
cán yí
  • relict
残遗[cán yí]
  1. 银杉林是当今举世瞩目的第三纪残遗植物群落。

    Cathaya argyrophylla forest is a famous Tertiary relict phytocommunity-in the world .

  2. 应用Hausdorff维数,以乡为单位,测算并分析了平湖县乡村聚落群的等级体系结构与组成特征;在乡级聚落群体系中,残遗聚落与发展聚落不属于无标度区;

    The structure of grade system and characteristics of the rural settlements group in Pinghu County are measured and analyzed with the Hausdorff dimension of settlements group , taking the township as a unit .

  3. 风箱果(Physocarpusamurensis),蔷薇科风箱果属落叶灌木,该属全世界约20种,主产北美,在我国分布仅一种,而且是古老的残遗种。

    Physocarpus amurensis belongs to Physocarpus of Rosaceae , which is a defoliate shrub . The genus Physocarpus includes approximately 20 species in the world , and the geographic distribution of this species is centred in North America in the world , only one species in China .

  4. 残遗植物半日花与四合木生理生态学特征的比较研究

    Comparative study on physical ecology characters between two relic plants-Helianthemum songaricum and Tetraena mongolica

  5. 古老、残遗、原始成分较多,反映该植物区系具有一定的古老性;

    There are large proportion of archaic , relic and primitive plants in the flora .

  6. 这样的特有种称为活化残遗种。

    Such endemics have been termed epibiotics .

  7. 一种残存[残遗]种的鱼

    A relict species of fish

  8. 然而,人们仍然认为火星上可能隐藏着细菌形式的生命或它们的残遗化石。

    However , many feel that the planet may hide bacterial forms of life or their fossil remains .

  9. 鄂尔多斯地区是著名的“河套文化”发源地,这里生长着许多珍稀植物,特别是古老残遗植物。

    Erdos is well known for the river civilization and many endangered plants growing specially the old relic plants .

  10. 裸小鼠胸腺残遗器官、脾、淋巴结和皮肤在发育过程中形态学和组织化学的观察

    Morphological and histochemical observations on the development of thymic rudiment , spleen , lymph nodes and skin of the nude mice

  11. 推断它为一残遗种,并分析了它的地质历史、气候、土壤、生物等生态因子。

    Its ecological factors , such as geological history , climate , soil , biological factors , etc , are analyzed .

  12. 绝大多数广西特有杜鹃花种类分布的生境条件十分恶劣,这间接说明了广西特有杜鹃花多是一些古老的残遗种;

    The ecotype conditions of Rhododendron distribution are inferior . It show that most endemic species of Rhododendron in Guangxi are antiquated survival ;

  13. 掌叶木为我国特有残遗植物,仅分布在广西与贵州接壤的石灰岩地区。

    Handeliodendron bodinieri , an epibiotic species of plant unique toChina , is distributed only in the limestone region along the junction of Guangxi Province and Guizhou Province .

  14. 该地区集中分布着一批古老残遗物种,这些物种大多为群落的建群种或优势种,对维持草原化荒漠区脆弱的生态系统具有重要作用。

    Many ancient relic species centrally distributed in the area , most of them were the constructive or dominant species of desert community , their existence played an import .

  15. 从其分布区类型和形态特征上推断本种为残遗种,起源地可能就在劳亚古陆的南部,当今它的分布区这一范围内。

    Based on the distributional and morphological characters , the auther supposes that the origin of this species is located in the south area of Laurasia and become a survivor up to now .

  16. 在裸子植物中,特有属最为丰富,几乎皆是地质历史上北极-第三纪成分的残遗,起源时间较早,可追溯到白垩纪或更早。

    In gymnosperms , all endemic genera are relics of the Arctic-Tertiary flora , having earlier evolutionary history , and can be traced back to the Cretaceous or to the Jurassic and even earlier .

  17. 被子植物中,中国特有属存在于八纲被子植物的所有纲中,几乎在现代被子植物各个演化阶段均有古老残遗的特有类群存在,同时也不乏新特有类群尤其是在演化的高级阶段的类群。

    In angiosperms , the endemic genera are mostly relic , and are represented in all lineages in our Eight-Class System of classification of angiosperms , and endemism can be found in almost every evolutionary stage of extant angiosperms .

  18. 利用概率累积曲线与频率曲线分析浙江省平湖县乡村聚落群的聚落组成特点,初步认为本区聚落群由发展聚落、现存聚落、残遗聚落所组成。

    The constitution of rural settlements group in Pinghu County is demonstrated with probability accumulation curves and frequency curves , and it is set forth that the settlements group in this county consist of the developing settlements , the existing settlements and the survival settlements .

  19. 通常认为,生境片断化使植物残遗种群由于经历随机遗传漂变和高水平的近交以及基因流的下降,而发生遗传侵蚀,遗传多样性下降,遗传结构改变,变得更加分化。

    It is generally thought that habitat fragmentation will lead plant population to experience an erosion of genetic variation , reduction of genetic diversity and change of genetic structure , and make plant population more divergent due to random genetic drift , high level of inbreeding and reduced gene flow .