- 名orthodoxy

In rejecting Lookstein 's conversion and those of others in similar positions , the rabbinical authorities now risk alienating Jews abroad who practice modern Orthodoxy according to Halakha , or Jewish law .
Christian orthodoxy now holds that the kingdom has been partially realized by the presence of the church in the world , and that it will be fully realized after the Last Judgment .
Trollope 's hero and anti-hero personify the excess of virtue and the excess of vice which in his philosophy threatens the British golden mean .
Last year an ultraorthodox Israeli stabbed six marchers in Jerusalem 's annual Gay Pride Parade .
Specialized apps have even been developed for niche groups like Orthodox Jewish women who adhere to religious family purity laws . The apps say they are " rabbinically approved . "
Born in Boston on March 26 , 1931 , Leonard Simon Nimoy was the second son of Max and Dora Nimoy , Ukrainian immigrants and Orthodox Jews .
ISIS is responsible for ethnic cleansing on a huge scale in its regions of control targeting , in particular , all non-Arab and non-Sunni communities , including Assyrians , Shia , Yazidis , Mandeans and many others .
His black-and-white photographs of nude and seminude women struck some Orthodox Jewish leaders as heretical , but Nimoy asserted that his work was consistent with the teaching of the kabbalah .
Itim handles up to 150 cases a year of modern-Orthodox converts from the United States who are struggling to get married in Israel or are experiencing other issues with the religious establishment .
Lookstein , 84 , is now in an emeritus position at Kehilath Jeshurun , which has a membership of 1100 families , and is considered one of the most established and mainstream Orthodox rabbis in America .
The rabbi , Haskel Lookstein , is one of the most respected Orthodox rabbis in New York , where he has for 58 years led Manhattan 's Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun , after taking over the pulpit from his father .
And you would call yourself an Orthodox Jew . - Yes .
The " modern-Orthodox " account for another 10 % .
True bread is flour and water with a pinch of salt and yeast .
In January , an ultra-Orthodox newspaper removed German chancellor Angela Merkel from a photo .
One section of the French Legitimists and " Young England " exhibited this spectacle .
There are some similarities between material-determinism and the orthodox school of quantum mechanics ── Copenhagen School .
Meanwhile , some Orthodox Jewish legislators say they may introduce a bill to ban same-sex marriages .
A supporter of fundamentalism .
Samson Raphael Hirsch was the founder of Neo-Orthodox Judaism , which is also called Modern Orthodoxy .
Christian doctrine stressing belief in the Trinity . Implication : liberalism , neo-orthodoxy and neo-evangelicalism are NOT orthodox .
As the traditional orthodox in the three groups of Liang literary theory , Xiao Tong despised these works .
And as an orthodox Jew , I was ahead of even other young men of my own age group .
Vipassana is an ultraorthodox , stripped-down and very intensive Buddhist meditation technique . Basically , it 's just sitting .
His opposition to abortion has also won him the favor of many Roman Catholics , Eastern Orthodox and Orthodox Jews .
The biggest obstacle in Livni 's path is the ultra-Orthodox Shas party , a key partner in the current coalition .
The annual gay pride march in Jerusalem has raised strong objections from ultra-Orthodox Jews and is held under heavy security .
Modern Orthodox Judaism adheres to Jewish traditions while admits that adjusting itself according to the development of modern society is necessary .
Fundamentalist Christians like to use the Bible as their sole source of " revelation " and will argue for hours from its pages .
Ultra-Orthodox protesters have denounced what they call the defiling of the holy city , dubbing the march " the parade of abomination . "