
  1. 日本学者千叶正士提出了著名的“多元法律的三重二分法”,即官方法与非官方法、法律规则与法律原理、固有法与移植法。

    The Japanese scholar Masaji Chiba put forward a famous classified method of plural law : " three layers , each with two divisions ", namely , official law and unofficial law , legal rule and legal principle , regular law and transplanted law .

  2. 正是嬉皮士们将这场运动推到了咖啡店外,推到了美国各地的校园中。

    It was the hippies that took the movement out of the coffee shops and on to the campuses around the country .

  3. 历来为人们所津津乐道的战国时期百家争鸣、白花齐放的思想学术氛围,正是由士阶层所营造。

    The thought academic atmosphere in the Spring and Autumn Period which loves to talk about for the people , is precisely built by the scholar social stratum .