- Maternal inheritance;matrilinear inheritance

The matrilineal genetic structure of Dong of Guizhou is complicated .
Mitochondrial DNA Mutations in Matrilineal Nonsyndromic Deafness Pedigrees of Southwest China
Mutational Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA in Familes with Maternally Inherited Hearing Loss
Mitochondrial DNA of geese was also maternal inherited .
Mutation Analysis for Mitochondrial DNA in a Chinese Pedigree with Maternally Inherited Aminoglycoside Antibiotic-Induced Deafness
People inherit mitochondria only from their mothers , which is why only the female line of descent can be tracked using them .
Screening the Whole Genome of an Extensive Matrilineal Nonsyndromic Sensorineural Deafness Family by Using DNA Pooling
An extensive matrilineal nonsyndromic sensorineural deafness family and mtDNA 12S rRNA gene mutation
Methods The mutation of mitochondrial DNA from all 18 family members of a chinese pedigree with maternally inherited aminoglycoside antibiotic-induced deafness was detected by PCR and DNA sequencing .
Methods Whole genome-wide scanning was performed to analyze the 365 short tandem repeats in a deaf pedigree with maternal inheritance using DNA pooling strategy .
Owing to its high evolution rate , lack of recombination and maternal inheritance , mtDNA has been extensively used in unraveling the genealogical history of our species .
Mitochondria have their own DNA and are inherited only from the mother , so replacing defective mitochondria in eggs from mothers who have a high risk of passing on such diseases could spare the children .
Objective Leber hereditary optic neuropathy ( LHON ) is a maternally inherited disease characterized by a bilateral optic neuropathy .
The mitochondrial tRNA leu ( uur ) gene mutation in maternally inherited diabetes mellitus
Conclusion It is suggested that mtDNA 3243 point mutation due to maternal inheritance might be not concerned with both wet form AMD and dry form AMD .
Since mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) is maternal inheritance , seldom recombination between them , and one of the mitochondrial genomes may represent the whole variation , they can be used to determine the molecular phylogeny .
Objective To identify the incidence of the 1555 A → G mutation and explore the audiological features of pedigrees with matrilineal non syndromic deafness in Southwest of China so as to provide the theoretical evidence for establishing the method of gene diagnosis .
Because of maternal mode of inheritance of mtDNA , the results indicate that only one female lineage contributed to the formation of all these common inbred strains of mice .
Results The family history was consistent with a maternal inheritance and the proband exhibited a typical clinical feature of LHON .
Leber 's hereditary optic neuropathy ( LHON ) , a common blinding disease , is a maternally inherited degeneration of the optic nerve caused by point mutations of mitochondrial DNA .
The subtypes of diabetes mellitus , e.g. maturity-onset diabetes of the young ( MODY ), maternally inherited deafness and diabetes ( MIDD ), hyperproinsulinemia diabetes , may represent only 5 % of all patients with type 2 diabetes forms .
Conclusion Since the patients have the clinical characteristics of maternal transmission , hearing loss and impaired insulin secretion , we conclude that maternally inherited diabetes and deafness ( MIDD ) is a new diabetes subtype associated with a single mitochondrial mutation .
The international family in Chinses style Maternal inheritance of mitochondrial diseases
Whole genome-wide scanning for a large pedigree with matrilineal deafness
Molecular Mechanism and Functional Characterization Associate with Maternally Inherited Aminoglycoside-induced and Nonsyndromic Deafness
Sequence analysis of mitochondrial DNA mutations in a maternally transmitted non-syndromic deafness family
Clinical character and etiological study of a large family with maternally inherited non-syndromic deafness
The Genetic Study on the Patrilineal and Matrilineal Origin of the Bo People in Yunnan
Objective To explore audiological features of matrilineal non syndromic deafness and its molecular mechanism .
Methods Blood samples were obtained from 2 pedigrees and 14 sporadic patients with SNHL .