
ɡǎn lǎn lǜ
  • olive green
  1. 例句蓝色的商务套装成为了一种城市新风尚。这本时尚杂志说,巧克力色和橄榄绿将成为今秋的流行色。

    This fashion magazine says chocolate and olive green will be the new black this autumn .

  2. 还原橄榄绿B的电化学还原及其染色工艺的探讨

    Investigation of electrochemical reduction and dyeing technology of Vat Olive Green B

  3. ICP-AES法测定还原橄榄绿B中的杂质元素

    Determination of impure elements in vat olive green B by ICP-AES

  4. 戴维·巴顿健身房是橄榄绿、紫罗兰色和太空黑的合奏;纽约运动俱乐部(NewYorkSportsClub)是干净的白色搭配糖果红色,那种红色与巴里训练营(Barry’sBootcamp)魅惑的深红色全然不同。

    There is the chartreuse and violet and space-black thrum of David Barton Gym , and the clean white with candy red accents of New York Sports Club - a red wholly different from the sensual deep red ping of Barry 's Bootcamp .

  5. 在美西战争中,迷彩色展现出自己的优势,蓝色让位给卡其色,最终演变为德怀特·艾森豪威尔(DwightEisenhower)著名短夹克的橄榄绿棕色。

    When the tactics of the Spanish-American War showed the wisdom of some semblance of camouflage , blue gave way to khaki and eventually to the olive-brown tones of Dwight Eisenhower 's famous short jacket .

  6. 成年啄羊鹦鹉通常全身橄榄绿,翅膀底下却有一道亮亮的橘红。

    Adults are mostly olive-green with a brilliant orange flash under their wings .

  7. 这一瓶的颜色是乳白或是迷蒙淡橄榄绿加上迷蒙的淡紫色。

    The colours of this bottle are milky or misty pale olive over misty lilac .

  8. 橄榄绿的外套再配以玫瑰提花内衣,是多么适合她完美的身材呀。

    How cunningly the olive-green dress with its underskirt of rose-brocade fitted her perfect figure .

  9. 他长着一只宽大的希腊种鼻子,一双深橄榄绿的眼睛闪烁着智慧的光芒。

    He had a broad Greek nose and olive black eyes that blazed with intelligence .

  10. 一种橄榄绿的砂岩,含海绿石。

    An olive-green sandstone containing glauconite .

  11. 桑铎·克里冈首先出现在场子上,他穿着烟灰色的战甲,外罩橄榄绿披风。

    Sandor Clegane was the first rider to appear . He wore an olive-green cloak over his soot-grey armor .

  12. 客房里则有橄榄绿的马海毛座椅,椅背后是白色蕾丝的装饰布巾,木材的颜色则是深色。

    Guest rooms have olive green Mohair chairs with white lace doilies slung over the back and dark wood furniture .

  13. 橄榄绿,很流行的,穿起来很正点。

    No , it 's like a - It 's an " olivey " green . It 's very in .

  14. 北美东部的一种植物(河苔草属金鱼藻),长有类似于海草的橄榄绿叶子,而且生长在流速很快的河流中的岩石上。

    An eastern North American plant ( Podostemum ceratophyllum ) having olive-green foliage resembling seaweed and growing on rocks in rapidly flowing streams .

  15. 有的绿色可以让人失去气力,而精明的室内设计师不会使用太多的青柠色和橄榄绿,因为它们会令人联想到疾病和妒忌。

    It can be an energy drainer and canny decorators avoid using too much lime and olive greens because of their association to sickliness and envy .

  16. 辛格,身穿橄榄绿衬衣头戴白色头巾,他向齐丹巴兰扔了一只他的蓝白相间的运动鞋,只差一点就打中齐丹巴兰的脸。

    Singh , dressed in an olive-green shirt and a white turban , then threw his blue and white sneaker at Chidambaram , narrowly missing his face .

  17. 基地外,我们到了一处环形交叉路口,看到有橄榄绿的帐篷搭在草地上。显然这是反政府军的临时营地。

    Outside the base , we came to a traffic roundabout . With olive green field tents pitched on the grass , it was apparently a temporary rebel base .

  18. 他的装扮和他本人一样,已经成为古巴不可或缺的部分。他的大胡子和橄榄绿军装也成为了激励拉美甚至全世界工人和革命者的标志物。

    His dress became as recognized a part of Cuba as he was , with his beard and olive drab becoming an inspiration to blue-collar workers and revolutionaries throughout Latin America and beyond .

  19. 秋天成熟的手已经在抚摸这些山林,因为它们的颜色已经改变,染上了金黄,丹红和橄榄绿。它们对朝日所怀的一片喜悦,像是要奉献给一个新郎,更像是要奉献给一位父亲。

    Autumn 's mellow hand was upon them , as they owned already , touched with gold and red and olive , and their joy towards the sun was less to a bridegroom than a father .

  20. 在到达北京后,吴先生的一只橄榄绿的行李箱(大约85cmX95cmX35cm)不见了。

    On arriving at Beijing International Airport , Mr. Wu 's luggage , being an olive-green plastic suitcase by the size of approximately 85 cm X 95 cm X 35 cm , could not be found at the Baggage Claim Area and was lost .

  21. 橄榄绿土褐色挫败士气,影响征兵,而且军装开始大量进入平民生活,退伍军人穿着它打理草坪或者给顾客加油,军装的声望进一步遭到损害。

    Olive drab was a drag on morale and a handicap to recruitment , and the mass entry of army clothes to the civilian life , as worn by veterans to tend their lawns or to pump a customer 's gas , further eroded its prestige .

  22. 发达芝士,黄瓜,番茄片,黑橄榄和绿橄榄,虾(酸奶莳萝酱)

    Feta , cucumber - , tomato cubes , black and green olives , shrimp .

  23. 集团生产黑橄榄、绿橄榄,罐装和瓶装的整个或去核切片橄榄。

    We pack black and green olives ; whole , pitted sliced and stuffed in both can and jars .