
  1. 乘着这歌声的翅膀。

    On wings of song , my darling .

  2. 乘着歌声的翅膀飞向永远&纪念贺绿汀诞辰一百周年

    Flying to Eternity with the Wings of Songs ; In Commemorating the Centenary Birthday of He Luting

  3. 今晚就让我们乘着歌声的翅膀,寻找那美好的过去,感受这甜蜜的时光,展望未来幸福的生活。

    Accompanied with the beautiful music , together we shall recall our best memories of the past , enjoy the sweetest moment of the present , and prospect our happy life of the future .

  4. 他创作的三首小而精致的儿童歌曲,把民族音乐文化和科学理想融入童趣世界,让孩子们在优美的歌声中展开理想的翅膀。

    The three short but delicate children 's songs composed by him have merged the national musical culture and scientific theory into the children 's world and let the children spread their ideal wings in the sweet music .