
cán zhànɡ
  • disability;handicap
  1. 残障人士会需要更多的财政资源。

    Disability can make extra demands on financial resources .

  2. 他因为残障而不适合去做这件事。

    His disability makes him not fitting for the task .

  3. 这家健身房健全和残障人士都可使用。

    The gym can be used by both able-bodied and disabled people .

  4. 有证据表明,这种残障不如看起来那么严重。

    It is arguable that this was not as grave a handicap as it might appear

  5. 我们成立了一个帮助残障人士的协会。

    We have formed an association to help the disabled .

  6. Web可访问性意味着任何人士(包括残障人士)都能使用和访问Web。

    Web accessibility means that people with disabilities can use the Web .

  7. 残障人士在找工作时通常要面临极大困难。[注解]这里“findingemployment”作状语,在原文中后置了,在翻译的时候要把它提到合适的位置上来。

    Persons with disabilities typically face extraordinary obstacles in finding employment .

  8. Web应用程序应该符合检查列表以便残障人士能够使用。

    Web applications should be compliant with the checklist to make the product usable by people with disabilities .

  9. donate(v.)捐献威利斯先生今天捐了四百万给残障人士。

    Mr. Willis donated four million dollars to the handicapped today .

  10. 因此,IBM承诺将支持世界级规范和标准的技术带给残障人士。

    Therefore , IBM has made a commitment to bring technology supporting the World Wide Regulations and Standards to users with disabilities .

  11. Story特别着迷于合成应用于各个方面的声音,从电子游戏到为残障人士而设计的翻译文件成为真人语音的机器。

    Story is especially fascinated by synthetic voices , used in everything from video games to machines that translate documents into spoken words for the visually impaired .

  12. 一般情况下,RA患者都会有持续的滑膜炎、进行性的关节破坏和功能障碍而致残障,长期的病程及最后关节损伤所致的功能障碍给患者及家庭造成极大的痛苦和负担。

    Generally , patients will suffer from persistent synovium inflammation , arthritis and functional impairment and even handicap .

  13. 这个名为InlandRegionalCenter的服务中心,为河滨市和圣贝纳迪诺市超过3.02万名残障人士提供服务。在这次枪击案中,至少还有17人在该中心受伤。

    At least another 17 people were wounded at the Inland Regional Center , which provides services for more than 30200 individuals with disabilities in Riverside and San Bernardino counties .

  14. BCI的研究为残障人员提供一种新的信息交流和控制手段。

    The research of BCI offers a kind of new help for the disabled personnel .

  15. 上海英伦是浙江吉利控股集团(ZhejiangGeelyHoldingGroup)的子公司。据《上海日报》(ShanghaiDaily)援引上海强生的话报道称,这些出租车在投入运营后将优先服务老年人和残障人士等有特殊需求的群体。

    The Shanghai Daily cited Shanghai Qiangsheng as saying it will use the vehicles to give priority service to people who have special needs , such as the elderly and disabled .

  16. 为了让残疾人及那些需要使用辅助设备的残障人士可以进入网站,WAI设立了一些指导方针。

    The WAI sets guidelines for authoring Web sites that are accessible to people with disabilities and those using assistive devices .

  17. 一位不满的员工抱怨macbook笔记本电脑在某一方面不便于残障人士使用。

    An upset employee complained about an aspect of the MacBook laptop that made it difficult for disabled people to use .

  18. 目的:了解视觉运动整合能力发育测验(VMI)在听力残障儿童中的应用价值,为基层提供一种简便有效的智能筛查工具。

    AIM : To evaluate the practical value of the developmental test of visual motor integration ( VMI ) for hearing impaired children and hopefully to provide a convenient and effective screening scale of intelligence .

  19. 尽管电视剧上常有青少年的一两个性格特点,但大部分的残疾人能意识到残障,这还是有待商榷,就像关于WinterbourneView的案子的评论里所说,眼不见,心不烦。

    It 's arguable that despite one or two pioneering characters in television dramas , people with learning disabilities are largely , as was commented in the case of Winterbourne View , out of sight , out of mind .

  20. TomohiroAmemiya,东京大学视力和听力有残障的人士依靠触觉生活。

    TOMOHIRO AMEMIYA , TOKYO UNIVERSITY People who have visual and hearing disabilities rely on their sense of touch .

  21. Marko已经找到他的第一份系统管理员工作:在远端为一个残障人士的非营利团体管理网路。

    Marko already has his first gig as a system administrator , remotely managing a network of computers for a nonprofit that works with people with disabilities .

  22. 用身体自我描述问卷(PSDQ)对残障学生、普通学生进行调查,探讨在我国文化背景下残障中学生、普通中学生身体自我概念发展特点。

    Using PSDQ ( person self descriptive questionair ) to investigate handicapped students and normal students and to discuss handicapped students and normal students ' development characters of penson self-concept .

  23. 听力残障后视觉认知功能研究

    A Research on Visual Cognition Development Followed by Early Hearing Handicap

  24. 我生活在一个由严重残障人组成的团体中。

    I live in a community of people with severe handicaps .

  25. 残障高中生的体育价值观存在显著的性别特征。

    The sports values of disabled students showed remarkable sex characteristic .

  26. 多通道界面对残障网络用户的人文关怀

    The Humanistic Care of Multimodal Interface for the Handicapped Web Users

  27. 对于老人及有些局部残障的人更是适宜。

    Health balls are suitable especially for the old or disabled .

  28. 公平视域下残障学生参与阳光体育的透视

    Disabled students to participate in sunshine sports from perspective of fairness

  29. 论网络对个体自我效能的影响&以社会残障人士为例

    Internet 's Effects on Individual Self-efficacy : An Example from the Handicapped

  30. 残障人体育教育专业课程设计的理论探索

    The Theory Research on Curriculum Install of Specialty of Adapted Physical Education