
dú yè
  • venom;potion
毒液 [dú yè]
  • [venom] 含毒的液体

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毒液[dú yè]
  1. 毒蛇咬住猎物之后马上注入毒液。

    The snake injects the venom immediately after biting its prey .

  2. 肥大细胞同样也能显著降低蜜蜂毒液诱发疾病的发病率和死亡率

    MC 's also significantly reduce the morbidity and mortality induced by honeybee venom .

  3. 这种蛇能把毒液喷射到一米处远。

    The snake can squirt poison from a distance of a metre .

  4. 毒液(特别是升级后的)是消灭外壳的理想单位

    Venoms ( especially upgraded ) are the ideal unit for taking out husks .

  5. 这使毒液II强有力和牌子它容易做新学校移动。

    This makes the Venom II powerful and makes it easy to do new school moves .

  6. 南棘蛇通常注入大约40~100毫克的毒液含有0.4毫克~0.5毫克/千克LD。

    They typically inject around 40-100mg of venom with an LD of 0.4mg-0.5mg/kg .

  7. 1.venomn.毒液,恶意他怨恨地把他的经历又讲了一遍。

    He retold the story with venom in his voice .

  8. KenWinkel在墨尔本大学的澳大利亚毒液研究机构中,指导研究工作。

    Ken Winkel directs the University of Melbourne 's Australian Research Unit .

  9. 目的观察老龄大鼠对一侧足底sc蜜蜂毒液(BV)或甲醛(F)诱致外周化学组织损伤的痛行为特点。

    AIM To observe pain related response characteristics of elderly rats to peripheral chemical tissue injury induced by subcutaneous intraplantar injection with bee venom solution ( BV ) or formalin ( F ) .

  10. 眼镜蛇(Najanajaatra)神经毒素与心脏毒素分离纯化研究进展产生神经毒液的蛇是非洲树眼镜蛇和眼镜蛇。

    Separation and Purification of Neurotoxins and Cardiotoxins from Cobra Venom ( Naja naja atra ) The makers of the nerve poison include the mambas and cobras .

  11. 每1kg眼镜蛇,可得蛇毒液7.0824g/a,蛇毒干品2.0832g/a。

    Annual poison output could be reached 7.0824 g / kg of Naja naja , dried poison 2 0832 g / a.

  12. 但Stratford的一名邻居说她确实对蜜蜂和黄蜂的毒液过敏,可当时并未随身携带治疗过敏性休克的肾上腺素注射器。

    But a neighbour in Stratford said she was indeed allergic to venom from bee and wasp stings but did not have an epinephrine injector with her to counteract anaphylactic shock .

  13. 这表明Vn.11是粗提毒液中一个实际压迫寄主免疫功能的组分。

    It is suggested that this protein is an actual component of P.puparum crude venom as host cellular-immune suppressive factor .

  14. Vn.11与粗提毒液一样,在离体条件下可以显著抑制寄主血细胞的延展和包囊。

    Like crude venom , the Vn.11 venom protein significantly inhibits the spreading behavior and encapsulation ability of host hemocytes in vitro .

  15. 据BBC新闻报道,41岁的英国演员汤姆·哈迪扮演了电影《毒液:致命守护者》的主人公,这是“一名亦正亦邪、带有些许反英雄意味的人物,是与大家公认的超级英雄相对的另类英雄。”

    UK actor Tom Hardy , 41 , who stars as the title character in the movie Venom , plays " a lighter antihero with both good and evil minds , who is supposed to be an alternative to the standard superhero , " reported BBC News .

  16. 在0.5h,毒液处理对细胞延展影响差异显著,说明毒液、细胞免疫、体液免疫互作显著,作用有累加;但4h差异不显著,说明3者无累加作用。

    The difference was significant at 0.5 h. It suggested that the interaction effects of venom , cellular and humoral immunity were significant . They had accumulation effect . In contrast , they were no significant at 4 h. The phenomena indicated that there was no accumulation effect .

  17. 它后脚上的腺体能分泌出毒液来。

    The glands on its hind feet can secrete poisonous fluid .

  18. 它们的毒液也是排名最前的。

    Their venom is among the most deadly in the world .

  19. 这种药物是根据毒蛇的毒液研制的。

    The drugs are developed from the venom of poisonous snakes .

  20. 这条红色唾液眼镜蛇向攻击者的眼吐出毒液。

    This red-spitting Cobra projects venom towards its attacker 's eyes .

  21. 响尾蛇的毒液足以杀死1000只老鼠。

    The venom of rattlesnake is enough to kill 1000 rats .

  22. 能分泌毒液但无害的小蛇,红色身体上有黑白色斑点。

    Small venomous but harmless snake marked with black-and-white on red .

  23. 菜籽粕脱毒液中硫代葡萄糖苷提取工艺的研究

    Study on Extracting Procedure of Glucosinolates from Rapeseed Meal Detoxifying Solution

  24. 这是最大,也许是毒性最厉害的毒液。

    It 's the largest , perhaps the most potent venom .

  25. 但溶血性毒液尤其厉害。

    But by far the more unpleasant is the blood poison .

  26. 毒液组红细胞膜流动性显著降低;

    The fluidity of erythrocyte membrane lipids of venoms groups decreased .

  27. 毒刺刺穿他的肌肉,将毒液注入他的血液。

    Stingers pierce his flesh , injecting venom into his bloodstream .

  28. 那位农民将毒液从伤口里吸出来了吗?

    Did the farmer suck the poison out of the wound ?

  29. 毒蛇毒液与蝎子毒液似乎被取消。

    Viper Venom and Scorpid Venom seems to be gone .

  30. 黑曼巴蛇每口分泌的毒液可以杀死10到25任何数量的成年人。

    A single bite is capable of killing anywhere from 10-25 adults .