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  1. 镱蒸气中由二步光泵和碰撞能量转移产生的受激辐射

    Stimulated radiation generated by two-step pump and collision energy-transfer in ytterbium vapour

  2. 用空心阴极放电管研究金属原子的光离化过程(Ⅰ)&铀原子的共振三步光电离实验

    Study on three-step photoionization of U atoms using a hollow cathode discharge tube

  3. 氖脉冲双步光电流效应

    Ne Pulsed Two-step Optogalvanic Effect

  4. 推导了三步光电离的场方程组和原子布居的密度矩阵方程组。

    The equation of three step photoionization for describing the field and the density matrix as well as the atomic population was derived .

  5. 本文报道利用自制的Kr-U脉冲空心阴极放电管作为金属原子蒸气源,并用空心阴极放电管本身作为探测元件研究铀原子的共振双波长激发三步光电离过程的实验结果。

    Reported here is an experimental investigation of the three-step photoionization of U atoms using a hollow cathode discharge ( HOD ) tube as both the atom source and photoionization signal detector .

  6. 两步共振光电离中的动力学过程分析

    Study of dynamical behavior in two-step optical resonant ionization

  7. 钠原子的饱和三步共振光离化

    Saturated three - photon ionization of Na atoms

  8. 利用一步彩虹光路,进行多次曝光,拍摄了三维物的伪真全息图。

    Multiple exposures are acted by means of one-step rainbow optical circuit , and the false-colour hologram of three-dimensional matter is taken .

  9. 第三步根据光流场中的流速值完成分割图和边缘图的融合,并检测出完整的运动目标。

    In the third step , a whole object was detected by a novel fusion method based on segmentation map and edge map .

  10. 二氧化钛纳米棒自组装纤维的水热一步合成及其光催化性能

    One-step Hydrothermal Synthesis of Titania Nanorod-assembled-microfibers and Its Photocatalytic Activities

  11. 视频中说,暴露在光线中是起床的重要一步,因为光会直接影响身体产出褪黑激素。

    Exposure to light is an important part of waking up , as it is directly linked to the body 's production of melatonin , the video explains .

  12. 不同胺介质中一步合成具有可见光响应的TiO2

    One-Pot Synthesis of Visible-Light Responsive TiO_2 in the Presence of Different Amines

  13. 两步离子交换玻璃光功分器的折射率分布

    Refractive Index Profiles of Two-Step Ion-Exchange Glass Power Splitter

  14. 全息图再现像的波像差与两步拍摄法的光路设计

    The Wave aberration for Holographic Reconstructing Image and the Light-road Design for Two steps Making Method

  15. 在第二部分我们分别研究了超短脉冲激光和长脉冲激光在不同分子介质中传播时的一步和两步TPA及其光限幅行为。

    In the second part , we investigate respectively the one-step and two-step TPA and optical limiting behavior of the ultrashort and microsecond long laser pulses .