
  1. 农杆菌介导的次郎柿ACC合成酶与ACC氧化酶反义基因遗传转化研究

    Agrobacterium-mediated Genetic Transformation of Antisense ACC Synthase and ACC Oxidase in ' Jiro ' Persimmon

  2. 实现了次郎甜柿静止状态下的分级。

    Under the static condition , gradation for ' Jiro ' persimmons was realized .

  3. 他就是其中一个西乡正次郎!

    He 's the one Saigo shojiro !

  4. 就这样在岛上度过了五个月,外出觅食的万次郎看到了一艘船向小岛驶来。

    After five months , while outscavenging , Manjiro saw a ship sailing towards the island .

  5. 完全甜柿品种次郎果实单宁细胞的纵横径在同期均比其他4个涩柿品种要小;

    The size of tannin cells of PCNA cultivar " Jiro " are smaller than those of 4 PCA cultivars at the same period .

  6. 前言:以柿果为材料,研究了三种型号的新型纳米材料包装对“次郎”甜柿呼吸强度、颜色、硬度、失重率及可溶性固形物含量变化的影响。

    The effect of three type new nano-packaging on respiration , color , firmness , weight loss and total soluble solid content of " Jiro " sweet persimmon were investigated .

  7. 把地点安排的如此之远是因为,如果小次郎在这次决斗中失败,他的很多弟子门徒将杀死武藏。

    The place was so remote probably because by this time Kojiro had acquired many students and disciples , and had Kojiro lost , they would have attempted to kill Musashi .

  8. 计算机视觉技术作为一种无损检测的手段,目前在食品检测方面已经取得了广泛的应用,但在次郎甜柿上的应用尚未有报道。

    As a non-destructive measurement method , computer vision technology has been widely applied in food detection field . However , the application on ' Jiro ' persimmon has not yet been reported .

  9. 这是我第一次尝试了多郎翻译我的黄玉光盘等可能存在的缺陷。

    This is my first attempt for a Multi-Lang translation of my Topaz ROMs so Bugs might exist .