
bǐ nǐ
  • compare;match;analogy;liken;parallel;draw a parallel
比拟 [bǐ nǐ]
  • (1) [compare;match]∶修辞手法的一种,包括拟人、拟物

  • (2) [analogy]∶对比,比较

  • 无法比拟

  • 比拟反差

比拟[bǐ nǐ]
  1. 电动助力转向系统(ElectricPowerSteeringsystem,简称EPS)有着传统动力转向系统无法比拟的优势,代表着动力转向技术发展的必然趋势。

    Electric power steering system has several advantages which the traditional power-steering system cannot compare with . It is the inevitable development trend of power steering technology .

  2. 总之,软件PLC有着硬件PLC不可比拟的优越性,适应开放式数控系统的发展趋势。

    In a word , the soft PLC has got the superior that hard PLC can 't compare to , which representative the trend of the open numerical control system .

  3. 这种比拟是不恰当的。

    It is inappropriate to draw such a parallel .

  4. 而DNA计算在求解NP困难问题上,具有电子计算机所无法比拟的天然优势。

    DNA computing shows natural advantages compared with the classical electronic computer in solving NP hard problems .

  5. 而基于RFID的采集方式在某些方面有着其他采集方式无法比拟的特点。

    Data collection based on RFID has many incomparable characteristics comparing with other collection way .

  6. J2EE是一种全新概念互联网应用程序模型,和传统互联网应用程序模型相比有不可比拟的优势。

    J2EE is a new concept application model of Internet and has more advantages over other traditional models .

  7. 微机电系统(MEMS)将对引信的发展提供其它技术不可比拟的技术支撑。

    Micro Electromechanical Systems ( MEMS ) will provide new technical support , which the other technology can not provide .

  8. 此外,九个标准测试函数用来测试PSO算法和其他几种流行的进化计算方法的性能,结果验证了PSO有着其他进化算法无法比拟的快速收敛等特性。

    Furthermore , nine benchmark functions are used to test the performance of PSO and other popular EC algorithms .

  9. 无线传感器网络(WSN)由检测网络内大量微型传感器节点组成,它在实现运动目标的跟踪定位方面具有不可比拟的优势。

    Wireless sensor network ( WSN ) is composed with a large number of micro-sensors in the monitored area .

  10. 另外,J2EE是SUN公司推出的一种全新概念的模型,与传统的互联网应用程序模型相比有着不可比拟的优势,这样就引发了大量对基于J2EE的应用服务器的研究。

    In addition J2EE is a new model raised by SUN company . Compared with the traditional Internet application program model it has great advantage .

  11. FDA未响应那些对使用可比拟变更协定感兴趣的人而制定的本指南。

    The FDA is providing this guidance in response to requests from those interested in using comparability protocols .

  12. 大功率LED寿命长、耗电少、发光效率高,在光效、寿命及环保等方面具有其它光源无法比拟的优势,是被寄予厚望的新一代半导体照明光源。

    High-power LED is a new semiconductor light source which has attracted much research attention because of its incomparable performance such as high Lumen efficiency , long-life and less power-consumption .

  13. 我们的结果表明AU和CU拥有相类似的声子色散关系,这样就使得他们的热导是可以比拟的。

    The results show that the AU and CU share the similar phonon spectrum , inducing the thermal conductance between these two materials is comparable .

  14. CNC无靠模凸轮磨削具有效率高、柔性好、精度高、质量稳定等众多靠模仿形法无法比拟的优点。

    The CNC method for camshaft grinding has the advantage of high efficiency , good flexibility , precision and steady quality by compared with copying method .

  15. DNA疫苗作为第三代疫苗,其具备传统疫苗和基因工程苗不可比拟的优点,能够诱导全方位的免疫反应且使用安全方便,开创了疫苗学的新纪元。

    As the third generation of vaccine , DNA vaccine has advantages of traditional vaccine and genetic engineer vaccine , which can induce complete immune response and can be used safely and conveniently .

  16. LiDAR(LightDetectionAndRanging)技术是一种全新的获取地理信息数据的手段,具有普通的摄影测量无法比拟的优势。

    LiDAR ( Light Detection and Ranging ) technology is a freshly new mean to access GIS data , with great advantages which can not be matched by common photogrammetry .

