
  • 网络european spruce;picea abies
  1. 欧洲云杉引种研究

    Studies on introduction of Picea abies

  2. 光周期具有抑制苗木早期休眠,延长其生长期的作用,具有促进欧洲云杉苗木生长的作用,其在形态指标和生物量上表现得极显著。

    Photoperiod has the impact of inhibiting early dormancy of seedling , prolonging growth time and accelerating growth of Picea abies seedling , which is extremely significant on the morphological index and biomass .

  3. 的频度远大于欧洲云杉林分的频度。欧洲云杉林分各层土壤(腐殖质层、0~10cm矿物质土壤层和11~30cm矿物质土壤层)的酸度稍大于桦树林分各层土壤的酸度。

    Each soil layer ( humus , 0 ~ 10 cm and 11 ~ 30 cm ) in spruce quadrats indicated slightly higher acidity than in the birch quadrats .

  4. 欧洲云杉嫩枝扦插育苗技术

    Vegetative Propagation Technique of Norway Spruce by Softwood Cuttage

  5. 欧洲云杉热处理的研究

    Study on Thermal modification of European Spruce

  6. 细胞分裂素和硝酸铵对欧洲云杉不定芽伸长的影响(英文)

    Influence of Cytokinin and Ammonium Nitrate on Elongation of Adventitious Buds in Norway Spruce ( Picea abies )

  7. 我们于1980年开展了欧洲云杉、日本冷杉、欧洲赤松等几种工业用材针叶树种引种选择研究。

    We developed a study on introduction and selection for several kinds of industrial timber conifer species such as European spruce , Japanese fir and Scotch pine .

  8. 研究结果表明:欧洲云杉、日本冷杉、欧洲赤松的生长量分别比对照油松大16%~28%,19%,228%。

    The result shows that increment for European spruce , Japanese fir and Scotch pine is 16 % ~ 28 % , 19 % and 22.8 % higher than that of contrast Chinese pine in order .

  9. 沙质插壤上各树种生根率分别达欧洲云杉77.5%、白云杉52%、黑云杉44.5%,东部白松在锯末插壤上扦插生根率为35%。

    The results indicated that in sandy cutting medium root growing rate of cuttings of Picea abies , P. glauca and P.mariana were 77.5 % , 52 % and 44.5 % respectively , while in saw dust cutting medium 35 % of cuttings of Pinus strobus had roots .

  10. 所以,和欧洲白云杉或者恩氏云杉比较起来,制造商更能够容忍西加云杉的颜色变化。

    For this reason it is my opinion that manufacturers will tolerate more color variation in Sitka spruce than in the whiter spruces such as European or Engelmann .

  11. 欧洲北部和亚洲的一种高大的云杉;与欧洲云杉相似。

    Tall spruce of northern Europe and Asia ; resembles Norway spruce .