
huǐ miè xìng dì zhèn
  • Devastating earthquake;ruinous earthquake;ruinous shock
毁灭性地震[huǐ miè xìng dì zhèn]
  1. 在3月份日本那场毁灭性地震和海啸导致全球供应链陷入瘫痪后,人们不由得发出呼吁:重新思考全球准时制(JIT)供应链系统。

    After the paralysis of the global supply chain caused by the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan in March , there have been the inevitable calls for a rethink of global , just-in-time supply systems .

  2. 你还必须能够处理好外界的批评,哪怕此刻你正在全力对付一场自然灾害,例如卡特里娜(Katrina)飓风,或是上个月发生在中国四川省的毁灭性地震。

    You also have to be able to handle criticism , even when you are grappling with a natural disaster such as Hurricane Katrina or the deadly earthquake that struck China 's Sichuan province on Monday .

  3. 巴基斯坦民众正在纪念2005年发生的毁灭性地震七周年。

    Pakistanis are observing the 7th anniversary of devastating 2005 earthquake .

  4. 唐山地震是我国20世纪以来造成损失最大的一次毁灭性地震灾害。

    Tangshan earthquake caused the most loss in China from 20 century .

  5. 年初,海地发生毁灭性地震。

    The year began with news of a devastating earthquake in Haiti .

  6. 克赖斯特彻奇毁灭性地震发生一周之际,新西兰举行一场时长为两分钟的默哀仪式。

    New Zealand has held a two-minute silence exactly a week after the devastating Christchurch earthquake .

  7. 周六上午,在海地西南部发生了一场7.2级的毁灭性地震之后,搜救幸存者的工作仍在继续。

    The search for survivors continues after the devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck southwestern Haiti on Saturday morning .

  8. 今年二月份基督城发生毁灭性地震,181人死亡。而两条金鱼在此次地震中侥幸存活,并成为这场灾难中最小、最坚强的幸存者。

    Two goldfish have become the smallest and hardiest survivors of the devastating February earthquake in Christchurch that killed 181 people .

  9. 国际移民组织表示海地的毁灭性地震三年后近350000人仍然生活在肮脏的营地。

    The International Organization for Migration reports nearly 350000 people are still living in squalid camps three years after the devastating earthquake in Haiti .

  10. 巴基斯坦民众正在纪念2005年发生的毁灭性地震七周年。纪念活动在巴基斯坦西北部灾区举行。

    Pakistanis are observing the 7th anniversary of devastating 2005 earthquake . Gatherings are taking place in the affected areas in the country 's northwest .

  11. 中国地震台网中心表示,昨天发生在唐山的地震是40多年前毁灭性地震的余震。

    The China Earthquake Networks Center is suggesting that the earthquake that hit Tangshan yesterday was an aftershock of a devastating earthquake over 40 years ago .

  12. 距苏门答腊岛巴东及其附近海域的毁灭性地震发生已经有一周时间,一些偏远乡村人仍在接受救助,目前已确认1000多人死亡,几千人失踪。

    A week after an earthquake devastated the city of Padang and surrounding areas on the Indonesian island of Sumatra , some remote villages had still to receive help .

  13. 人们相信,通过预测这些小地震,了解地震的具体过程对预测大地震、毁灭性地震这一长远目标能起到很大的作用。

    By predicting the smaller earthquakes and by understanding the earthquake process that is taking place , it is believed that the long-term goal of predicting large , destructive earthquakes will be achieved .

  14. 奥巴马和副总统的夫人吉尔在被周一的毁灭性地震破坏的国家宫殿会见了海底总统。

    Obama and Jill Biden , the wife of the vice president , met with Haitian President Ren é Pr é val at the National Palace , which was destroyed by January 's killer earthquake .

  15. 周二,尼泊尔发生再次发生强烈地震。目击者表示,首都加德满都的人们迅速跑到了街道上。就在这次地震几周前,尼泊尔刚刚发生一场毁灭性地震,逾8000人在地震中丧生,数十万房屋被毁。

    A strong earthquake shook Nepal on Tuesday , sending people in the capital Kathmandu rushing out on to the streets weeks after a devastating quake killed more than 8000 people and destroyed hundreds of thousands of homes , eyewitnesses said .

