
  • 网络Orr;ORE
  1. 丹麦挪威瑞典使用的辅助货币单位;欧尔等于克郎。

    A monetary subunit in Denmark and Norway and Sweden ; 100 ore equal 1 krona .

  2. 百年之前,在龙的指令下,淹没的欧尔帝国从海洋中浮出水面。

    One hundred years ago the drowned empire of Orr rose from the sea at a dragon 's command .

  3. N32.你和欧尔处得如何

    N 32 . Hey , how 'd it go today with Earl ?

  4. 2014年1月,欧尔班赢得了俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔普京(VladimirPutin)对该计划的100亿欧元资金支持。

    Mr Orban won € 10bn in financial backing for the scheme from President Vladimir Putin of Russia in January 2014 .

  5. 夸欧尔的大小和构成物质与它非常相似。

    Quaoar appears to be very similar in size and material .

  6. 夸欧尔可能也是许多这样的新发现之一。

    Quaoar also may be one of many new discoveries .

  7. 从目前的情形来看,欧尔班的经济药方不灵验。

    As things have turned out , his economic prescription has failed .

  8. 欧尔维尔进行第一次飞行,不过只维持了12秒。

    Orville piloted the first flight , which lasted just 12 seconds .

  9. 我是关欧尔这是我孙女露西

    I 'm Earl Granger . My granddaughter , Lucy .

  10. 欧尔今晚没值班啊对

    Must be Earl 's night off . Yeah .

  11. 科学家把这个天体命名为“夸欧尔”。

    Scientists call the object " quaoar " .

  12. 欧尔我觉得我们已经是好朋友了

    Earl , I think we 've become good friends . Think what you want .

  13. 欧尔班似乎盼望中国进一步投资中东欧国家基础设施。

    Orban appeared to be keen on seeing further Chinese investment in infrastructure in CEE countries .

  14. 嗯有点不行耶,那是欧尔他是这家店的老板

    Yeah , I can 't do that . That 's Earl . He owns the place .

  15. 欧尔班已表示会遵从欧委会就上述法规合法性作出的任何决定。

    Mr Orban has said he would abide by any commission decision on the legality of the legislation .

  16. 欧尔莉亚附近的狂怒风暴守卫者身上的超级充能技能不再提高风暴震波的伤害。

    The Supercharged ability on Storm Tempered Keepers near Auriaya will no longer increase the damage of Storm Wave .

  17. 克林顿星期四在布达佩斯和匈牙利总理欧尔班共同主持的记者会中,证实美国要推行的这项政策。

    Clinton confirmed the policy shift at a news conference Thursday with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Budapest .

  18. 夸欧尔的发现,或许可以让我们对太阳系形成有多点理解。

    The discovery of Quaoar might enable us to have a better understanding of the formation of the solar system .

  19. 跟俄罗斯一样,匈牙利民众仍有投票权和抗议权,私有媒体可以批评欧尔班。

    As in Russia , Hungarians can still vote ; citizens can protest and privately owned media can criticise Mr Orban .

  20. 表面上,欧尔班仍在运用精明的沟通策略,把自己的提案说成是为了积极改善财政、使匈牙利有别于希腊。

    Mr Orban on the surface continues with his savvy communications policy that casts his proposals as fiscal proactivity and separates Hungary from Greece .

  21. 而且如果这样的话,为什么夸欧尔、塞德娜及其它星体不是呢?它们比冥王星小些,但没小那多。

    And if so , why not Quaoar and Sedna , and several other worlds , which were smaller than Pluto , but not by much ?

  22. 贝利还证实欧盟官员正在就匈牙利新的媒体法进行质询,该法包含由匈牙利总理维克托-欧尔班的政党控制的特别监督机构的条款。

    Bailly also confirms EU officials are questioning Hungary about new media laws which include a special oversight authority run by members of Prime Minister Viktor Orban 's party .

  23. 这项裁决将破坏欧尔班提出的、匈牙利与俄罗斯建立更紧密关系战略核计划的进展。

    The ruling throws a spanner in the works of a project that Mr Orban has put at the centre of his strategy to build closer links with Russia .