
sǐ wánɡ shì ɡù
  • fatality;fatal accidents
  1. 过去三年来贵公司是否出现过死亡事故?

    Has your company had a fatality in the last three years ?

  2. 周三,马斯克批评记者,称媒体对上述美国死亡事故的报道多得过分。

    On Wednesday , he criticised journalists for what he claimed was excessive media coverage of the US fatality .

  3. 他告诉了她这次死亡事故的情况,描述经过时尽可能不掺杂个人感情。

    He told her about the death , describing the events in as neutral a manner as he could .

  4. 一起急性CO2、H2S中毒死亡事故及教训

    Lesson from a lethal accident of CO_2 and H_2S poisoning

  5. 自从上一次出现F1车手死亡事故(1994年,艾尔顿&12539;塞纳(AyrtonSenna))以来,安全方面已经取得了长足进展。

    There were also improvements in safety , an area of huge progress since F1 's last driver fatality ( Ayrton Senna in 1994 ) .

  6. 该委员会认为,没有证据显示这些药对幼儿有效,而FDA药品安全官员曾表示,其中一些药物可能有副作用,并与部分死亡事故存在关联,这些情况主要发生在年纪很小的患者身上,而且通常是过量服用。

    The panel concluded there wasn 't evidence that the drugs helped young children , while FDA safety officials had suggested some of the drugs were associated with side effects and some deaths , mostly in very young patients and often involving overdoses .

  7. 虽然传统的腰带式和肩带式安全带每年都能防止数千起死亡事故,但也会引起研究人员所谓的“安全带并发症”(seat-beltsyndrome)。安全带可能导致人体组织、肌肉和脊椎的严重损伤,尤其是在猛烈的撞车事故中。

    Although traditional lap and shoulder belts prevent thousands of deaths a year , they can also cause what researchers call ' seat-belt syndrome . ' The belts can lead to severe injuries to organs , muscles and spines , especially in violent crashes .

  8. 1起松节油急性中毒死亡事故调查

    Analysis on a case of fatal accident of acute turpentine poisoning

  9. 他们不希望因为刹车而再次出现死亡事故。

    They don 't want bad brakes to kill another person .

  10. 1起厕所内硫化氢中毒死亡事故的调查分析

    Analysis on a fatal accident caused by hydrogen sulfide poisoning in lavatory

  11. 你处理过很多类似这种的死亡事故吗?

    Have you had much experiencein this type of death ?

  12. 今年4月份,一周之内就发生了四起死亡事故。

    This April , there were four deaths in a single week .

  13. 禁止酒后开车将会减少许多死亡事故。

    The prohibition against drunken driving will save many lives .

  14. 超过一半的死亡事故涉及酒后驾驶。

    Almost half of the fatal accidents show alcohol involvement .

  15. 强化安全意识减少道路交通死亡事故

    Strengthen Consciousness of Safety and Reduce Traffic Casualty Accident

  16. 交通意外死亡事故162例分析

    Analysis of 162 Cases Due to Road Traffic Accidents

  17. 这些死亡事故中,很多是可以通过完善公路设计和加强道路管理而避免的。

    Many of these deaths are preventable by improved road design and management .

  18. 一起急性苯酚、丙酮中毒死亡事故调查

    Survey on a fatal accident from acute phenol-aceton poisoning

  19. 2002~2003年我国煤矿死亡事故统计分析

    Statistic analysis on fatal accidents in China coal mines from 2002 to 2003

  20. 酗酒是公路死亡事故的最主要的原因。

    Drinking is a principal cause of highway deaths .

  21. 2003年1月-2005年6月煤矿瓦斯死亡事故的统计分析

    Statistical Analysis of Gas Accidents in Coal Mines from January 2003 to June 2005

  22. 这两起死亡事故仍然是个谜。

    These two deaths have remained a mystery .

  23. 一起急性重度苯胺中毒死亡事故报告

    A fatal accident of acute severe aniline poisoning

  24. 某钢铁企业1958~2001年工伤死亡事故原因分析

    Epidemiology of Fatal Occupational Injuries in an Iron and Steel Enterprise during 1958-2001 in China

  25. 这些死亡事故中至少有半数是酒后开车者造成的,另有许多事故是驾驶员疏忽大意所致。

    Fully half of these fatalities come from drunk drivers , and many others from carelessness .

  26. 他还说,没有具体的证据证明死亡事故是由这些静脉注射液引起的。

    He also said there was no concrete evidence that the IV fluids caused the deaths .

  27. 某油矿急性硫化氢中毒死亡事故分析地方性铝氟病

    The analysis on a case of death by hydrogen sulfide toxicosis in a refinery Endemic Al-F Toxicosis

  28. 巴布亚警方周四宣布发生了两起死亡事故,五名嫌犯涉嫌引起骚乱,其中包括一些巴布亚高层独立领导人都被指控犯有叛国罪和持有武器罪。

    Papua police announced Thursday that there were two fatalities from the independence rally , and that five suspects

  29. 铜陵有色金属(集团)公司工伤死亡事故统计分析系统数据库的建立、维护及管理

    Establishment maintenance and management database of work injuries and death accident statistics analysis system in Tongling coloured metal company

  30. 尽管训练期间有出现死亡事故,但我们不能因噎废食。

    Though some deaths happened during the training , we should not give up eating for fear of choking .