  16. 这个毁灭性的地震把这座城市夷为平地。

    The city was flattened by the devastating earthquake .

  17. 阿富汗东北部这次毁灭性的地震的准确的死亡人数统计也许要在数周后才能得到。

    An accurate death count might be weeks away after a devastating earthquake in northeastern Afghanistan .

  18. 四川毁灭性的地震摧毁了9岁女孩王越的幼小的心理世界。

    The devastating quake in Sichuan destroyed the little psychological world of a9-year-old girl named Wang Yue .

  19. 加州北部可能也会遭遇袭击,因为就像1906年旧金山遭遇毁灭性的地震和大火的时候一样。

    Northern California could also be struck , as San Francisco was in the earthquake and fire of 1906 .

  20. 3月11日,当毁灭性的地震和海啸袭击日本北部,经济学家们赶紧翻出历史书。

    When the devastating earthquake and tsunami hit northern Japan on March 11 , economists reached for their history books .

  21. 电影以真实发生在1976年的一场毁灭性的地震为依据,那场地震夺去了位于北京东北部唐山市上万人的生命。

    The film is based on the devastating earthquake of 1976 that killed thousands in the city of Tangshang , northeast of Beijing .

  22. 我们的东道主国家正面临着30年来罕见的毁灭性大地震,此时此刻,中国需要各方的支援和帮助!

    Our host country is suffering from the most devastating earthquake in30 years , and now China needs all the help it can get !

  23. 原定于六月上旬举办的中巡赛成都站,因为发生在四川省的毁灭性的地震被延期。

    The Chengdu leg of the China Tour , scheduled for early June , was postponed due to the devastating earthquake that hit Sichuan Province .

  24. 此次地震发生在四川省,与2008年那场毁灭性的地震发生在同一省份,五年前的那场地震造成90000余人遇难失踪,带来了巨大的创伤。

    The quake in Sichuan province is in the same area as the devastating 2008 earthquake that trauma five years ago , left more than 90000 people dead or missing .

  25. 世界各地的人们都被一只救援狗的令人心碎的故事所感动。据报道,在厄瓜多尔毁灭性的地震之后,这只狗狗共救出了7个人,随后力竭死亡。

    People the world over were touched by the heartbreaking story of a rescue dog that died after reportedly saving seven people in the aftermath of a devastating earthquake in Ecuador .

  26. 东京(路透通讯社)–日本官方警惕日元上涨,因为亚洲汇率明显地价格回稳在星期一早些时候,紧接着星期五在日本毁灭性的地震和海啸。

    TOKYO ( Reuters )– Japanese authorities warned against the yen 's rise as the currency rallied broadly early in Asia on Monday following Friday 's devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan .

  27. 在中国西南地区成千上万的民众奋力抗击一场毁灭性的地震灾害之际,中国的主要慈善机构向公众发出了这样的请求:忘记过去的种种谣言和丑闻,为抗震救灾慷慨解囊。

    As thousands in southwest China struggle in the aftermath of a devastating earthquake , the country 's main charity has a plea : forget rumors and scandals of the past and open your wallet now .

  28. 不过,鉴于日本政府有可能为一项追加预算发行更多债券,以便为3月份毁灭性的地震和海啸之后的重建工作筹措部分资金,扩大投资者基础将是有益的。

    However , given the likelihood that the government may have to issue additional bonds in a supplementary budget to pay for part of the reconstruction from the devastating earthquake and tsunami in March , an increased investor base would be helpful .

  29. 就在那个时候,中国西部遭到毁灭性的大地震的袭击。

    It was then that a devastating earthquake struck western China .

  30. 毁灭性的大地震是一种极可怕的天灾。

    Great destructive earthquakes are a kind of extremely dreadful natural disaster .