- 网络fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model;Fuzzy synthetic evaluation model;FCEM

Multi-hierarchical fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model of CAI courseware based on grey theory
A fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model based on the DRASTIC system is developed for assessing aquifer vulnerability .
GIS-Based Fuzzy Synthetic Assessment Model for Geological Conditions Suitable for Fully Mechanized Coal Caving
This paper used AHP to calculate weights of evaluation index system , established fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model and got the fuzzy membership matrix through investigation .
An index system on university 's teaching evaluation is presented , and a new fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model is constructed by adopting analysis hierarchy process to ascertain right weight .
In order to solve the problem of ERP software selection that enterprises confronted , totally and objectively evaluate ERP software , a general fuzzy synthetic evaluation model and method have been presented .
The paper establishes the assessment index system for user satisfaction of logistics information system and a fuzzy-AHP model . Finally , it gives out a case to show how to apply the model .
A model of AHP-fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is established , and this model is applied to evaluate implementation effect of the progress control system in Guang-He highway project .
BOT risks fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model is designed for investors evaluate the comprehensive risks of BOT projects in the prophase , to help investors improve the correctness of invest decisions .
On the construction of the model , the traditional fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model is improved , and F function and the multidimensional linear regression model of several targets are combined to set up four multidimensional membership function .
The two-grade fuzzy synthetic evaluation model of VDT operators ' fatigue can be easily applied in companies to evaluate VDT operators ' fatigue .
Fuzzy synthetic evaluation model based on entropy and AHP have been advanced . In order to make the result of evaluation more objective , scientific and reasonable , the entropy weight is put forward to adjust the subjective weight .
The model of BOT and TOT are thoroughly analyzed , implementation procedures of infrastructure concessions are expatiated and Synthetical Evaluation Model Based on Fuzzy Theory is built up for risk analysis of BOT projects .
On this basis , the use of AHP based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model line transformation comprehensive evaluation of the project and concluded that it can not affect the general results of the premise , the complex things simple and efficient .
Further the article designs evaluation index system of land trust from ecological benefit , economical benefit and social benefit , establishes the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model based on the analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ), and provides evaluation methods of land trust .
And combine the research and evaluation on customer satisfaction of logistics at home and abroad , as well as the characteristics of logistics enterprises , constructing the evaluation index system of customer satisfaction , and establishing the dynamic fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model .
In the safety evaluation models , the use of TOPSIS method had been made some modifications , and on the basis of others ' research , the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model of evaluation indexes had been expanded .
Based on the principle of human engineering and the theory of car , the synthesizing evaluating modeling of human engineering for car designing is established by the multiple fuzzy evaluating method , and the modeling is carried out by the technology of EJB ( Enterprise JavaBeans ) .
On the base of these work , this dissertation sets up a mathematics model of fuzzy comprehensive assessment to quantitative evaluate drivers ' perception of road safety , and deriving from this model , gains the index of perceived safety ( IPS ) .
Combining fuzzy synthetic evaluation model of building earthquake damage with formation idea of experts system , applying programs , such as VB and VBA , Intelligence Aided System For Safety Assessment Of Buildings On Sit is developed ( rudiment ) .
The Entropy Fuzzy Synthesis Evaluation Model for Corporation Strategic Restructuring Performance
The Fuzzy Synthetic Appraisal Mode of Benefit of Combating Desertification Project
Fuzzy Comprehensive Assessment Model of Scientific Research Institutes ' Administrative Department
The Interactive Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Model in Demography Economic Simulation System
The model of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of satellite product assurance system
The study and apply on fuzzy synthetic evaluation model with collective deciding
A Fuzzy Integrated Appraisal Model for Telecommunication Investment Decision Making
Model of Multiple Fuzzy Synthetical Evaluation for Enterprise Technology Innovation
Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Model Based on Acceleration Parallel Genetic Algorithm
Model of fuzzy synthetic evaluation on seismic resistance capacity of urban communities