- maternal effect

Maternal effect on dormancy of mature seed and embryo were found , but no effect on embryonic sensitivity to ABA during seed development .
Gene effect analysis showed that the additive effect of 72-Regent and Andor , the maternal effect of 88-14 and dominant effect of the cross combination { [ ( Tower × 81008 ) × 81008 ] × Feiye } × 955 were up to the requirements of quality breeding .
Apparent harvest index and seed stem ratio segregated widely in F2 with transgression in most of the crosses .
Five parents and their F_1 , F_2 were used to analyze embryo effect , cytoplasm effect and maternal gene effect on isoflavone content of soybean by the mixed genetic model proposed by Zhu ( 1997 ) .
Maternal effect and its role in population regulation of small mammals
The senescence-maternal effect hypothesis is based on stress hypothesis .
The first model includes maternal effects as well as additive and dominance effects .
Maternal Effects on Radiation Sensitivity in Barley
Genetic Models with Additive-dominance-maternal Effects and Monte Carlo Simulation Analysis for Three-way and Four-way Crosses
Discussion on crop maternal effect estimating method
Analysis of Seed and Maternal Genetic Effects for Nutrient Quality Characters in Hybrids of indica Rice
There were no maternal effect , and additive effects predominated for the all fiber properties .
Seed and Maternal Genetic Effects of Grain Qualities and their Relationships with Yields of Different Japonica Rice Varieties
The additive gene effect in improving the progeny protein contents would be different as the parents changed and the maternal effect existed .
The number of fruit branch was mainly controlled by additive effect with a little of maternal effect and non-dominant effect . 3 .
The results indicated that the contents of all the four mineral elements were controlled by seed direct genetic effects , maternal genetic effects as well as by cytoplasmic effects .
However , boll weight , lint percentage , seed and lint cotton yield and plant height were mainly affected by additive effect , and also partly controlled by dominant and maternal effect .
Five parent lines and their F_1 , F_2 were used to analyze seed effects , cytoplasmic effects and maternal gene effects on seed weight of soybean by the mixed genetic model .
The results suggest that the maternal toxicity , embryotoxicity and teratogenic effects of PsD-044 were not found , however , the malformation induced by known teratogen was as high as 14.1 % .
The derivative-free restricted maximum likelihood ( DFREML ) method was used to compare the differences of genetic parameter estimates of Inner Mongolian Cashmere Goats under two models , which differ in whether maternal genetic effect is taken into account .
Direct and Maternal Genetic Effects on Grain Quality Characters in Early Hybrid Rice
Estimations of maternal genetic effects for reproductive and productive traits in large white pigs
Influence of Maternal Genetic Effect on Genetic Parameter Estimates of Production Traits of Cashmere Goat
For yearling weight the maternal genetic effect is significant while the maternal environmental effect is not .
The results show that both maternal genetic and environmental effect have highly significant effect on birth weight .
Analysis of Seed and Maternal Genetic Effects on the Contents of Seven Essential Amino Acids in Two rowed Barley
Analysis of seed and maternal genetic effects for free amino acid content and it 's yield of grain in Rice
It was found that GSL in rapeseed was mainly controlled by maternal and cytoplasmic effects , followed by embryo effects .
The results indicated that there was a stronger negative correlation between direct and maternal genetic effects for NOBT and PBW than for NOBA .
The results indicated that protein content and protein index in milled rice were mainly controlled by maternal genetic effects , but also affected by seed genetic effects .