
  • 网络benefit
  1. 随着疫苗保护期限延长,方案的BCR值显著增加,且接种方案有可能产生正效益。

    Meantime , with the prolongation of protection period for vaccine , BCR of the programs increased and could generate positive benefit .

  2. 河北省水利工程正效益分析

    Benefit Analysis on Water Conservancy Projects in Hebei

  3. 对经济增长呈现正效益。

    For the reason of effectiveness of positive economic growth .

  4. 水电工程的规模和特点决定了它对环境的影响特别重大,这种影响有正效益和负效益两个方面。

    The environmental impacts of hydropower projects are generally large due to project scale and characteristics .

  5. 当正效益大于负效益时,增装元件改善了系统可靠性,元件为同调元件;反之,为非同调元件。

    If the positive effect is larger than the negative effect , adding a component can improve the system reliability and the component is the reliability coherence component .

  6. 根据效益结果分析,可再生能源项目在社会、环境、安全等方面都具有明显的正效益,但经济效益为负,需要政府政策的扶持。

    According to the results of the analysis , renewable energy projects are positive for social , environmental and national security benefits , but negative for the economic benefits .

  7. 3~7岁组儿童接种水痘疫苗能获得正效益,应作为水痘疫苗免疫接种的首选对象。

    The economic effect is positive in the immunization of varicella vaccine in age from 3 to 7.Children aged from 3 to 7 are at the first choice for vaccination .

  8. 如果考虑副产品能量价值,则新、旧工艺能量收益是正效益,而且新工艺能量收益明显高于旧工艺。

    If the energy value of byproduct considering , both energy benefit of new and old technology are positive , and the benefit of new is obviously higher than the old one .

  9. 除了关联交易变量能够带来明显的正效益外,其他变量对收购方企业绩效的影响不显著,这可能与变量本身理论上对企业绩效影响不确定,也与我们选择的数据有关。

    In addition to relate transaction variables can bring positive benefits , the effects of other variables are not significant which variable itself theoretically impact may be uncertain or the selection of data .

  10. 分析了简单串并联系统以及复杂系统中可靠性非同调现象的产生机理,即将增装元件对系统可靠性的影响分为正效益和负效益两方面。

    The RN mechanism of the simple series , parallel systems and complex systems is analyzed , and the impact of adding a component on the system reliability is divided into two parts : positive effect and negative effect .

  11. 同时,工程开发引发的负效益占到了正效益的63%,说明该工程开发对东江河流生态系统的负面影响是不容忽视的。

    In addition , the negative benefit of the hydro project accounts for 63 % of the positive benefit , which makes it clear that the negative effects of the hydro project on river ecological function should not be neglected .

  12. 1980~2003年华北总的正效益为50287.38亿元,其3地正负效益比为北京116.58∶1,河北32.26∶1,天津2.12∶1。

    The total benefit in North China from 1980 to 2003 is 5028.738 billion yuan , and the ratios of benefit to loss are 116.58 ∶ 1 in Beijing , 2.12 ∶ 1 in Tianjin and 32.26 ∶ 1 in Hebei .

  13. 本文以土地利用变化为纽带,对该区土地利用特征、动态变化进行了研究,研究表明:岷江上游1986~2000年间土地利用变化引起的生态效益变化正负并存,但负效益大于正效益。

    This research studies the land use characteristics and the dynamic changes , taking the land utilization changes as link . The results show that : positive and negative eco-efficiency caused by land use changes co-exists . But , the negative eco-efficiency is greater than the positive eco-efficiency .

  14. 通过最大经济产量系统获得高产,降低单位产量生产成本和提高农民利润对环境产生正效益。

    Higher yields , lower production costs per unit of production , and higher grower profits through MEY systems have a positive benefit for the environment . Our country 's prosperity depends on producing better goods . Herein also lays the fundamental answer to better economic efficiency and competitiveness .

  15. 洪水频率区域综合法中正、负效益的识别

    Identification of Positive and Negative Gains in Regional Flood Frequency Analysis

  16. 两种情况下相关数据的差别正是项目效益的体现。

    The difference just shows the benefit of the project .

  17. Q-学习方法是一种特殊的增强学习方法,可以通过多次迭代计算正/负效益进行主动学习。

    Q-learning approach is a specialized type of reinforcement learning that learns actively by determining iteratively the positive and / or negative rewards .

  18. 城市旅游业的发展对于城市整体发展有明显经济意义上的推动,也正是经济效益带动了各个城市积极进行旅游的开发。

    The development of urban tourism provides an economic impetus for the comprehensive development of the city , and the economic benefit drives the active development of the tourism among all cities .

  19. 净现值大于零说明项目对公司有正的净经济效益。

    A net present value of greater than zero indicates that the project has positive net economic benefit to the company .

  20. 煤炭企业属于以煤炭采掘和洗选加工为主的行业,长期以来重开采轻加工、重生产轻利用、重炼焦轻化工、重经营轻环保,正面临资源环境效益这一难题和悖论。

    Coal enterprise is the enterprise based mainly on coal mining and washing processing . It emphasis on the exploitation , production , coking , management and lights processing , utilization , chemical , environmental protection . Now , coal enterprise faces the problems and paradoxes of " resource-environment-benefit " .