  17. 由此认为,采用FSW法焊接纯铝是常规焊接方法所不能比拟的。

    So fsw method is better than conventional welding methods in welding pure aluminum .

  18. GPS技术以其在连续性、实时性和自动化程度高等优点,在变形监测的应用越来越发挥着传统测量如无法比拟的重要的作用。

    GPS technology plays more and more important role which traditional measurement cannot match with in the deformation monitoring with virtues of continuity , real-time and high automation , and so on .

  19. 工业用计算机断层成象(ICT)作为一种先进的无损检测手段,有着其它常规无损检测方法所无法比拟的独特的优越性。

    As an advanced NDT method , ICT ( Industry Computed Tomography ) has some particular advantages which regular NDT methods do not have .

  20. 基于GIS的工业民用建筑施工管理系统的开发,显示出其在辅助决策、科学管理等方面传统的管理模式无法比拟的优点,为实现数字化施工奠定了基础。

    The design of the industrial and civil architecture management system which offers the remarkable advantages over the conventional management mode in assistant leading decision and improvement of management efficiency . It settles base for digital oilfield .

  21. MARC(MachineReadableCatalogue机读目录)作为一种元数据格式,在信息描述、存储、交换、标准化和检准率方面具有不可比拟的优势。

    MARC ( Machine Readable Catalogue ) is a kind of metadata format . It has the tremendous advantage in information description , storage , exchange , standard and precision .

  22. 一个相互协调的多AGV物流系统有着单台AGV系统所无法比拟的优势。

    A logistic system comprised of multiple automated guided vehicles has many advantages that are lacking in the system of a single vehicle .

  23. 在高速数据传输网络中,UDP协议有着其它数据传输协议无法比拟的优势,但也存在着传输可靠性差的问题。

    In high-speed data transfer networks , UDP has some advantages that other data transfer protocols haven 't , but it also has disadvantage of poor reliable .

  24. 电解加工(ElectrochemicalMachiningECM)技术在加工各种难切削金属材料时,具有传统加工方法无法比拟的优点。SiCp/Al是具有优良物理、机械性能的难加工多相材料。

    Electrochemical Machining ( ECM ) has many excellences than conventional machining in machining hard cutting material . SiC p / Al is a kind of hard cutting material with excellent physical and mechanical characters .

  25. DAN计算的上述特性,即运算的高度并行性、大容量、低消耗是目前计算机和并行计算机所无法比拟和替代的。

    The characteristics of DNA molecular biology computing mentioned above which are high parallelism , huge capability and low consumption are incomparable and irreplaceable to the existing computers and parallel ones .

  26. 对La(Fe1-yCoy)xSi13-x化合物,适量的Si,Co组合可使化合物在室温产生可与Gd5Si2Ge2比拟的磁热效应;

    The La ( Fe_ ( 1-y ) Co_y ) _xSi_ ( 13-x ) compounds with an appropriate combination of Co and Si can produce the giant magnetocaloric effect comparable with that for Gd_5Si_2Ge_2 at room temperature .

  27. 作为一种新的企业业绩评估指标,EVA指标在公司的业绩评估、经营效率和资本运作效率评价、激励制度建设方面具有许多常规指标不可比拟的优势。

    As a new value assessment system , EVA has advantage over traditional indexes in the aspect of company value assessment , business efficiency and capital operation efficiency appraisement , incentive system construction .

  28. 结果表明,IVO及IBO都有着与商业ITO可比拟的电学及光学特性。

    Our results show that the optical and electrical properties of IVO and IBO samples are comparable to that of commercial ITO .

  29. 通过分析、比较和示例我们可以清楚地看到小波变换在分析电力系统瞬态时非常实用且非常有效,是传统的Fourier变换无法比拟的。

    By the analysis , comparison and example , we can see the wavelet transform clearly at analyzing the electric power system transient very practical and very valid , the traditional method of the Fourier transform can 't compare to .

  30. RS监测可以大面积地提供水质信息,并且具有适时、迅速、持久等特点,它所提供的信息量是常规水质监测所不能比拟的。

    RS monitoring can provide big area of water quality information , the characteristic of RS is timing and prompt and permanence . The information which provided by RS is not assimilate with general monitoring water quality .