
  • 网络CET;Central European Time
  1. 另一方面,欧洲中部时间,他们认为,应该测试考生的英语能力,而不是电脑技术。

    On the other hand , CET , in their opinion , should test the examinees'English proficiency rather than computer skills .

  2. Medvedev说,公司表示,如果这种障碍不存在,从俄罗斯向乌克兰管道供气从欧洲中部时间周二上午八点或者莫斯科时间上午十点开始。

    Medvedev says the company assumes such obstacles will not be created , and the transit of gas from Russia to Ukraine can begin at 8:00 a.m. Tuesday , Central European time , or 10:00 a.m. Moscow time .

  3. 而从华沙到马德里都采用欧洲中部时间,共计30个国家3亿人口。

    Central European Time is observed from Warsaw to Madrid , by 300m people in 30 states .