
cì xù
  • order;sequence;arrangement;result;succession
次序 [cì xù]
  • (1) [order]∶排列的先后

  • 以奇怪的次序发布

  • (2) [arrangement;sequence]∶安排事物的式样、方式或方法

  • 对文章次序的乱七八糟感到吃惊

  • (3) [result]∶结果;眉目

  • 应酬少有次序。--《醒世姻缘传》

次序[cì xù]
  1. 经理将按(到达)先后次序接见这些应征者。

    The manager will interview the candidates in order of arrival .

  2. 办事应有个先后次序。

    Things should be taken up in order of priority .

  3. 这些任务必须按一定次序去执行。

    The tasks had to be performed in a particular sequence .

  4. 这几页排错了次序。

    These pages are out of sequence .

  5. (按照优先次序)写下你想具有的品质。

    Write down ( in order of priority ) the qualities you 'd like to have

  6. 他按事情发生的先后次序解释那些情况。

    He explained the facts in the sequence of events .

  7. 次序倒了。

    The order is reversed .

  8. 文件的次序不对。

    The papers are not in the right order .

  9. 它们仅是以关联性渐减的粗略次序排列。

    They are rough order of decreasing relevance .

  10. 前后次序不要颠倒。

    Don 't get the order mixed up .

  11. 按次序发言,别抢嘴。

    We will take turns speaking , so don 't all try to speak at once .

  12. 由此,社交场合中在下午进行的各类进餐次序应该是这样的:午餐(lunch)-->晚午餐(linner)-->午晚餐(dunch)-->晚餐(dinner)。

    Thus , the socially accepted norm with regard to afternoon eating agendas comprises the following progression of meals : Lunch -- > Linner -- > Dunch -- > Dinner .

  13. 将要写句子的时候,她搞乱了字词的次序。

    She jumbles the words when she is supposed to write a sentence .

  14. 他们从来也不会搞错他们上场的次序。

    And never would they make a mistake in the order of their entry upon the stage .

  15. 越国人估计时机已到,便将瓦罐里的谷子换成水,在上面浅浅覆盖一层谷糠,兴冲冲跑来的老鼠一点儿也没有一个提防,在夜里成群结队地再次光临,它们次序井然地进入瓦罐里面,结果一只也没有活着出来。

    Thinking that it is the right time , the Yue person replaced the grains with water , and placed some chaff2 on the surface of the water . During the night , the mice came in groups again excitedly and were not alert at all . They entered the pitcher orderly and none of them came out alive .

  16. 在次序编译模式下,make从左到右工作,首先生成文件info.h。

    In serial build mode , make works from left to right , and the file info . h is generated first .

  17. 基于PLC的报警信号次序显示控制系统

    Order Display Control System of Alarm Signal Based on PLC

  18. 将SOA按照重要性及复用频率区分优先次序。

    Prioritize SOAs in order of importance and frequency of reuse .

  19. 基于GIS的层次分析法在蓄滞洪区启用次序决策中的应用

    Application of GIS Analytic Hierarchy Process for Deciding Operation Sequence of Flood Detention Zones

  20. 结果:CT显示腕尺侧滑液囊滑膜增生,滑液囊增宽、增厚、延长,其内肌腱排列次序紊乱、分散、推移而无增粗改变。

    Results : CT images showed synovial proliferation of bursa carpi ulnaris , the tendines were disarranged .

  21. 更新操作在MODIFY子句中的次序并不影响结果。

    The order of the update operations in the MODIFY clause is irrelevant .

  22. 可以用最外面的表上的索引,以ORDERBY子句的次序返回行,从而消除排序的需要。

    The index on the outermost table can be used to return rows in the order of the ORDER BY clause , eliminating the need for a sort .

  23. Linux引导次序和运行级

    Linux boot sequence and runlevels

  24. 结果表明,脱硫效率与煤的粒度、接种量、菌液pH值、氮磷源加放次序、上柱循环时间有关;

    The experimental results show that the desulfurization efficiency is connected with coal 's granularity , inoculability quantity , pH and nitrogen-phosphorus ;

  25. 改变配置文件中的Property元素的位置只影响处理该元素对于其它元素的相对次序。

    Changing the location of a Property element within a configuration file only affects the relative order by which the element is processed with respect to the other elements .

  26. 与其相反,进行共享的JVM采用以下次序

    In contrast , a JVM running with Class Sharing uses the following order

  27. BEFORE触发器和NOTNULL约束的优先次序

    BEFORE triggers and not NULL constraint precedence

  28. 有两个主要问题:字段标签显示Java属性名,而且它们出现的次序看起来很乱。

    Two main problems are that the field labels appear as Java property names , and the order in which they appear looks messy .

  29. 符号逻辑与定理机器证明的研究中,语义归结PI碰撞与电子排列次序有关。

    In symbolic logic and mechanical theorem proving , semantic resolution PI-clash is related to the order of electrons .

  30. 在进行重组之后,索引NAMESFULLNAME将具有一个极低的群集因子(接近于0),因为现在的行是以随机次序存储的。

    After the reorganization , the index NAMES_FULL_NAME will have a very low cluster factor ( close to0 ), because the rows are now stored in random order .