
  • 网络Europeanization;Europeanize;Europeanisation
  1. 欧洲化与政治社会学&欧盟安全与防务政策理论研究的新视角

    Two Theoretical Approaches in ESDP Studies : Europeanization and Political Sociology

  2. 超越国家:行政程序法的欧洲化和全球化

    Beyond the State : the Europeanization and Globalization of Procedural Administrative Law

  3. 克莱斯勒(ChryslerLLC)也同样可以从中受益。如果克莱斯勒与菲亚特(FiatSpA)的结盟能通过审批,那么美国汽车市场的欧洲化将有利于克莱斯勒销售它与菲亚特联合设计的汽车。

    Chrysler LLC could benefit , too , because a Europeanized American car market would buoy its strategy of selling cars co-designed with Italian auto maker Fiat SpA , should that alliance come to pass .

  4. 2004年10月,我国和欧盟签署了中国参与GALILEO计划的技术合作协议,投资2亿欧元,标志着我国航天事业在国际合作领域迈出走向欧洲化的第一大步。

    Our country subscribed the technological cooperation agreement of China 's participation into the Galileo scheming on October 2004 . China agreed to invest a total of 200 million euros , which signed a huge pace of national spaceflight project walk up to Europe in international cooperation field .

  5. 在法国政府看来,更加欧洲化曾经意味着更加法国。

    In Paris , more Europe used to mean more France .

  6. 但在其他方面,美国的“欧洲化”过程几乎已经完成。

    But in other respects its Europeanisation is almost complete .

  7. 对某些评论员而言,这次大选结果看起来非常“欧洲化”。

    To some commentators , this looks like a very European result .

  8. 罗安达在一定程度上已经被再次欧洲化了,他写道。

    Luanda has been partly re-Europeanized , he writes .

  9. 欧洲化国际化全球化&高等学校何处去?

    Europeanization , Internationalization , Globalization : quo vadis , Higher Education Institutions ?

  10. 欧洲化和一体化:欧盟研究中的概念

    Europeanization and Integration : Important Concepts in EU Studies

  11. 德国国际私法的欧洲化

    The Europeanisation of German International Private Law Germany EUROPE

  12. 使在风俗习惯性格或思想上欧洲化。

    Make ( continental ) European in customs , character , or ideas .

  13. 欧盟的东南欧战略与东南欧的欧洲化

    The EU Southeast Europe Strategy and the " Europe anization " of Southeast Europe

  14. 新入盟国家的欧洲化与欧盟共同外交与安全政策

    The Europeanisation of New Member States and EU 's Common Foreign and Security Policy

  15. 清朝前期观象台天文仪器的欧洲化

    The Europeanization of astronomical instruments in the observatory of Peking in the Qing Dynasty

  16. 德国竞争法的欧洲化改革&《反限制竞争法》第7次修订述评

    The Europeanisation Reform of German Competition Law & Review on the 7th Amendment of ARC

  17. 德国联邦制的欧洲化&欧洲一体化对德国联邦制的影响

    The Europeanization of the German Federal System

  18. 欧元区被迫朝着“更加欧洲化”的方向前进,英国却希望“减少欧洲化”。

    The eurozone is being forced towards " more Europe " , while the UK wants less Europe .

  19. 现在,我们需要一个信号,显示德国想要一个更加欧洲化的德国,而非一个更加德国化的欧洲。

    Now we need a signal that Germany wants a more European Germany , rather than a more German Europe .

  20. 布鲁塞尔和其他欧盟成员国的精英们认为,无论问题是什么,答案都是“更加欧洲化”。

    An elite in Brussels and some other capitals takes the view that whatever the problem , the answer is more Europe .

  21. 对于法国和其他国家而言,推出欧元的意义就是要让汇率体系欧洲化而不是为德国掌控。

    The point of the euro , for the French and others , was to make the system European , not German .

  22. 北京国都大饭店是在首都国际机场附近唯一的一家商务和度假村式的国际酒店。兼有欧洲化的舒适环境,为客人提供优质的服务。

    The Sino-Swiss Hotel Beijing Airport is the only international business-resort hotel near to the Beijing Capital Airport offering personalised service in a casual European environment .

  23. 共同外交与安全政策的制度协调是介于欧洲化的向心力和国家控制的离心力之间的一个相互妥协的演进过程。

    Institutional coordination of common foreign and security policy is an evolving process of accommodation that goes between the centripetal force of Europeanization and the centrifugal force of state control .

  24. 若拟出一部欧盟自己的投资协定,并将该条约欧洲化,使其具有欧盟法效力,势必会对欧盟区域组织乃至世界产生深远影响。

    Drawn up an EU investment agreement , and making the treaty " European " and making it with the effectiveness of EU law , must have profound impact to European regional organizations and the world .

  25. 当巴黎或者柏林有声音表示,任何问题的解决方法都是“更加欧洲化”,即增强欧盟机构的集权时,我们应该置若罔闻。

    When voices in Paris or Berlin say the answer to any problem is " more Europe " , by which they mean more centralised power to EU institutions , we should turn a deaf ear .

  26. 从混乱到有序、从初步建立到巩固发展、从以国内政治为中心到迎接欧洲化和全球化的新挑战,中东欧政党政治经历了漫长曲折的演变过程。

    From mess to orderliness , from set-up to consolidation , from domestic politics centered to meeting the challenges of " Europeanisation " and globalization , political parties have experienced a long and tortuous evolution process .

  27. 究其原因,本文认为在转型过程中,欧洲化这种糅合现实主义与建构主义内涵的特殊颠倒的第二意向发挥了主导性作用。

    What is the reason ? This author thinks that in the course of reformation , the Europeanization , a kind of " reversed second intentions " which mixes the realism and constructivism played a leading role .

  28. 文章首先对欧洲化的含义、欧洲化和成员国的关系做了分析,接下来就农业政策领域的欧洲化做了描述,文章的重点放在成员国法国和共同农业政策的关系上。

    Then there is an analysis of the relationship between Europeanization and member states and a description of Europeanization of agricultural policies of member states . The paper focuses on the relationship between France and the Common Agricultural Policy .

  29. 到了20世纪90年代,学者们开始关注欧盟对成员国的影响,提出成员国在欧盟的影响下国内政治、政策等都发生了改变,这种现象被称作欧洲化。

    In the 1990s researchers began to pay more attention to the impact of European Union on the member states . They believe that domestic political systems and policies have been influenced by European Union , and this phenomenon is called " Europeanization " .

  30. 文章指出在东南欧与欧盟之间存在着巨大的制度鸿沟,制度趋同看来是弥合制度鸿沟的惟一出路,而要实现制度趋同,必须借助于欧洲化的力量。

    It points out that a huge institutional gap exists between Southeast Europe and the EU and that institutional convergence seems to be the only outlet to bridge the gap . But to realize institutional convergence , it is imperative to borrow the strength of Europeanization .