- just as;positive;positive image;erect image

(1) [positive image]∶通常在电视机屏幕或照片上见到的画面,看起来具有和实物相应的明暗色调
(2) [erect image]∶与物的指向相同的像,不同于倒立像
The dispersion modes , which are interference , are only propagated in waveguides , which produce Talbot effects of positive image , inverted image and multi-imaging in MMI devices .
It is ideal that the astigmatism of the landing spot remains positive under any operating current .
Just as in the dark-ground method phase objects are then perceptible .
As some are very rich , so others are very poor .
Southern autumn is to Northern autumn what yellow rice wine is to kaoliang wine , congee , yellow dogs to camels .
As I mentioned in my previous article , the Action class doesn 't do much compared to the other components of this recipe .
This negotiating the Contract phase from a " bent over " position , as Block quips , teaches the client that you work in a bent over position !
Just as struts are essential to the structure of a wing , Struts might become an indispensable part of your next Web project .
But just like any other database technology , native XML databases will provide the most benefit to those who understand well how to optimize their systems for efficiency and responsiveness .
Just as Grails dynamically adds list (), get (), and findBy () methods , the Searchable plug-in adds a search () method .
There is a moment in every battle at which the least maneuver is decisive and gives superiority as one drop of water causes overflow .
Just as the JVM allocates memory for your objects , it also reclaims this memory on objects that are no longer being used .
In this paper , the influence of the amount of fogging agent , pH and pAg on the fogging process in direct positive emulsion was investigated .
As shown in the aforementioned case , the WSIL Explorer tool can save the customer a lot of time .
The successful development of the system will improve the application of virtual reality technology in the coal mine field the same as the CAD aid design systems have made computer technology applied in large scale .
Note that the stylesheet is an XML document ( just like the RSS or Atom stream ) and it uses a namespace ( like Atom elements or RSS extensions ) .
And , as my partner Glenn Solomon recently pointed out , the near-term price of an IPO has little to no correlation with where the stock trades in the future .
Just like the for-each loop , enumerations require support from the class library .
In my own defence , and as my diaries show , I argued for some years with Tony Blair that we needed to act on the culture of our media .
Must be ( relatively ) process neutral : I believe a good solution would be as usable in RUP as in XP ( just as version control and unit testing are ) .
First of all , for those of you who are not familiar with the W3C process as I was not prior to my involvement with this workshop , a quick overview .
Data is optimized for the tablet , so as the company explains , a3-megabyte image may be crunched into a50-kilobyte file .
Just as iterators are a generalization of pointers , function objects are a generalization of functions : a function object is anything that you can call using the ordinary function call syntax .
Little by little and day by day , they were learning to stand up bravely against a cruel and unjust tradition , which could be observed from their attitude toward the Ku Klux Klan .
Stimulated by letter R s , which were rotated 0 or 360 and no matter identical or mirror image , the RT needed in judgment was the lest ( identical image 431 + 54ms , mirror image 504 + 59ms );
ASE is a bridge which facilitates the flow of ideas .
It 's like trusting a wolf to watch over sheep .
Well , that just sounds like Saturday morning to me .
Junjie Gao sorry , chinese Army , like others said .
Knowledge is to power as a compass is to a ship