
xiànɡ pí jīn
  • rubber band;elastic band
橡皮筋 [xiàng pí jīn]
  • [rubber band] 线型或环状橡胶物,用以捆扎物品

  1. 她解开橡皮筋,将浓密的头发披散在肩头。

    She frees her mass of hair from a rubber band and shakes it off her shoulders

  2. 这只是为预防万一橡皮筋从马达轴脱落。

    It 's just in case the rubber band slips off the shaft .

  3. 把橡皮筋拽紧,两头打上结。

    Pull the elastic tight and knot the ends .

  4. “鸟类很容易吃掉塑料或橡皮筋碎片,并有可能死亡,”弗拉克说道。

    " The birds can easily eat pieces of plastic or rubber bands and they can die , " said Flack .

  5. VB6.0中橡皮筋特征绘图的实现方法

    The Method in VB 6.0 of Embodying the Rubber Band Features in Drawing

  6. 最后的结果是,Robbie像橡皮筋一样弹回来

    The conclusion is that Robbie comes springing back like an elastic band .

  7. 慈善机构“保持英国清洁”(KeepBritainTidy)估算,皇家邮政在过去5年花费500万英镑购买了40亿条橡皮筋,其中许多被丢到了街道上。

    The charity Keep Britain Tidy has calculated that Royal Mail has spent £ 5m buying 4bn bands in the past five years , many of which litter the streets .

  8. slowmoguys二人组貌似也是这吗想。他们这次决定用上百条橡皮筋捆绑一个西瓜,压力会引起西瓜爆炸,果肉满天飞。

    This certainly seems to the opinion of the ' Slow Mo Guys ' , who decided to wrap hundreds and hundreds of elastic bands around a watermelon , bracing themselves for the moment the combined pressure leads a dramatic explosion and red faces all around .

  9. 橡皮筋及Kenny-Howard固定带治疗肩锁关节脱位

    Treatment of acromioclavicular dislocation with rubber band and fixing band of kenny-Howard

  10. 据该产品45岁的发明者吴昌俊(音译)透露,这款橡皮筋手织机在多家零售店已经卖出了100万件左右。不久之前,吴昌俊还是底特律日产汽车公司(NissanMotorCo.)的一名资深碰撞试验工程师。

    Already , a million or so of the rubber-band hand looms have sold through various outlets , according to Cheong-Choon Ng , the product 's 45-year-old inventor , who until recently was a senior crash-test engineer for Nissan Motor Co. ( NSANY ) , in Detroit .

  11. 人们现在才发现,这个部门时至今日还在靠回形针和橡皮筋工作,而高频交易员们使用的电脑则排成了行,足以使《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》(BattlestarGalactica)里的首席武器官垂涎三尺。

    This is the part that , as people are only now finding out , is held together by paper clips and rubber bands , while the high frequency traders run computer arrays that would make the chief weapons officer of Battlestar Galactica drool .

  12. 我倒宁愿系吊裤带,只不过因为橡皮筋坏得太快。

    I 'd rather wear braces , only the elastic perishes .

  13. 凭借这个简单的工具,他开始把橡皮筋缠成手链。

    With that , he began looping rubber bands into bracelets .

  14. 说男孩们好像橡皮筋,什么?

    It says boys are like elastic bands . - What ?

  15. 什么乐队不能演奏音乐?&橡皮筋。

    What band can 't play music ? & Rubber band .

  16. 一个橡皮筋,帮助你突破现有的局限;

    An ELASTIC to help you stretch beyond your current limits ;

  17. 实验:把橡皮筋套到盒子上。

    Experiment : Mark the length of the box in centimeters .

  18. 使用橡皮筋和两个科尔比圆形钩制作发卡。

    Using a hair-band and two kirby-grips make the hair bungee .

  19. 结果他的手太大,而橡皮筋又太小。

    They were too small for his fingers , however .

  20. 当时,橡皮筋早已到货。

    By then , the rubber bands had already arrived .

  21. 一根橡皮筋-把我们的心总是紧紧地缠绕在一起。

    A rubber band-to keep our hearts tied together always .

  22. 只是这一次她们要用的是橡皮筋,很多很多的橡皮筋。

    Okay , this time , rubber bands are involved .

  23. 只要一条橡皮筋,就可开启你的房门!

    Defeating a sliding chain lock using a rubber band !

  24. 橡皮筋再拉就要断了。

    If you strain the elastic any more , it will break .

  25. 如果你把那根橡皮筋拉得太长,它会断的。

    That elastic band will snap if you stretch it too far .

  26. 她用一条橡皮筋把她的头发绑在后面。

    She tied her hair back with a rubber band .

  27. 橡皮筋坏了,她的头发散了下来。

    The rubber band broke and her hair came loose as a result .

  28. 这根新橡皮筋有了弹力。

    There is spring in this new rubber band .

  29. 他拉长橡皮筋,啪地一声拉断了。

    He stretched the rubber band till it snapped .

  30. 有的人微笑起来收放自如,就像可伸可缩的橡皮筋一样。

    A smile that snapped back after using , like a stretched band .