
  1. 郑州至武汉段于今年九月开通。

    The Zhengzhou-Wuhan section began operating in September this year .

  2. 太空站首段于1998年进入太空轨道。

    The first section of the station was placed in orbit in1998 .

  3. 京广高铁武汉至广州段于2009年开通运营。

    The Wuhan-Guangzhou part of the high-speed route has been operating since 2009 .

  4. 这段婚姻于1976年结束。

    The marriage was dissolved in 1976 .

  5. 提出了新的干涉标志量递推规则,解决了Hansen算法在遇到多个等距段交于一点时的困难。

    A new recursive rule on the ⅱ( Interference Index ) is presented . It can solve the problem of multi-intersection point for Hansen algorithm .

  6. 实验结果表明照射对照段空肠于72h后已无再生肠腺,而注入段空肠仍有80彩的肠腺存在,肠腺内可见未分化细胞。

    Three days later , about 80 % of the crypts of Lieberkuhn was found to be regenerated in the intestinal segment received the cell administration , while in the irradiated control mice no regenerating crypt was visible .

  7. 用于单段焦化于气加氢精制工艺时可使硫化物脱至0.5mg/m~3,烯烃脱至0.3vol%。

    When used in single & step coker gas hydrorefining process , the catalyst can reduce sulfide level down to 0 . sing / m ' and off in level down to 0 . 3vol % .

  8. 轨道交通3号线的北延伸段已于本周一投入营运。

    The northern extension of Metro Line 3 began operating last Monday .

  9. 我生命的一段历程于今晚结束,明天将开始新的一程

    A phase of my life was closing tonight , a new one opening tomorrow

  10. 他们的第一段婚姻于1974年告吹,于1975再婚并与次年离异。

    They divorced in 1974 , only to remarry in 1975 and divorce again in 1976 .

  11. 在下面这段刊登于一九七五年的访问中,有两位出身不同的音乐家解释为什么音乐是重要的。

    In the following interview printed in1975 , two musicians of different origins explain why music is important .

  12. 手术减压及融合节段全部于手术后2个月获骨性融合,颈椎稳定性良好。

    Bone fusion and good cervical se-quence and stability were found in all patients after 2 months of operation .

  13. 但巴瑟罗确保能提供一段拍摄于这个隧道口的视频,以证明照片的真实性。

    But Barcellos made sure to post a video of the scene to prove that the picture was legit .

  14. 阿巴德在一段发布于黎巴嫩电视、互联网和公告板的视频想代表所有黎巴嫩的宗教。

    Abaad wanted to represent all of Lebanon 's religions in a video for Lebanese TV , the Internet and on billboards .

  15. 面神经由茎乳孔出颅后,经腮腺、咬肌和颊区三段分布于面肌。

    Facial nerve was divided into three segments ( parotid gland , masseter and cheek ) after leaving skull from stylomastoid foramen .

  16. 据悉这段视频于2000年车臣战争期间的拍摄,现在已成为热点视频。

    The clip , which is believed to have been filmed during the war in Chechnya in 2000 , has become a viral hit .

  17. 这段视频于上周一上传至视频分享网站LiveLeak,标题称其拍摄于墨西哥。

    The caption with the clip , which was uploaded to video sharing website LiveLeak last Monday , says the footage was taken in Mexico .

  18. 这件由玛瑙和钻石镶嵌而成的豹形手镯是“爱江山更爱美人”的英王爱德华八世送给温莎公爵夫人的礼物。爱德华八世也因为这段风流韵事于1936年主动退位。

    The onyx and diamond panther bracelet was once owned by Wallis Simpson , whose love affair with King Edward VIII led to his abdication in1936 .

  19. 在面板上任何图表中显示的时间段独立于在快照工具栏上指定的差值处理时间段。

    The timeframe that is shown in any charts on the panels is independent from the timeframe you specified for the delta processing in the snapshot toolbar .

  20. 这段拍摄于肯尼亚马赛马拉国家保护区的视频显示,这匹斑马在其危险的行程中躲过了恶毒的鳄鱼之口。

    The video , filmed in Kenya 's Maasai Mara National Reserve , shows the animal escaping the jaws of a vicious crocodile during its perilous journey .

  21. 新华社在7月份曾报道称,在一段建成于明代、长达6200公里的长城中,30%的城墙已经消失不见了。

    About 30 percent of a 6200 kilometer section of the wall built in the Ming Dynasty has disappeared , the Xinhua News Agency reported in July .

  22. 另外,在噪声强度很小的情况下,合作频率随增益系数变化的曲线出现分段现象,并且每一段对应于一种独特的空间斑图。

    In addition , the frequency of cooperation changing with the multiplication factor presents step structure when the noise intensity is very small , and each segment corresponds to a unique space pattern .

  23. 汀九桥及三号干线郊野公园段也于一九九八年五月通车,将快速公路连接至新界西北部。

    In May 1998 , the expressway system was augmented by the completion of the Ting Kau Bridge and the Route 3 ( Country Park Section ), which provided easy access to the North-West New Territories .

  24. 在她的好朋友、天才儿童麦斯的帮助下,罗丝接受一项任务,她要破解一宗罪案,拯救她的家园和一段失落于异域的爱情。

    With the help of her best friend Max , who 's a genius , she embarks on a mission to solve a crime , save their house , and re-unite a lost love from beyond the grave .

  25. 又或者:精致在于&虽然没有牵手到老那么令人向往,却也毕竟有了一段珍藏于心的美好回忆,可以在这样的美好里一遍遍的独自意会。

    Or : Exquisite is-Although there is no hand to a yearning for old then , but it also has , after all , a section of the collection in mind fond memories can be so beautiful , again with the Tacit alone .

  26. 最后一段道路计划于下月竣工。

    The final section of road is programmed for completion next month .

  27. 牙周韧带宽度B组在每个时间段均窄于A组,差异均具有显著性(P0.05)。

    The periodontal ligament width : Group B in each time period were significant narrower than that in Group A ( P0.05 ) .

  28. 富矿段主要产于断裂在走向和倾向上的波状弯曲处以及NW与NE向断裂交汇部位。

    High grade ore block often located in winding part of fault in strike and dip or intersection part of faults of NW and NE strike .

  29. 结果对照组中间段TR短于心尖段(P<0.05)及基底段TR(P>0.05)。

    Results In control group , mean resting TR was shorter in the mid segments compared to apical ( P < 0.05 ) and basal segments ( P > 0.05 ) .

  30. 这段视频拍摄于迈阿密的布瑞肯地区,并于1月19日上传至Youtube网站。在视频中可以明显看出,这位医生醉气熏天,衣衫不整,正试图强占另一位乘客叫的优步专车。

    The video , shot in Miami 's Brickell area and posted to YouTube on Jan.19 , shows the apparently drunk , shorts-clad neurosurgeon trying to commandeer another Uber customer 's ride .