
  1. 美国计划于下周发射其“毅力号”火星探测器。

    And the United States is aiming to launch its Mars rover Perseverance next week .

  2. 这架名为“机智号”的直升机目前安装在上个月登陆火星的“毅力号”探测器的机腹上。

    The helicopter called Ingenuity is currently attached to the belly of the Perseverance rover , which landed on Mars last month .

  3. “毅力”号将在火星上停留近两年,寻找远古生命迹象,探索火星表面。

    It will remain on Mars for nearly two years , searching for signs of ancient life and exploring the planet 's surface .

  4. 美国国家航空航天局(简称NASA)“毅力”号火星探测器搭载“阿特拉斯5号”火箭,从佛罗里达州升空,开始寻找地球邻居行星存在生命的任务。

    NASA 's Mars rover Perseverance has been launched atop an Atlas 5 rocket from Florida on a mission to traces of potential past life on Earth 's planetary neighbor .

  5. “毅力”号探测器是第5个去火星的!

    And Perseverance is the 5th one to go to Mars !

  6. 我和吱吱刚刚又看了一遍阿特拉斯5号火箭的视频,它把“毅力”号探测器送上了火星!

    Squeaks and I were just re-watching a video of the Atlas V rocket that took the Perseverance rover to Mars !

  7. 自从今年早些时候我们看到探测器在火星上着陆以来,我们一直在思考关于“毅力”号和火星的总体情况。

    We 've been thinking a lot about Perseverance and Mars in general ever since we watched the rover land on the planet earlier this year .

  8. “毅力”号火星车于本周四(2月18日)下午3点55分左右在火星的耶泽罗陨石坑成功着陆后,美国宇航局发布了第一批由其传回的照片。“毅力”号是美国宇航局的第五辆火星巡游车。

    NASA has unveiled the first pictures from its fifth Mars rover , Perseverance , after a successful landing on the red planet 's Jezero crater at approximately 3:55 pm Thursday .

  9. 按照性能要求,“毅力”号平均每个火星日可以行驶650英尺,包含7个科学设备、一个能伸到7英尺长的机器手臂,还有一个凿岩机。

    Perserverance is designed to drive an average of 650 feet per Martian day and features seven scientific instruments , a robotic arm that reaches about seven feet long , a rock drill .

  10. 科学家希望能在“毅力”号从火星岩石提取以供未来地球分析的古老沉积物样本中找到生命信号,这是人类首次从其他星球采集到这种样本。

    Scientists hope to find biosignatures embedded in samples of ancient sediments that Perseverance is designed to extract from Martian rock for future analysis back on Earth - the first such specimens ever collected by humankind from another planet .