than the village men made the whole yeah .

  4. 在地里干活的过程中,他同几个长工交了朋友,渐渐感到这些人比村里任何人都好。

    Working in his fields , he made friends with some " long-term " workers and he came to feel that these were much finer people than anyone else in the village .

  5. 依块比村的音乐流变年代久远,在不同的传媒环境里,音乐传播的内容随着社会变迁适时孕育而生,日趋丰富,为社会变迁服务。

    In this village , music has a long rheological history . In different medium environment , music dissemination content that is timely born with the social changes is rich with each passing day . It is for social services .

  6. 土地流转以后,两个村庄老年人的生活发生了一些不一样的变化,其原因是:土地流转后,G村老年人再就业状况比X村好。

    After land transfer , the elders in the two villages undergo different changes . The main reason is that the environment of reemployment in Village G is more favorable than that in Village X after land transfer .

  7. 大佛真的是非常高大,比我们村里最高的大楼都高。

    The Buddha is really very big : taller than the highest building in our village .